Rate my starter PC build

Rate my starter PC build


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>supernova NEX


Get 2x4gb RAM instead of 1x8gb so it's dual-channel.

>mini 4gb

might as well hang urself lads

jeopardizes the whole build. Otherwise, it's fine.

It's pretty shit, but you'll be able to play pretty much everything in 1080p for at least a few years.

What the fuck are you doing, nigger? That thing will probably need only 300w

>That thing will probably need only 300w
did you see his CPU?
AMD trash are power hungry and run hot to boot.

The GPU is actually damn good for a low-power, low price GPU.

Alright except for the PSU

Either way it's still way too overkill for a build like that.

>not using ryzen

You can do way better with that budget. Switch out the mobo and CPU for a Ryzen setup, and get a cheaper PSU. That one's overkill.

>make new pc
>get a 1070
>make the mistake and get a i5 7400

I should have gotten a better CPU while I was at it.

That CPU is actually really good for its price. One of the best purchases I made a few years ago.

What's wrong with that CPU?

>Buying a fx processor
>In 2017
>With Ryzen out
>Using a am3+ for anything other than phenom processors


>That CPU is actually really good for its price.
it's OK and might work just fine for mundane daily tasks and even gaming. But AMD's processors are notorious for their shitty reliability and lack of various, finer technological features.

You really need to make sure that your cooler's sufficient enough & keep the innards clean, if you use AMD's components.

Get ryzen. You have no upgrade paths with an 8320.

Stay butthurt about ryzen, Intel fanboy desu.

it's not fanboyism when the alternatives are literally dangerous AND inferior.

You really should research more, ryzen outclasses most Intel i7 processors. Ryzen 1700x and 1800x are better than 7700k and 6850k respectively.

Have you been living under a rock? Ryzen is better than Kaby Lake in price/performance and isn't a housefire like Bulldozer

You are thinking about FX proccesors, which are completely different than Ryzen, Ryzen is a completely different architecture.

Also, Intel is the new housefire king.

Even if this is a bait thread, please don't

Fucking why?
Just do a Pentium G4560+1050ti and you are set. G4560 is also only like $80 and is hyperthreaded and far newer than the FX.

It will work for any game out there except CPU heavy games, like the Total War series. Even on the lowest settings I can only squeeze out around 45 frames on Warhammer in a 20vs20 unit battle during engagement.

Nah, the price was right. My only gripe with it was that it had a Overdrive function which was a pain in the ass. It basically make your games microstutter every 20 seconds for a few seconds while it switched cores or something-something. Could only be disabled in BIOS, but that depended entirely if your motherboard was modern or not. I had a shitty one and couldn't disable it because the option was literally not there, so every single day (because the options were never saved) I had to start up a AMD program and siable the function externally.

Pretty solid but it can run hitman with highest specs?

4 threads at a low clockspeed
A Ryzen 1400 would have been much better than the i5 7400

>But AMD's processors are notorious for their shitty reliability and lack of various, finer technological features.
This is just wrong

No, it is just right and true.
You can say and think anything about their GPUs, but AMD processors have always been absolute trash, an automatic cruise controls for problems.

Also, ask any and all 3D modelers, Photoshoppers, etc, why their professional work machine has an Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU, and you will get the same answers: they not only work better, but they also have features AMD lacks.

Ryzen has every feature inferno lake also has

>Ryzen has every feature inferno lake also has
I somehow doubt that, unless Intel has made its tech open source.

>AMD CPU that isn't Ryzen or Threadripper
>DDR3 RAM in the year 2017
Re-evaluate yourself senpai

Both support all modern instruction sets (with the exception of low end kaby lake lacking AVX-2)

>Overdrive function
Overdrive was the name of the overclocking software
You mean core parking or something?

change it.
get a mobo that can use DDR4 ram, and get that instead of DDR3, you will also have to make sure the cpu will still be compatible and possibly switch that out as well.
otherwise you're just going to be buying tech that will soon be outdated and obsolete.

