Name a recent console that had a better first 9 months than the Switch

Name a recent console that had a better first 9 months than the Switch.

I don't think you can.

Other urls found in this thread:

the ps triple


>1998 is recent

define recent then

sonybabies in full denial

>first 9 months
Fuck you OP, you legitimately had me questioning if the Switch came out nine months ago from now, started freaking out about how I lost that much time before I double checked the date.

I need to get back on my meds, don't I?

I only bought Splatoon 2 and Breath of the Wild and frankly BotW wasn't as hype as I was hoping.

Last 3 are weeb shit nobody outside of weebs and jps want.
first is a port.
arms was ok at best
mario could be good
splatoon2 is the first again, the map rotation of 2 fucking maps for hours is appalling
zelda was good

:/ dunno senpai, i'd give it a 6/10

One could be worried they're frontloading it all and there's nothing after it, but it's so far away and we already know Smash, Metroid and a full Pokémon RPG is happening. Oh and a Fire Emblem Switch game too.
Unreal man, Ninty is rocking it.

>literal rerelease of a last gen game
>shitty glorified overpriced tech demo
>looks very promising, that is one game
>rerelease of a terrible MH game
>a fucking sumou game, how embarrassing
>a singleplayer mmo

Whoa, the Switch is going to get one interesting game in its first year, so amazing.

the fact that so many people think the ps2 launched in 2001 just shows how bad the ps2 launch was in terms of games

You realize the PS2 launched in 2000?

>first year
>hurr launch
How nice of you to change the goalpost.

op said first nine months

Hmm? What has been said about Smash? I expect Smash 4 Switch, but didn't think anything had come up yet.

They all but outright confirmed it already at e3 during the tournaments for arms and splatoon

Why isn't rabbids on there

>Has the last entire 2 years of Wii U development time
>Still only release 1 title this year that has some effort

Wow, what a lineup. What happens when the ports stop?

There are upcoming games on the picture, dingus.

The switch isn't going to get anything after its first 9 months anyways, so 9 months of the switch is equivalent to 12 months of any other console.

Arms: Shove It Up Your Own Ass Game.

your reaching

feel free to btfo yourself by referring to this post
or really, to any article showing you what's coming after 2017

Ps3 was shit until the later half of 2009

I keep seeing this but I'm genuinely curious, what was the first year of the DC?

0/10, that image isn't the first year of ps2 anyway

OK, good to hear since I was stuck playing the 3ds version. I guess they want to give Arms and Splatoon 2 some time before showing off Smash.

Hopefully that's what Capcom is doing with Monster Hunter World and the localization of XX

Forgot to mention next year's first half will also be giving us Yoshi and Kirby.

The nine months of pregnancy are bliss compared to actually having a real breathing child. Let that sink in.

Go ahead then, prove me wrong. The Switch isn't going to get anything worthwhile in the last 3 months of its first year. You literally can't disprove this.

I like how you narrowed it down to 9 months cause you got BTFO last time, you shill.

It's still the PS2 btw.
>hurr first year
Launched October of 2000

Half those games are after October

Kino show m8

You do realize MGS2, Max Payne, Gran Turismo, GTAIII, FFX, and DMC were all out within the first 9 months of the PS2 launch right?

>Virtua Fighter 3tb
>Hydro Thunder
>NFL Blitz 2000
>Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
>Power Stone
>Tokyo Xtreme Racer
>Dynamite Cop
>Sega Rally 2
>Sega Bass Fishing
>Toy Commander
>Giga Wing
>Space Channel 5
>ChuChu Rocket
>Zombie Revenge
>The House of the Dead 2
Sonic Adventure


Wrong. Most were out by June 2001.


do you even bother to google this shit?

Xbox first year (November 2001 - 2002)
>Silent Hill 2
>Project Gotham Racing
>Max Payne
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Shenmue 2
>Splinter Cell
>Fatal Frame


Am I wrong about the rest?

Didn't think so.


>expansion pack
>a musou game
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

The only thing the Switch has going for it is Wii U nostalgia.

It has some cool exclusives but no multiplats, so it still loses?

>that one switch autist who keeps pushing the idea musou games are ever good

Ok but where are the good games?
I see Jet Set Radio

Playstation 4.

All of those are good user. Sorry they don't have loli squids and bright colors to quell your pedo ass.

I just realized something funny. At the end of the year, after just 9 months of existing, the Switch will have a better library than the PS4 already, which will then be 4 years old.

did xc2 get a release date yet

Sounds pretty subjective for a console that hasn't been out nine months.

I don't think ports are a good thing.

>Fire Emblem warriors
Lol. Who the fuck cares about these games? When they make an actual Fire Emblem game, then it would be a good lineup.

the first xbox is one of the most underrated consoles of all time. it had so many good games and usually always the best version of multiplats.

Why is it always Nintendo fans that try to start console wars? Why do they have such an inferiority complex? I guess losing every generation can make you feel small.

Shut up and post more Hotaru and/or Saya.

>Fusion Frenzy

Literally me. Those were the days.

>Why is it always Nintendo fans that try to start console wars?

Did you come to Sup Forums 5 minutes ago?

PS4 killed the Wii U. If it kills the Switch too will it be the first console to kill two consoles in a generation? I think so.

>When they make an actual Fire Emblem game
Already announced. Switch exclusive.

Guess Ninty just won :^)

Won what? The fuck is wrong with you people?

seeing DOA3 for the first time blew my 12-year-old (in 2001) brain. dat forest stage man. still looks beautiful to this day

Will it?

Half the library is ports of WiiU games.

The rest are multiplats with 3DS, a shitty musou game, an expansion pack, and a mediocre fighting game.

