I just played this for the first time...

I just played this for the first time, it being my final Souls game (order: DS1 --> DeS --> BB --> DS3 --> DS2:SOTFS) and I liked it way more than 3. Felt like it actually took skill since you couldn't just spam roll or chug Estus constantly. Stamina managment mattered the entire game, not just in three fights like 4 (Pontiff, Lothric, Nameless, Gael) and there was a lot of different build variety options. Yeah yeah, LAVA CASTLE IN THE SKY, but I found the locations more-or-less more interesting than DS3 too. Especially the dlc.

It's a better game than 3 despite all of your Miyazaki me-mes. FIght me irl if you don't agree faggots

DS1 > BB > DeS > DS2 > DS3

four fights like 3, sorry I'm dyslexic

I accept your opinion

I think DaS2 would be better then DaS3 by miles if it just had a handful more good bosses. The probably is it only has like 2-3 alright main game bosses and the rest are in the DLC and that is only about 4 more. DaS3 has 10 or so solid main game bosses and then alot of the DLC ones are alright or better.

But levels , how you have to traverse them and combat are all better in DaS2. DaS3 feels like BB without what kept up for BBs speed.

How do you enjoy the slow and clunky animations, the awful i-frame stat, and overall shitty enemy variety over 3?

SoTFS was also surprisingly nonlinear compared to BB and 3. I would be fine with 3's linearity if it didn't have so many coma inducing levels sitting next to eachother. The stretch of levels from Road of Sacrifices to Catacombs/Smouldering Lake is the dullest in the series.

>Felt like it actually took skill
opinion disregarded

Because all of that felt more like DS1 and added build variety. You either pick to get ADP or VIT, pick between a roller or a tank with high poise, and aren't just fucking invincible from the time you turn the game on like 3 making everything easy? 3 has no build variety, you either use a quick sword and roll or you're playing wrong whereas it seemed everything was viable in 2. 3 doesn't even have proper poise for christ's sake.

Enemies were better than 3, so I don't know what you mean. DS3 had garbage bosses that were piss easy all the same. I already listed all four good bosses, oh and Frieda, from 3.

You're in the Souls world. What's your class?

cleric because i have the same haircut

>what is hyper armor?

>implying one iframe while swinging is the same thing as poise, and implying it wasn't straight up turned off for the first six months of DS3's life before internet communities whined enough for From to change the value for 0 to 1

that's some shitty ass haircut.

uh how? I think it looks fine on me.

Only literal rockbiter Gumps get bowl cuts. Your parents must fucking hate you. Reported for underage.

>tfw love every souls game and always defend whichever is being shit on

kys yourself you fucking idiot. Some people can pull of certain haircuts.

>defending a bowl cut
Post a picture.

Post it then faggot


I love them all, I just love DS3 the least because it's the worst by far and you plebs only like it because MIYAZAKI (just like Super and Toriyama)


DeS = BB > DaS > DaS2 > DaS3
you KNOW it's true

so Bloodborne 2 when

I genuinely want BB to get a PC release for a popularity boost and more memes

It's honestly not too bad on me. i work at a supermarket and get plenty of compliments.

by old lady's and your mom tho?

>people will actually fall for this


Demon Souls has aged like milk and you know it

someone post some ds2 webm's so I can laugh at contrarians

>video games can age
uh huh, sure kid. next you'll say "dark souls improved mechanically on demon's souls in every way"

Name one way it didn't improve on it mechanically

This is objectively correct

Go try playing FF2 (NES) or Goldeneye 64 and try claiming games don't age again.

>seamless transitions between combat animations were butchered
>backstabbing, parrying and rolling were all buffed in DaS to the point of trivialising the game and removing meaning from pvp

But FF 2 is still good

I'll give you them making PvP a garbage backstab fest but I don't remember the animations being an issue, do you have any examples?

DaS>DaS3=BB>DeS>>>>>>ad infinitum>>>>>>das2

Goldeneye 64 is godly and you're either contrarian or underage if you disagree
I've been meaning to make a webm comparing fluidity throughout the series, it's incredibly jarring to me. In DeS, you may combo r1, r2 with most movesets and it will have an animation for transition. It works for many combos, r1, r1, r2 or r2, r1, r1, r2 and so on. This isn't common for movesets DaS onwards, especially for combos of more than one press. Try it yourself with a longsword, you'll see what I mean. It's an entirely unnatural way of handling a weapon and the model will just have it's arm jerked back to the starting position after a non-animated display. There are many little things like this which were dropped after DeS

what is dragonslayer armor, abyss watchers, Aldritch, demon prince, midir, cinder? all better and more interesting than 90% of bosses in ds2. fuck off with your shitty contrarian logic. And just because you can't face tank everything with muh poise doesn't mean it doesn't work, brainlet. It only works for slower heavier weapons because the last thing a straight sword needs is poise on its attacks

None of those are good bosses at all except for Cinder.

Midir is horseshit. I hate this meme that he's a good boss. He's about as good of one as Ancient Dragon, who is also shit.

Come on nigga, DS3 had some fantastic bosses but Aldrich was garbage

Poise shouldn't have anything to do with weapons at all. It completely invalidates gaining higher VIT, making it another useless stat in 3 where they already cut down on the number of stats. Which makes every character the same.

you still need heavy armor to make your hyper armor good enough to tank certain attacks, and heavy armor still gives you higher defense. So there is still a need for leveling VIT. You sound like you don't know what you are talking about.