No, it wasn't core parking, but I had to disable that shit too because of microstutter. But you're correct in that I got the name wrong; TurboCore was what I was thinking of. Cool feature in concept, but not so much in practice.

What kind of board doesn't allow you to disable the turbo boost?
But at least they got it right with Ryzen

You're underage, AMD was destroying Intel performance wise pre-Nehalem and made AMD64.

I'd spring for 16gb of ram. A lot of games are starting to push past the 7.5gb realm now that 64-bit windows is required.

>get a mobo that can use DDR4 ram, and get that instead of DDR3,

essentially pointless but i guess you might as well

closed the page immediately

Nope. I'm literally 30 years old now, and been actively gaming on PC since late 90s. I built my first, own gaming machine at age of 15.

Anyone I know that has used AMD compontents has had their machines blow up sooner or later, while my old Intel and Nvidia components and entire PCs still work and even serve in daily activities this very day.


How is this? It says it's 400 something dollars but it's closer to $600 with the card.

I honest to god cannot remember what model it was, but I had the latest version and had updated anything that could be updated on the PC, and despite that there was no option in BIOS to disable it. You could change the usual stuff but nowhere, NOWHERE was an option for TurboCore. So yeah, every day since I had to use the Overdrive program to disable it, which made me paranoid as hell. Changing a CPU function in Windows is begging for trouble. And I had to do it every day because the program never saved my settings after the PC restarted, no matter what I did.

When the card actually worked it was its asking price but goddamn, I'm never getting a AMD CPU again.

That's pretty good, but you might wanna switch the graphics card for a GTX 1060 if you do any sort of emulation or are interested in it.

AMD has never been a good purchase

Aren't 480s difficult to get because of all the mining shit going on?

I'm building it around the idea of running CEMU well, and at maximum I want it to run overwatch or doom at a good pace. Will that work out for me with this?

As a rule of thumb, AMD and emulation don't go well together. I don't think CEMU even officially supports AMD cards at the moment and you have to do a dozen different workarounds just to get a similar experience to an Nvidia card, if even possible.

What mining shit?

Don't remember this piece of shit?

Have you been living under a rock?

Save a bit more and get an i3-6300.
Not only is it faster but it the socket has many upgrade choices compare to the AM3

>Half decade old CPU
Try again

I wouldn't even go for Ryzen, I seriously thought about it but I play a lot of older single threaded games, and its not like a 7700k is going to bottleneck anything. Still waiting for the 6core i5.

>650w PSU
>for a Piledriver CPU and low-tier GPU

I can tell without checking that this is overkill, even if you overclock

Why doesn't PCPartPicker have Nvidia options? I can't seem to find them.

Get dual channel RAM and an ATX board (MSI tomahawk for example)
And a better PSU like the Antec VP (still pretty cheap)

Should have quoted the part, but I meant the i5.

Only CEMU has problems with Radeon in my experience
Other emulators are fine

I have no idea. Never used the site because I don't live in the US.

They don't support intel but AMD runs well

Oh user.



AMD GPUs work fine with emulators. CEMU is just hot garbage.

You're thinking of AMD CPUs. My 6350 struggles to run Dolphin.

>My 6350 struggles to run Dolphin.
Try the DX12 mode
No slowdowns on my 8350 with plenty of headroom
It also struggled before that

Had about an equal amount of intel and AMD
All except for 2 intel machines died
All AMD ones are still fine

Oh shit ok I just realized the CPU doesn't matter with CEMU. So if I bought an AMD video card/GPU but a non AMD CPU would they be compatible?

>So if I bought an AMD video card/GPU but a non AMD CPU would they be compatible?
Yes, but why would you do that when ryzen exists?

So is the Ryzen in the build I posted good?

You might as well get a 680 or a 770 or something for a better price to performance ratio at that tier.

