>WoD gets 0 content >Legion gets so much content it's hard to catch up
What the fuck changed? Why couldn't they do this for WoD? Is the same thing gonna happen in the next expansion? Like one filler xpac and then a good one.
Nigger its 2017 why the fuck are you still playing wow? Even if you are into necrophilia at some point you'll just be banging the air
Grayson Hernandez
>time gated content behin korean grind levels sure , so much content
Jaxson Garcia
Yeah bro he should playing some mobashit or fpsshit instead it is the current year after all.
Leo Wood
XD here's an upvote friend
Christian Morris
How are your servers doin lad
Anthony Wood
>384906534 >Legion gets so much f2p tier timegating it's hard to catch up ftfy
Christian Long
Warmane always wins.
Joseph Baker
Adrian Stewart
>Failing to reply to a post correctly
Do you have parkinson's or something
Nathaniel Cox
No, he should be playing a legit better game
Owen Jenkins
>Final Fantasy XIV
Matthew Kelly
Levi Garcia
Wow nice job deflecting his valid point tho
Owen Morris
Stop posting, and after 2.5 seconds stop breathing.
Austin Morales
Just accept the truth anons, WoW is dead and it's time to move on.
Jonathan Edwards
I didn't need too, timegating has left since WoD, class hall quests dont really count since theyre a very background thing
If youre talking about World Quests, they're a nice addition to the game that keep you coming back, nothing wrong with them
Asher Brooks
>shilling a shitty Japanese WoW clone
Juan Cruz
>World Quests >Nice addition You have to be joking right? Unless you are a shill, you can't defend that pile of shit
Jayden Gomez
>8 million active players >Dead
Sebastian Myers
I think they were experimenting with the yearly expansion concept with wod and it ended up not working out.
Nathan Flores
yeah i just love all the content
>world quests you've done 1000000X before >artifact grinding >RNG
oh boy i fkn love all that meaningless content
Benjamin Clark
Because WoD was shit and they though it was because of the lack of content. They were wrong.
John Cooper
>7.9 million chinks, BRs and bots Yep, it's dead
Nathaniel Wood
Is it worth even playing at this point as someone who hasnt played in years? I havent played since BC, I consider how much I would have to catch up with and then just opt out. This means I have no high level characters and all my gear is outdated and no "trinkets" to help me get there. I see people have been playing for years and still struggle to complete content.
Leo Taylor
>shamelessly use up every named character from wc3 lore >even the fucking panda >run out of characters >people don't like it anymore >bring one of the old raid bosses back just because >the little goys still eat it up
Levi Diaz
Seriously don't bother. Maybe find a private server that takes your fancy, but everything that made retail wow fun and epic has long since left the game.
Wyatt Sanders
>"How dare they evolve the storyline beyond Warcraft 3"
Parker Flores
no honestly stay clear, if your last expac was bc you will vomit at how terrible this game has become
Thomas Martin
>This is your average WoW player
Blake James
shield bash that fucking moose
Chase Evans
The kid has both Taunt AND Feign Death. What kind of hybrid class is this
Jayden Reed
>This is your average WoW player
Ayden Davis
WoW is still the only MMO that has a world that isnt gay as fuck looking and has a decent fantasy backdrop, which is why Im still interested >go play FF! Anime weeb shit, I cannot stand the way everything looks and the writing/characters makes me wince. INB4 defence force, the game is weeb as fuck and its just not for me >Guild Wars 2 Was ok, until you realize there is no end game content >Lord of the Rings online This wouldve been neat if it wasnt for all the obnoxious paywalls I mean WoW is at least playable right?
Nathan Evans
They do it to hook players by punishing 'quitting'. If you quit, you have brief re-entry periods at the start of each patch. If you quit playing, you close your window to be relevant in the current patch, which is incredibly consumer unfriendly. It's pretty scummy buisiness practice imho. It's intentionally trying to get players addicted and even when they don't like the game, give them a reason not to quit.
but user, that was objectively the problem. WoD had a 22 month lifespan, and only 8 months of it had patches, and that's questionable. There was a single (one) content patch. Lack of content was WoD's problem.
Shatrath, capitol cities, the ogre patch, feralon, a fungus zone, and a legitimate raid on Grom all got cut during development because the entire WoW team got overhauled. Story was entirely re-written during 6.0 and shifted focus away from orcs and onto the Legion, which took plot dominance in 6.1 and onward.
Gabriel Russell
In contrast with literal furries and ass pulls in WoW because devs don't know what to do anymore?
Also, if you hate weeb shit then go to fucking reddit.
Logan Jackson
He should stick to singleplayer games then.
Angel Cruz
That's 90,000 more real people than FF though.
Chase Lopez
>pride in solo WoW >the same solo WoW where a class's nuke one shots mobs when will it be legal to gas the casuals? Only thing a player could remotely take pride in in WoW is Cutting Edge achives and Gladiator rank in PvP, everything else is just easy.
Ayden Phillips
>He didn't Garrote the moose from Stealth
What a faggot.
