Who's the target audience for this?

Who's the target audience for this?

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post modernists?

People who don't buy games, especially not obscure game that can only be bought online.

It's not available on PC? That's great!

Young hipsters and dickheads. You know: This kind of people:
The only problem is that they did not time it well. True hipster era is pretty much over, and this game is really failing to be relevant already. Which also kinda speaks about the actual cultural relevance of the trend they decided to milk.


Reddit and Numales

Is this game even coming out? I haven't seen anything about it in like a year.


millennials I guess?

>earthbound but with niggers
I'm still not sold.

>Post modern
Isn't that called the future?

is it really "postmodern" if it's just using that word for advertising/marketing their game and not actually backing it up with anything? I'm not the most knowledgeable on that movement, but it seems like what they're doing here kinda misses the point

Nope. Post-modernism is actually a philosophical school that is academically outdated for thirty years.
Did you not go to school?

Because I don't follow pretentious bullshit that doesn't think their retarded names through.

What's it called to today? pre-post post modern?

Oh user, you wont be safe.
You will see this shit on the front page of your steam shop with a fat "Best seller" on top of it

>Because I don't follow pretentious bullshit that doesn't think their retarded names through.
You mean: you literally haven't been in highschool? Because postmodernism is the most important fucking philosophical, artistic and literary movement of the last century?
Seriously, this is BASIC FUCKING SHIT. Literally necessary common knowledge that EVERYONE who has absolved basic mandatory education should fucking well know.

>What's it called to today? pre-post post modern?
Right now we actually still live in post-modern era, though it has shifted from being academically relevant to being social norm. Since it's still ending, we don't quite know what the philosophy that will follow will be named: it usually takes several decades before a new term is established. Right now we are in transformation period. Some people talk rather boringly about 21st century philosophy until a better technical term will emerge.

But seriously, what the fuck. How do you not know this shit. Did you not have at least fucking history of literature class? You were never taught literature of 20th century?
I understand that many highschools skip history of philosophy (even though they really should not), but my god how can you get through school not knowing anything about the single most formative school of thought of the entire last hundred years, one that you are also a product off?!

I actually really strongly doubt that.

Five, four years ago? Sure. But not really now. We live in a post Undertale era. This shit is not going to impress anyone. Seriously - that shit has sailed.

Clearly it's not important if they didn't teach it at my school.

You sound like a pretentious faggot who decided to waste his life on a worthless group that wants to pretend they made a cultural difference in the world compared to actual greats in the past.

How philistine can you get?



also this game looks like the least post modern thing i could think of that isn't cave paintings, can't wait for it to fail

it's for 90' kids who were too young to be a 80' kid

>Clearly it's not important if they didn't teach it at my school.
Yeah. An absolute ignorant is the best judge of importance of things.
Are you American? Let me tell you: unless you plan to spend the rest of your life growing potatoes, then you are pretty fucked that you don't know this stuff. And you should right now be really fucking mad at your school. Because this means you are clueless about literally the most important sets of ideas that formed or are right now forming the very life you live and the society that surrounds you.
That is actually really damn bad.

Also, that word, philistine, does not mean what you seem to think it means.

Dear god I forgot that was a thing. And apparently according to google, it still is. Though it really did not take off in a big style.

I'd say that the game looks post-modern enough, mostly because postmodernism's inherent hate for defined form, but whatever. I do agree it's looks pretty atrocious though.

>music by Toby Fox

It's gonna be the bomb!

Obviously hipsters. Every character in the picture is clearly a hipster, and I doubt anybody else would be able to stomach that caliber of circlejerk.

KEK is this what they are teaching in schools now? They didn´t teach that about 10+ years ago when I was there, come back when you´re 18 kiddo

The same audience as undertale. Retards.

>postmodernism is the most important fucking philosophical, artistic and literary movement of the last century

More like most destructive and unconstructive.

