Why is this so bad?

Why is this so bad?

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Because you're shit

Because you're shit

Because you have been conditioned to dislike non-Capcom fighters

Because you're shit


But it's not. I like it even though I'd always thought all 3d fighters look retarded(i still think some of the spazzy movement looks silly with KBD and dash-cancel spam) and it's my first tekken.

I'm really bad at breaking grabs, like I dunno something in my brain just goes
>ooh pretty animations
instead of
>MASH 1 or 2

Anyone else have problems?

I'd play the shit out of this game if it wasn't for denuvo and lack of crossplay

Eh, that happens to me with unblockables too.
>uuh, shiny lights

Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

Tekken 7 competes with Pokken for EVO entrants not SFV or even Smash.
Tekken 7 has no cross play after 3 years in beta
Tekken 7 has lost 85% of it's online population in the first month.
Tekken 7 has 8 frames of input lag, more than SFV
Tekken 7 takes longer to load than SFV and it was hated on here and yet no crying about Tekken 7.
Tekken 7 has no rematch button meaning you have to go through all the loading times again to rematch
Tekken 7 has broken lobbies and matchmaking on PS4
Tekken 7 has horrible net code on PC
Harada is like that wannabe cool cree uncle at your family parties that secretly likes underage girls
Tekken 7 has no tutorial after 3 years in beta
Tekken 7 first major after release (CEO) had 250 entrants. This was the first part of the Tekken Pro Tour and had less entrants than Smash, Injustice and SFV. steamcharts.com/app/389730
They can't fix the arotcious loading and matchmaking on console, so they brought PC down with it to make it everything fair for buyers. hahahahhaah
sad thing is the pretending namcucks will still defend this trash game even though and pretend it's nothing like SFV outside of the gameplay
They delayed Tekken 7 release date to avoid mistakes and shit that SFV/MK made.
How did they avoid the same mistakes when they committed the same mistakes as SFV? 3 years to release Tekken 7 almost zero singleplayer content, 8 frames of input lag, broken online features & matchmaking just like SFV LOL SOUNDS FAMILIAR MY FELLOW NAMKEKS AND CAPKEKS?
In addition to Crapco killing the Tekken series by making it less like traditional Tekken gameplay with shitty new mechanics and shitty newly character redesigns in Tekken 7.2 frames of input lag:
Tekken 7.2 also has the following:
8 frames of built-in input delay lag
Player connection errors
Broken Lobbies

48 seconds to load a fucking tekken 7.2 match, nearly 20 seconds longer than SFV
twitter.com/KyonumAzzz/status/870725909300498432 (embed)
NO CONTENT- you complained about SF5 but damn is the single player content low in this game. Average length story mode(with a story thats shit even by fighting game story standards), 5 stage arcade mode with no character endings,
ONE FUCKING STAGE character sidestories, endless survival mode thats only used to get cosmetics(where did i hear that before?) and practice mode. Thats fucking it for singleplayer. Namco had a chance to get all those casual that were disappointed by SF5 but they put nothing in the game actually for them.
Zero fucking tutorials or heck anything that actually teaches you how to play. Guess those 30+ gigs are for stupid Car hats to put on Akuma.
Technical issues- 8 FRAMES on consoles plus 48 sec load times.
On PC the game likes to minimize itself during online matches when someone lands a Rage art and doesnt maximize until the match is over so have fun losing.
Searching the lobby lists takes 10+ sec and you have to do it again every time you dont manage to connect to a lobby or the other guy refuses.
YOU CANT FUCKING LEAVE PLAYER MATCH LOBBIES WHILE SOMEONE ELSE IS IN A MATCH! There is no option to leave at all you are stuck there or you have to forcefully close the game. But worse of all i am pretty sure they made Asukas tits smaller. What the fuck Harada? Bring back Tekken 5 Asuka.