Alexander Wilson
I dont know man I logged back in after taking a break in november and they gave me artifact power for free. Also WQ give you decent gear to catch up. I was at 865 and I think my character is still relevant. Havent done any Mythics yet, I'm just catching up on the Broken Shore stuff
You got the catchup from 7.2, and you're not caught up to anybody who's been playing since 7.2 started. It's not a problem if you play casually, but they've locked a lot of raiders out of raiding with how much out of raid shit you need to do to raid.
Asher Sanchez
>Also, if you hate weeb shit then go to fucking reddit. Whenever someone says "go to reddit" or something to that effect you have absolutely nothing to say but still feel a need to say something, the word needs to be filtered so people actually have to form a real argument. I dont mind a bit of weeb user, I have a limit. What actually put me over was that everyone looks the same, an androgenous face with a hair swap, even the men, it is not possible to make a man that doesnt look like a twink.
Elijah Johnson
What I said still holds truth, why are you in a website called Sup Forums and hate weeb stuff? Reddit is a legit option for you, not meant as an insult but as an advise.
Samuel Diaz
Caleb Collins
>not just finding a guild Shit I got invited to one just because my name was Oppenhagen and the guild leader was from Denmark
Michael Martinez
wait it happened already?
Kevin Cook
HAHAHAHAHAHA did you type this shitpost inbetween your 3 second gcd while playing your shitty classes in glacially slow 50 minute dungeons?
Isaiah Myers
I said I have a limit, I didnt say I loathe it and wish it didnt exist, shit, Im playing Toukiden 2 right now on PS4 while Im posting, but I can look past it because of the gameplay, I cant do that with an MMO. An MMO needs to have a solid setting and writing if its to be any good.
Ethan Perez
>playing shitty weeb monster hunter rip off end thyself
Caleb James
Of course. Private server subhumans actually thought it would work, as hosted in the US.
Daniel Evans
Well that's what happens when you try to constantly shill your private server on public sites.
Jace Rivera
what happen, i need the salt, pls tell
Sebastian Kelly
Yeah, that's why I didnt roll there. I knew it'd be shut down in the blink of an eye. I just didnt think it'd happen this fast. Warmane and Elysium are basically the only options if you want a 'stable' legacy experience.
Some dumbass decided to make a bunch of noise about his NA hosted TBC private server, 10k players on launch day, huge hype, and proceded to get shut down a day after the server opened.
guy makes a fake tbc server to collect e-mails and donations like has happened several times before
Jack Hill
heres what really happened
>autism cunt is good at coding >codes an entirte tbc server to be as blizzlike as possible >people start hopping on the hype >people start praising cunt like some kind of genius >cunt gets an enormous ego >hype keeps on rolling >finally launches the server >thousands of people try to play >server starts to fuck up hard >cunt starts autisming out >his ego is so big now that he cant admit he fucked up >his server/coding cant handle more than 1000 people at a time >instead of admitting this he fakes a c/d letter and shuts the whole thing down
fucking hilarious
William Howard
Whats wrong with it, Ive been enjoying the gameplay so far.
Connor Bennett
>Private servers get shutdown THANK YOU BLIZZARD!
Players should only be allowed to experience your most recent masterpiece. Thank you for showing then the right way!!
Hunter Thompson
How come Warmane never gets C&D'd?
Luke Fisher
you're worse than faggots arguing over the correct factions
Jeremiah Reyes
>caring about new private servers when there are dozens with a solid playerbase running for years It's about watching people getting their hopes up and crashed you crouton, just like with every PS4 exclusive so far
Elijah Jones
They realized they were all about to lose their jobs.
Caleb Bennett
Ran and hosted in Russia. They're basically imune to the US legal system. Same with Elysium and just about every other decent private server.
Thomas Murphy
I know the thought of actual rotations and more than four buttons scares you
Ryan Ward
Still mad about your shit server getting shut down?
Levi Roberts
I realised I have too many games I need to play as well as books to read and films to watch. don't really see wow as a good time investment anymore.
Oliver Foster
>actual rotation >1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 instead of 1 2 3 1 2 3 Only 2 MMORPGs so far i couldn't stand because of the graphix, wildstars retarded neon-disco and FFXVs every swing a flashy bling design, aswell as the slow gameplay of the latter
Juan Lopez
I absolutely love it. Their general is nowhere to be seen now, a distant memory by now.
They used to shill /wowg/ for weeks with their obnoxious faggotry, and now are eerily silent, probably drowning their sorrows with cheap alcohol.
Private server fags are seriously the most pathetic people alive, right up there with those pathetic FF shills that shill their garbage, dead MMO.
Mason Rivera
Rotations aren't hard when you're only casting 30-40 times per minute on a good day.
Kayden Mitchell
Not sure about Legion having a lot of content, but I do know the director for WoD got fired for bad-mouthing micro-transactions and dismissing "MAKE EVERYTHING GAY" fanatics in an interview during the alpha/beta stage of WoD. He was one of the last classic wow vets and was a pillar of old-Blizzard creativity, and so when the WoW team not only lost that but also the director for their expansion, it sort of blew up in their faces. I'm guessing they scrambled to tie everything together in the last couple months, this is indicated by a few things such as the heavy reliance on garrisons as a hub for everything via a million text boxes, as well as the sudden discarding of the intended capital cities. They probably decided it wasn't worth the effort of trying to fix the mess they've made so they moved on to Legion development.