>A Post-Modern RPG

Couldn't agree more. It's like the creators had post-modernism summarized to them once, heard the term "irony" and equated it to hipsters (which while still common is already an old joke) and accidentally stumbled into Sincerity territory.

Unless they do some wild shit with the story telling and at least one character kills themselves with their head in a microwave, this game is gonna be mediocre nothing.

Close, it's deconstructive

>They didn´t teach that about 10+ years ago when I was there, come back when you´re 18 kiddo
I'm 28, "kiddo". And if they did not teach you this, then they FAILED at their job. Your school was shit, and did not provide you with a very important part of your education.

>More like most destructive and unconstructive.
Not that I actually disagree. But that is all the more reason to be aware of it, of it's significance, of it's tenants and problems. The fact that postmodernism is potentially absolutely catastrophic, especially because it became a breeding ground of Marxism, makes it all the more important to be aware of it and understand it, and where it comes from.

No thy enemy, and even more importantly, know that half of the shit you might be thinking is "common sense" is actually not a common sense, in fact it's a rather deviant fucking philosophy.

Seriously, you can't fucking ignore it in education.

Also: do they NOT actually teach like history of literature? Or do they just stop with the year 1920 and don't even mention anything past that?
I really, really don't fucking get how it is possible to not mention this bloody thing during the four years of highschool.

>uploaded in 2010
Why haven't we moved on yet?

WHY? ;_;


It's geared towards the average JRPG fan, since they don't care about gameplay and just want to watch a movie play itself. It's got the pretentious strong womyn protagonist, so fans of Final Fantasy and Xenoblade will like it, it has the pretentious hipster artstyle, so fans of Mother and Undertaler will love it, and it has a homosexual main character, so fans of Persona and SMT won't be disappointed.

All it needs is unskippable tutorials and you'll have the Paper Mario/Mario and Luigi audience too.

>actually thinking school teaches you anything worth while after sixth grade
Only thing worth learning in school after that is if you take like physics or something to land you a sick job. There is no class that teaches you useless shit like "postmodernism" that isn´t gender studies tier. I´m lmaoing at your life for wasting your time.

I know this only in the context of poetry, where it denotes some of the most vapid, pettily meandering and self-obsessed shit I've ever read.

>I woke up next to him
>He didn't have a name
>Not to me anyway
>I called him "Paul" in my thoughts
>I always liked the name
>He was still asleep
>He didn't really look like a "Paul"
>But this was my morning
>My morning
>My "Paul"
>I thought about feeling something but then reconsidered


>this shit bait
>unironic TF2 pic

Didn't expect any less, you obese 25 year old virgin.

Just making an observation my dude. No need to have a conniption.

developers' mom died at the beginning of the year, and they postponed the game

It should be almost finished by now, expect an announcement soon.

>Wii U
a dead audience

This is probably true.
>born in 1996
>"lol I loved growing up in the 90s"

>Why haven't we moved on yet?
We actually did. And ESPECIALLY in the last two years. Like: right now, 2016/2017 are extremely transformative in this respect and we will be seeing changes in cultural trends connect very soon.

I assume you are really just half-heartedly shitposting and less then 50% serious, but this is actually no laughing matter. If you are even slightly serious, if you even half-believe what you are saying right now: you have NO idea about the amount of damage that has already been done to you.

I mostly know it associated with cinema, as it's what Lars Von Triers is sometimes associated with. But I don't think it ever reached any form of mainstream recognition.
It actually woefully lacks actual internal philosophy. It kinda feels like people being sick with being still labeled under postmodernism just trying to "not be postmodernism", but I don't see any actual ethos to it, or at least not one well formulated.


this really fucking bothers me for some reason

When it was supposed to came out? I remember bait about this being the persona 5 killer.

>developers mom died
Why couldn't it have been the dev himself? Would have saved everyone a lot of trouble.

Average kotaku writer.

>Slow garbage forced minigame combat
If this doesn't flop I'll be amazed

I like the main girl's hair.

nu males

You can just... not buy the game.