Only Mario winds up being its only worthwhile exclusive.

Meanwhile, in 4 years, PS4 has racked up plenty of worthwhile exclusives. Bloodborne, Nioh, Last Guardian, Grav Rush 2, Horizon, Crash N'Sane Trilogy, Gundam Versus...

Everything. It's over.

So what is Xeno 2 out of those?
a 3ds multiplat? no
a musou? no
an xpack? no
a fighting game? no
a wiiu port? no

I'm confused

Now why would someone lie online?

Nintendo killed the WiiU.

While not relevant to the topic at hand, I don't think any holiday lineup will ever be able to top this one.

let's pray and hope this continues next year.................................oh dear

Seems like it will, heavy hitters like prime 4 and pokémon coming along that we already know of.. sigh, guess Nintendo wants to win every year

>So what is Xeno 2 out of those?
Forgot about that desu. The Xeno series has a knack for being forgettable. Chronicles was average JRPG, and XCX was puke in a disk. A horrible mess of a game. XC2 is already headed off in GREAT direction with that wonder full 0/10 character design, and generic shounen protag. Pass.
>a 3ds multiplat? no
Monster Hunter XX
>a musou? no
Fire Emblem Warriors is a musou, and all musou games suck dick
>an xpack? no
>a fighting game? no
ARMs is not a fighting game?
>a wiiu port? no
BotW, Mario Kart, and I forget what else, are all WiiU ports.

Do you really not know your own library?

I was obviously talking about xeno 2 you moron

Yeah, but how do you know for sure that's true?
does Sup Forums have a time machine?! i wanna try

>Forgot about that desu. The Xeno series has a knack for being forgettable. Chronicles was average JRPG

didn't bother reading the rest, xenoblade is widley considered to be the best jRPG of last gen. No (you).

There's no fucking way Xenoblade 2 is coming out this year. That sounds way too goddamn good to be true.

Prime 4 has no release date, and due to the lack of footage, can be assumed to have just recently begun development. Games aren't made in a year, certainly not games like Prime. Expect a late 2018, early 2019 launch at best.

Pokemon was already stated to be 2 years away.

2018 will be a dry spell unless you like Kirby and Yoshi... A LOT.

Bitch, please. S0nyggers are the ones who always start shit. It's only natural for them to get a taste of their own medicine.

you're not funny

>music recording done/finishing up
>dub is finished, they just needed about 2 weeks to patch it in from E3
>Game was in polishing/QA stages at E3

unless there is some business reason, it's coming

>implying we already know the full 2018 lineup
shitposter please
I realize the only news you get for your ps4 is from e3 once a year where you get to see the latest uncharted and uncharted clones but nintendo does directs all year round

So nobody can name a better 7th or 8th gen console with a better first 9 months?

SMT? NMH? alongside kirby and yoshi

plus more to be announced obviously

>interesting new ip
>mario rehash
>splatoon rehash
>zelda rehash

1/8 is something at least.

The teams working on the games before they got ported will have finished their next game, and will likely be ready next year or so.

Mario Kart 8 came out on Wii U, Splatoon 2 is literally just new maps, Zelda is on Wii U, MHXX is on 3DS, Fire Emblem Warriors is on 3DS.

So that leaves you with Arms (a very decent game, especially for a fighting game made by nintendo), Mario Odyssey (Looks great, I would probably buy a switch for this game, desu), and Xenoblade Chronicals 2 (meh).

It's really not that strong of a launch year. Don't trip over yourself.

>Zelda rehash
You didn't even try

Xbox first year > Dreamcast first year > GameCube first year > PS2 first year

too bad that first port somehow got over a 90 on metacritic, higher than its original

>It's really not that strong of a launch year
But you can't name a better one, so...

>all those multiplat games you can play on other platforms

it was foretold at the very start

All of them are weebshit retard

>passing off a game as "weeb trash" just because you don't like it

Reddit is killing Sup Forums

Ah yes, Super Mario Odyssey. A classic rehash, as rehashy as they come. Christ, can Nintendo even innovate AT ALL?

>nintendoomed for having ports at launch

God, both the PS3 and PS4 had such bad first years

What about Xeno 2?

It was horribly overrated. Not bad, but not as great as you fags hyped it up to be. Certainly better than XCX though, that's for sure.

Best JRPG of last gen though...? Only if you gamed exclusively on the Wii.
>in the same Gen as TWEWY, Radiant Historia, the best Pokemon Gen, Dragon's Dogma, Ni No Kuni, Ys, Dragon's Crown, Disgaea 4, Dark Souls, etc...

Not even close. Best JRPG of of last gen is TWEWY hands down, unless you wanna count Dark Souls as a JRPG.
>Xenoblade being anywhere near as good as those two.

Can you stop with this @ meme? It's stupid. It shows you are obviously buttmad and makes it harder for people to read a thread.


Surely you don't expect anyone to take you seriously?
Didn't even read beyond "splatoon 2 only has new maps"

You either know nothing or are shitposting on purpose. Both of which is embarrassing. I recommend suicide.

Literally this. Every fucking console launch and first year has ports. Literally no idea why anti Nintendo shills are so desperate to use this as an argument, but tell people using it against Sony or Microsoft to delete their posts.

Dog, I don't even remember all the games that came out in the past 3 months for any specific console.

I didn't realize we're judging things by which is the least shittiest now.

I forget the part where I praised any of the other consoles for having a strong launch lineup of ports.

None of them are good. None of them EVER are good.

>it was horribly overrated.

no, it deserves all its accolades. Actually, I don't even think you've played it and are just parroting shit, I'm calling you out. Post proof, you have 10 minutes

Not him but you have terrible taste