>y-yeah, I'd totally play this game if it wasn't for these nonissue things

atleast not be a faggot and man up

>risking the game is dead after a year on pc
I'm not fucking paying for a third party software that does nothing for me, and I'm not paying 60€ to not be able to play in a year
There's no reason to not have crossplay in a fighting game, right now
Fuck off

but denuvo does nothing at all to people who buy the game? Nothing needs or has to have crossplay, like my nigga, stop being a faggot. especially the stereotypical entitled pc master race faggot numale/beta faggot gamer of today


what a piece of shit list

this is bait

Stop posting this list. It quite literally has 3S at the top. Great game, but you 09'ers need to stop wanking it to #37 like Chun-Li&Yun Simulator was bread but sliced. SCV is also above SCII (what the fuck) and there's three MK games alongside T5DR. Alpha 2 is also hot trash.


It's not, you are.

Surprisingly accurate

Tekken 6 and Tag 2 above Tekken 7? Kek, no it isn't. Clearly both him and you don't actually even play the games your are listing.

lets get this shit straight

fighter I played: GOOD

fighter you played: SHIT

>4 in top
>MVC3 Not in low
>Skullgirls not in mid
>KI in high
>KOF13 in high
>SCV in high
>SFxT not in trash tier
>Tekken Tag 2 in the same tier as 1
>All the new fighting games in low tier
This is a shit list.

Here comes the /r/Kappa turd strike defense force. KIKOKEN

>but denuvo does nothing at all to people who buy the game?
nice reading comprehension
>i'm not paying for something that does nothing for me
>but it does nothing for you!

>Nothing needs or has to have crossplay, like my nigga, stop being a faggot. especially the stereotypical entitled pc master race faggot numale/beta faggot gamer of today
that's hardly a comprehensible sentence, i guess you're insulting me?
top notch arguments my friend, keep it up

Where's smash?

This, and Tekken's real crime seems to be
>w-what do you mean this one game out of 100's is NOT aspiring to just copy Street Fighter II??

Look at that guys fucking list up there. Top tier is just SFII expansions or imitators. 2D fags just want another SFII in every new fighter till the end of time.

you know people don't play fighting games because Tag1 is in mid tier.


>tekken 7
>8 frames of input delay
>dumbed down inputs
>retarded comeback mechanics
>worst fucking roster since T4

Fuck off retard

B-but user T3 and TTT were the only g-good tekken's ever they were my first!! n-no i havn't played T5:DRO it will obviously be trash! Reeeeeeeeeee

Lets just be honest, people here would hate ST. It has random damage, missing animations, random stun, tech throws that do damage, spaming, high damage and just over all WEIRD shit.

Melee has transcended tier lists and it is clearly superior to any other fighting game. Smash 4 is in Into the Trash Tier.

This, it's made for redditor posers

>He thinks 8 frames input delay means the same thing as it did for SFV
You know the shortest move in tekken 7 is 10frames ye? It doesn't really effect reactions at all in T7.

Frame delay isn't a big deal in Tekken because there are no 3frame moves.

And STILL better than both 6's slow paced bound mechanics and TTT2's tag combo system and bloated roster. BTFO. I will continue to enjoy the best Tekken since nobody plays T5:DRO anymore


Fuck off retard

I only played one Tekken game in the past so I don't have nostalgia goggles on to confuse it as a bad game. Game is fun for a little bit but honestly I was never really into fighting games.

I think it's okay and it really brings out all the capcom shills and their pasta's so that's a plus.

>Frame delay isn't a big deal in Tekken
Tekkucks, ladies and gentlemen

isn't the lag in the arcade version more than 8?

>if it matters to JDCR it matters in my 2nd Dan games

>when the bait is worse than the bait image

Tag 1 was definitely up there, but it wasn't a very balanced game. WGF was at its peak here, and Michelle-Julia juggles were fucked.

Dumbed down inputs? This isn't MvCi. What got dumbed down? Throw breaks? Hardly.

While I agree that frame delay isn't as a big of a deal in Tekken, but the input lag has been going up ever since Tekken 6 and now it's getting unbearable.

It's getting harder to block on reaction... much harder. Just makes unseeable lows even more powerful. Shit, Snake Edge might actually become viable.

I sincerely hope not, namco should be fucking ashamed of themselves, capcom too.

Fucking Skullgirls has like 2 frames of input lag, its fucking embarrassing. but hey why fix it when you have literal cucks like who will actually sit and defend the input lag.

How many times can you Kbackdash?