Now who you're arguing with, but philosophy in higher education is outdated before you graduate. A college campus is to homogeneous and slow to change to be a reasonable platform.

Current Philosophy is around a fire with close friends and drinks. Not in a lecture hall being taught by a man who hasn't had a new life experience in 30 years.

The reason people kneejerk react to you as pretentious is because you're trying to remake relevant what anyone who graduated college knows isn't.

Same demo as scott pilgrim

Post-modernism contributed nothing to today's society of worth that hadn't already been obtained.

Hence why it isn't taught in general study but heavily referenced in most left-leaning socialist colleges; the kind you see on the news with their black students taking over campuses pushing racism against whites.

I don't think you quite get the idea of philosophy in academics. It's not "dude we're all so small" whilst staring at the sky drunk, it's built of many different subjects under the banner of philosophy. Read the COLLAPSE journal to get a clue about contemporary philosophy or something idk

You literally have no idea what philosophy as a subject is and honestly you should seriously sit down and think about how you thought you did because you've clearly never touched the subject but nonetheless were trying to teach things about it

God you sound like a pretentious prick.

Also, schools teach basic skills and moderately useful shit. Philosophy is something you discover yourself when your at and age where it actually concerns you, which isn't during high school. Definitely not taught to you via some ideologue teacher or professor.

The notion that you think this shit is important for general education is laughable, which is why everyone here is laughing at you for sperging out about something so minor.

Superior vaporware game.

I guess it's a post-momdern RPG now

>you don't get the idea of philosophy
Yeah you're not pretentious at all. I I have a minor in Philosophy from Penn. You're either still in school and haven't tempered your education with anything outside school yet, or you're just a pretentious shit.

I'm guessing the former. Nothing rounds out the edges of your "If only everyone was as intelligent as me" dorm kiddie attitude like spending some off campus.

Don't study philosophy, it's a dead science

so is Yiik or Night in the woods the equivalent of western persona?

Dismissive with no actual rebuttal.

I want to take you seriously but you make it so difficult because you seem very disconnected with reality on this non-issue.

People who were too offended to play Persona

Not him but if you did have any experience in academic philosophy you would not be calling someone pretentious and nothing more and expecting the other side to take your point seriously

I'm curious though, can you tell me your favourite area since you're so well versed in it?

I'm aware I'm probably going to get a wikipedia article here but it should be good regardless

It's like they don't want anyone to buy their game

I like Kant

>A Post-Modern RPG

They need to make a game about cleaning your room.

>minor in Philosophy from Penn
he didn't major in PPE, i see your problem now

It's dismissive because you fundamentally don't have a basic idea of the topic of discussion. The idea that philosophy is outdated when you finish school, when what you will likely be taught at that level is formal logic, argumentative structure and basic classical ethics that have been taught for thousands of years, is just nonsense. You won't get taught philosophy from the last 30 years in school, you barely get taught that in colleges/universities unless you actively seek it out. You have no chance of that kind of stuff in school.

As the other poster said, you seem like the kind of person who thinks its a bunch of guys around a campfire smoking weed and going 'woah man life is like RELATIVE and shit' which is also just complete nonsense

I may be wrong and giving you too little credit but that is the impression I got and it seems to be the impression the other poster got as well

>Now who you're arguing with, but philosophy in higher education is outdated before you graduate.
I'm not sure what you mean, on several levels actually. First of all: the majority of philosophy is actually history of philosophy, and that does not really outdate.
Second of all: our society has basically been holding to the same fundamental two or three philosophical notions for the past SIXTY YEARS almost without change, so I don't think philosophical ideas outdate that fast. In fact - it usually takes about two generation to figure out if a philosophical idea is even valid: unlike actual science, philosophy is combination of pure speculation and pure pragmaticism: both difficult to verify on a small-time scale.