Brayden Mitchell
Makes sense
Angel Campbell
Dominic Smith
Then it's obvious you didn't play it; with the OCDs it's way faster way and more involved than WoW. You literally can't defend WoW's current Fisher Price mobile phone wannabe setup unless you have nothing else to compare it to because you're new to WoW.
You fucktards literally deserve the lead dev that plays on a tablet
Kevin Wright
>Hehe, fucking WoWfags, all they do is press one button all the time
Wyatt Cruz
Jaxon Collins
Glad's easy as fuck and has been for a while, you literally just get the usual classes into fighting shape and then jump ship as needed depending on what's super retarded for the time, I've gotten glad so many seasons just off the back of come and go warrior bullshit.
Sebastian Lewis
Game is great at the moment for making alts. If you have 1 character at ak40 all your characters can have ak40 also.
I've been making alts and just going through the class order stories and getting class order mounts.
If you have not played the game since bc you get a level 100 demon hunter to start with. You also get a free 100 also I think.
But leveling is fun also especially if you have not played in years. Most of the bad rep comes from long content droughts. The leveling zones themselves are fine.
Jordan Miller
well every class is identical now but at least the APM is high, thanks wrathbabies
Ayden Smith
out of all the classes u post 4 buttons arms kek
Charles Cook
no one talks about current wow, that is really shit for lots of classes, but unironically defending any game with lalafell and the associated playerbase is just retarded, sorry
Kevin Ward
Legion is a huge improvement over Warlords, but it isn't 100% of the way there yet. A lot of content is gated behind time-based reputation grinds. Truth is, though, that between FF14 and legacy servers, plus the subscription dropoff, WoW is feeling some actual competition. That's why it improved.
Luke Murphy
>with the OCDs it's way faster way and more involved than WoW
Stop blowing shit out of your ass.
Daniel Gutierrez
I'm shocked anyone plays Elysium anymore >be Nostalrius >get shutdown >basically say Blizzard haven't heard the last of this and get mainstream media attention >Blizzard invites them to HQ for, what I now believe is, a talk with their lawyers >say if Blizzard doesn't announce legacy servers at Blizzcon they will do something about it >people think they're saying fuck it to the C&D and bringing Nost back >instead they give their code to Elysium and say you can transfer your character over >things going fine until Nost guys come back and say they will be stopping the transfer of characters from their servers to Elysiums >wonder why >then the scandals roll in >mods were taking bribes from chinese players through an untraceable program >duped loot in return >also gave them first access to raids >also duped characters where a level 60 with top raid gear would appear and nobody has ever seen him or raided with him ever >anyone that mentioned any of this was banned from the game >mods would routinely patrol the forums and discord find a bad post look at the name and ban the associated account for calling them out >mods basically come out and say its all true and the majority of Elysium staff is corrupt even after all that its somehow still alive
Anthony Sullivan
I'm glad they left Monk alone, although his dps is shit, the tank/healer/dps are very different from the rest of classes, and still fun imo
Matthew Flores
>tfw Diablo 3 classes take more skill to play than WoW This is the worst timeline
Jason King
I'm not really defending it; I don't even play it currently. I have played it before and that's why it's funny seeing WoWfags try to make shit up. 14 is a bad game for other reasons, but the thought that wow is harder to play is laughable.
Mason Campbell
Because ultimately that's just pointless server drama and as long as the server runs, people will play it.
I didn't really buy into it in the first place, and I dont play elysium, but I realize all the drama is just that. If you want to play vanilla, you play on elysium.
Dylan Diaz
>You fucktards literally deserve the lead dev that plays on a tablet
At least try and have something that's not a meme, it's really easy to find info about this, the nigger's not literally playing the game on an ipad, they use it like an extra control setup.
Xavier Davis
Why would I post anything besides highest dps?
Evan King
Noah Ward
>pointless server drama >Actually taking bribes and letting people buy their power and access to shit
Nigga that's kind of a step up over some people getting mad over slapfights.
Lucas Campbell
>well every class is identical now
this isn't even remotely true, stop shilling disinfo you dumb fuck
Jackson Butler
>but the thought that wow is harder to play is laughable.
Over 9 statics killed O4S within 24 hours of release. The world 2nd KJ kill happed about 20 minutes ago, which is 25 days since it opened. WF took 18 days.
Ethan Hernandez
That game seriously has you averaging only 40-45 casts per minute during normal play? I assume it has several abilities off the GCD for interrupts and such though?
Still, sounds pretty boring. I remember playing prot paladin back in the day and gaps in my 'rotation' would irritate the hell out of me. Had to give up playing prot warrior after they fucked with the rage generation after cataclysm (I think it was?). Then they fucked with blood knight GCDs too, because why not? But I digress.