>every match boils down to punishing blocked moves with your fastest attack for a 60% juggle combo
>spazzing around in-between
Not saying I don't enjoy Tekken, but I can't play it for long periods of time because match progression is nearly identical each time.

Tekken is one of those games where you think you know what is going on and have it down. and then you play someone that throws a wrench into all those assumptions

This isn't to do with the game inherently, it's to do with people's playstyles.

I've been on this site since 2005 and t this post embodies complete anal devastation on a scale that has rarely been matched.


>Tekken 7 has no cross play after 3 years in beta
Sony's fault
>Tekken 7 has lost 85% of it's online population in the first month.
It's lost about 60% of its PC population, you don't know the PS4 pop.
>Tekken 7 has 8 frames of input lag, more than SFV
In a game where the fastest move is 10f, not 3f.
Everything else in your list is just padding.

Tekken 7 players just get laid more, it's a fact. I've banged three girls on my campus in the last month thanks to telling them I play Tekken, whereas the couple of SFV players on campus get bullied by the girls pretty much daily.

Are you for real? That's the kind of thing a total new player would say to gauge skill

Nah tekken is casual as fuck, it has no depth or complexity, high level games look exactly the same as low level games.

Could you samefag any less obviously? Wait 4 minutes MINIMUM for most effect, don't reply to your own two posts twice in a minute or so.

>entire thread is bait posts, and bait posters replying to other bait posts to agree with them

>he doesn't have ip's on

Check out the newfriend. You think that shit is all you need to git gud? Do you even play these games or just talk about them?

how many times can you k-backdash?

>tag tournament 2 now in top tier

Not a fighting game.

1 then I deathfist immediately

American Paul player. NICE

Why would I samefag and call myself assblasted you fucking retard? I play Tekken 7.

Get your eyes checked

none. Nor can i wave dash.

SO dead average.

The groundwork is fucking great, it's everything else that is insultingly shit, yet I play whenever I have the time, I feel like Harada's whore.

In Tekken everything is so fucking slow and floaty, literally did not evolve from the PS2 era.

Why can't Soul Calibur be the main Namco game.

>Why is this so bad?
It doesn't have best girl.

>he's a mod
>he also posts frogs

>pretending to be someone else that got assblasted by you

Do you bully yourself, faggot?

I disn't claim anything else, i just wanted to join in. Ironically, there are Kazuya and Jin players far worse than me who have movement and spacing down because they thought it was all they need, so they spaz out across the stage for most of the match and get really mad when i (gasp!) don't chase them whatsover and just stand there and wait for them to come to me. Seriously you tards, stop. It won't get you anywhere yet to be able to jerk across the stage like that without an actual plan other than "come git me"

True, but Post rank.

Dead average

>249 games
>still brawler

How does this happen? This game's ranking system is so lenient as well. You can literally throw every single game that isn't up against someone of your rank exactly and not see a big penalty.

>In addition to Crapco
Goddamn, go outside once in a while.

*Block your path*
>Do five EWGFs in a row or your ass is dead

How would you fare Sup Forums?

>And STILL better than both 6's slow paced bound mechanics
Bound and corkscrew are the same shit. How does corkscrew speed up the pacing?

Yup. Post rank.

I think my post was pretty self explanitory. Not that good or into it really. I can just about EWGF

Yah ok.

>floaty in the most grounded fighting game

Alright mate


Nigga wat. Thats Virtua fighter where nothing feels like it actually lands.

First Tekken I've played since 2, I'm just having fun with Lucky Chloe.

>Dawbuu :3

Is "Rucki" asian? Or a white girl being as nip nong ching chong as racistly possible?

>tekkucks think a DP motion is hard
Literally cant make this shit up

"Tekkucks" don't. People who just jumped on this bandwaggon with T7 do. Actual tekken players are just fine. Go master a side step bro.

She's probably something like quarter Jap like Ann from P5.

Because you're shit.

EWGF was always a meme, most people that play Mishimas since ages do them just fine though.

Could be a facelifted chink, could be a weeb, they made it a secret Ruuckeey! ^.~

PEWGFs however...

I thought EWGF doesn't have shortcuts and have tighter timing than usual DP motions?

She's like Steve, a perfect soldier from a lab.

perfect slut more like