Third of all: I really think you have a very wrong idea of what philosophy REALLY is. I understand why people kneejerk: because they are poorly educated, and insecure, and this is something they have been indoctrinated to say by others. I don't really hold it against them, though I do hold the ones who were supposed to teach them better responsible.

Again. The damage is real and serious. Fun fact: the shit you are saying... every single letter of it: is philosophy. Taught to you by an ideologue teachers, professors, books and other people. You are already indoctrinated, so you really should not think yourself above learning philosophy.
The first thing decent philosophical education would have taught you is that you are, already, a victim of one, even without knowing. Which is fine. But you NEED to be aware of this, and how this work. So that you actually had some control over what you think and why.

The irony is: you are already spouting largely postmodern beliefs.

It's VERY difficult to take someone seriously if he claims he is minor in philosophy and then promptly refers to philosophy as "science". Guess BASIC EPISTEMOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE wasn't on the menu in your school?

Since persona is trash, I'd say that's an accurate comparison.

I learned about Kant in highschool, but that is at least something.

Regardless, that's not a bad one. Had a lot of influence on various charters of rights and legislatures through the years, and obviously a major effect on modern culture as well. It should be pretty obvious how an understanding of that and the other two major basic ethical theories is important for anyone making important decisions in that sense. Note I'm not saying anyone should pick an 'ism' and go with it, but you should if you're not an idiot be able to see the benefits of that understanding, compared to the majority of population who treat morality either purely emotionally or completely ad hoc.


I make over 70k a year programming for CNC based machinery and I don't know shit about philosophy, so I'm not sure why you're freaking out about it so much.

Earning money doesn't mean you're smart and it doesn't mean you don't have more to learn. He's being a bit dramatic but I agree it's something fundamental people should learn. I don't mean the finer points of the academic side, but a basic grounding is immensely helpful and people are being genuine when they say it changes how you think permanently. It's not even particularly difficult and I wouldn't say it requires much intelligence, but most people still never do because of people parroting stupid shit like ITT.

I'm not sure why should I care how much you make. If you don't know these concepts:
Rationalism, empiricism, enlightement, romantism, modernism, marxism, postmodernism, and don't know what they mean and why they are still fucking important to us even right now, that means you literally blind to some the arguably MOST IMPORTANT historical elements and forces in the western world. You are clueless about what formed this world, where do your own beliefs come from and where are their limits and how to challenge: you have no idea what is shaping the political and social reality around you - you don't even know what is science and why it's important.

Those are pretty fucking hugely important things, especially for people who are expected to be participating on shaping the society through democratic and civic role.

It's JUST as bad as if you did not know what and why happend in the last world-wars or what fucking cold war is.

That is REALLY bad. That is just a MAJOR part of education you are missing, part that crucial to your ability to do anything but make money and wank off. And you are expected to do something more than that: the whole system is geared and hinges on the assumption that you are not a peon just blindly following the herd and not caring about what happens outside of his village.

That is why I'm mad, you moron.

>Philosophy shit
I bet you wasted your life getting a degree in teaching this shit and now realize you're a bigger waste of space than Donald Trump. This is why you're lashing out and trying to defend this bullshit that should be banned from academia.

Funnily enough: I have a degree in molecular biology.
But yeah: PEOPLE UTTERLY IGNORANT should totally continue going around how the thing they don't know the fainest thing about must be totally unimportant because they don't know anything about it.

Dude, I'm actually talking about shit that is part of mandatory highschool education in most of the actually civilized world, too.

>actually believing any murrican high school has a single mandatory class that teaches anything about any philosophy

If not philosophy itself, then fucking history, literature, art?
You literally have to not have a SINGLE LECTURE about either art, architecture, history or philosophy without running head-first into postmodernism, since it accounts for about 90% of all currently-relevant culture of the past century.

All of this is vital across all fields that in some what examine culture of the most recent history. Do they not actually teach any literature of 20th century in America either?
Do they not teach political history past world wars?
What the fuck?

>art classes
>implying we read anything with more depth than The Joy Luck Club

Literally me.