Why do people on smash team up on free for all?

Why do people on smash team up on free for all?

I had every game tonight do it.

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stop being annoying then.

Did they really put Cuck in the subtitles?

Because teaming up with a team-hitting handicap is fun. I don't do it myself outside of closed friendlies, but co-operating under common agression can get pretty inteesting, specialy during uncoordinated meteor smashes that may or may not fuck over your teammate

I'm desperately looking for a smash thread to get help setting up a modpack and /vg/ is bloody useless as usual, what do

Watch it and find out, it's worth your time.

netorare = cuckhold


have lower lives and team up with other people

You're not alone

>for fun
>doesnt have fun

im baffled myslef

If an Aztec god says
>oh those pesky patriarchal societal demands were getting on my nerves, so I changed clothes
in the dub, nothing surprises me anymore.

For what purpose would such a dub even exist?

So feminists ans SJWs can force their ideology into everything. Same way they did with social media, universities, video games, movies and comics.

yes they do,but it's not worth your time don't fall for this asshole's bait

>not STRICTLY playing 1v1

>Why do people on smash team up on free for all?

Because they know they can't win without resorting teaming up with the other losers against the winning player.

>playing free for all
you found the issue

link pic nig

more like playing smash is the issue

Why do people in society team up on real life?

nice post buddy

I want to cuck Riko off Kanna.
The show was mediocre though, apart from Kanna and Riko. I'd still play a video game of it.


Have you heard of gang stalking? I, hate to tell you this, but you're likely the victim of systematic harassment. The full extent, of which, will not be revieled to you, until, you open your eyes to the reality of what "games," so called, actually are. You opened yourself to something dangerous. It wasn't your fault, how could you know, you just wanted to play a game lol, instead of working, and you beat the wrong person. It's too bad, that, their handlers, in all of their ivory tower Zionist architectual hands, that they have the tools to find out who you are just through the game, it's their right... lolz, that's what they say.

You're dealing with murderers, who want you to suffer, and want you to be a ruined person, lol, so don't give in... You'll start to notice more, and more people communicating around you, really communicating with telepathy ESP mind control and if you play the game in public that's when they'll get their communications in your games. Your Smash Bros will become a microphone and then your life will become hell.

There is help... You can find support among people who live with and resist these shit sucking scumbag perp fucks... I already said too much but lol I'm in hell already...

We can help you... These are terrorists, and, murderers, don't do it alone.e....
God bless, peace

She says netorare (cuckold).

OP, I hope you're still here, you, you need this, I hope you get this, please, be safe.