>keep getting better and better
>rank keeps getting lower and lower
Keep getting better and better
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing ranked or caring about it
found your problem
Just means everybody else is getting better faster than you
>enemy scores 8 seconds in
>both teammates leave
yeah real fun
It's a very common pattern in RL, you get better, get more confident in your skills, and end up unconsciously playing in a selfish way, fucking up more, and all that stuff. Giving and respecting your teammate(s) space and have awareness of their positions is way more important than mechanical skills.
nice ugly dumb hat
You're ugly and dumb.
thanks, I love it too
Is the ps4 community still alive?
yeah, and it has pc crossplay too
love this game but Sup Forums don't want to discuss it. damn shame we can't get 30 or so dedicated anons to keep a /vg/ going. i'm a true NEET that would do a 12 hour shift, but i'm sure it'll die the minute I go to sleep.
How often do you play? I'm gold 3, but I don't get to play but maybe three hours a week thanks to work. While I'm still getting better, other people in my rank always seem to be way fucking better than me. Only thing I'm still on par with is defensive play/saves and control at mid.
>Tfw RL tracker says I'm top 6% saves, but top 56% on goals
there's a steam group if you wanna join
>Forced to play a match on wasteland despite marking it as disliked.
>have star base and tokyo disliked
>get both more than any other map
i'm convinced that shit does not work.
I literally just quit out of wasteland now
fuck it's so bad
>not liking star base
Competitive games have matching systems, that grade you and put you against similar players.
As you become a better player it matches you against better players too, you will never reach a point where you win most of your matches if that's what you expect.
As an example, I played Overwatch for about 5 months. I became decent, then I took a 2 month break and decided to try it again. I was incredibly rusty but the matcher still put me against players I was of a similar skill level to the point I stopped playing, I got steamrolled for a solid hour before I uninstalled again.
Trying to get better in competitive games is like a dog chasing it's own tail.
anyone wanna get some lobby matches going?
All maps should fit an exact standard, the fact you get stupid shit like wasteland and this new oblong map is unacceptable.
doesn't happen in tournaments
psyonix pls
I prefer not to waste my effort on meme maps. It looks great, but it's a waste of time.
agreed. they have rocket labs and other play modes for this shit, but try to force it on us. even the niche community that only players rocket lab maps complained when they were put into normal rotation.
your car looks the same way it did a year and a half ago?
Got a few other presets, but this is my favorite.
>finally stopped getting reddit and memey items
>Tfw love those pitches, have them marked as like
>Tfw seem to win on those more than normal pitches
I'd play when I get home if I didn't have work in the morning