Also, OP, you picked the ABSOLUTE WORST time to build a gayman PC. Miners just drove up GPU prices. 1070s cost more than 1080s did 2 weeks ago. 1080s and 1080ti are almost a hundred bucks over their MSRP, 1060s and 1070s are closer to 200. 1050ti is overpriced by at least $50.

It won't go back up anytime soon, so you're better off waiting until Cyber Monday and picking up a grafix card that's not shit.

Here is a better deal get a refurbished dell optiplex and slap a new GTX 1050Ti inside.
It will be enough for 1080p.

Get 16GB of RAM.

I upgraded my ram last week and noticed some problems in games vanish. I thought 8GB was fine but turns out some games were having performance issues because 8GB wasn't enough.

>get a 1070
Might as well spend an extra $40 and get a 1080.

What build?
That one?


Ok what do I do here? My goal is to run BOTW on CEMU smoothly, and at a maximum I'll be playing games like Overwatch or Doom at mediocre settings. Will this cut it? What would you change? Reminder, Intel GPU won't work with CEMU.

Careful on that case, not too much air flow.

The thing Cemu wants most is high single core performance. 3.2ghz isn't really going to cut it. I'd recommend getting the 1500x if you don't want to overclock or stick with the 1400 if you're fine with overclocking.

More expensive, but it shouldnt break the budget

>2 year warranty
buy another brand with 3 year warranty, if its less than 3 years its probably shit.

Is 3.5 ghz really going to make a difference over 3.2? I'm not planning on over clocking at all.

Not a lot and CEMU should still run fine
And overclocking is easy if you really need it
But the 1500x also has more cache which also increases performance a bit

So my current build with the 1500x will live up to my needs for at least a year?

It really does, especially considering most emulators don't use more than two cores, especially Cemu and PCSX2. If you can somehow snag an i7 4790k then go for that as it's arguably the best CPU for emulation. It has a stock clock of 4Ghz and can easily reach 5Ghz provided you want to overclock down the line. Might be a bit expensive though.

>ryzen 1400
if you're not overclocking that then don't bother just get an i5 7600k or something

You can always get an i3-7350k and upgrade down the line

I'd like to focus on the higher end stuff more, like playing Doom/OW well. This will work?


Can someone build my lazy pathetic ass a rig that can run games on high at 144hz, 1440p for for the lowest amount of money? Fucking miners, man.

Yes it's great but games like DOOM heavily rely on having a good graphics card. RX 480 and an i7 4790k means you can get over 110 fps on max settings, 1440p resolution. It might be hard to find an RX 480 but if you manage to get one, know that AMD cards perform better in DOOM because of Vulkan technology. The same goes for many games like Hitman. Overwatch should be fine on any hardware you throw at it. Also I really recommend you get 2x4GB instead of a single 8GB stick because you may stutter a lot with single-channel RAM. That happened to be until I upgraded to 2x8GB.

Go with this

Don't go without a SSD in 2017.

Ok that's great to hear. So my build is fulfilling for a low price which is good. How hard should it be to find a 480/580?

Rate my build Sup Forums


>RX 560
ryzen has shit single core performance, get an i5 6600k

Eh, at least I got a (You). Maybe I can use it to buy a pc.


Very hard, honestly building a PC right now is really fucking difficult because of miners. I would recommend either buying an overpriced RX 580 if you want to build now or just waiting until the mining craze dies and buying a card from one of the manufacturers. You could also buy it for cheap as fuck used once that happens but the GPU fan will more than likely fail on you after a few months because of the stress put on it by miners.
What games are you planning on playing? Are you going to upgrade that CPU in the future? If not then that PSU is overkill. i3 6100 is a very solid CPU though I would recommend getting the Pentium G4560 for a bit cheaper as they're basically the same when it comes to game performance.


I'M NOT PAYING $500 FOR A 580X OR 1060



Im planning to order everything in the last week of September, do you think this will still be going on in 3 months?

Ethereum is dropping pretty fast so I don't imagine it will be around for longer. You should buy all the parts you need on Cyber Monday for the best deals.