How did trannies manage to completely hijack a multi billion dollar, mainstream industry such as video games in the West?
They have almost no pull when it comes to music or movies or literature. What's the score here?
How did trannies manage to completely hijack a multi billion dollar, mainstream industry such as video games in the West?
They have almost no pull when it comes to music or movies or literature. What's the score here?
>completely hijack
Try pulling your head out of Sup Forums and Kotaku for ten seconds and you'd see that trannies have no actual pull outside of a handful of indies. Beyond that, trannies already have their footholds in film and literature, considering pretty much every indie film/bestseller not penned by Patterson is about trannies and other brainsick people.
i think you know how
>there are a couple of tranny devs and a few tranny characters in games
It just the media using propaganda to rile you retards up so they can justify having a boogyman.
This. You people are retarded, now hush up and calm down.
First they came for movies and I did not speak out, because I dont watch movies. Then they came for books and I did not speak out because I dont read books. Then they came for video games and there was no one left to speak for me.
"Nothing to see here goy, move along" - The Thread
>you have only 2 cells infected with cancer
>cancer exists and its here, get over it, you have a couple anyway
>I don't watch movies
>I don't read books
>I don't play video games
Go back to /reddit/, faggot.
>he enjoys James Patterson
>thinking bestsellers aren't just ladyporn and crime drama drivel
I didn't realize that all the major game publishers and developers in the industry were owned and operated by trannies. I always figured it was just a couple of insane twitter accounts and writers.
Cancer isn't an infection.
Because video games are the only medium where a single person can make a project that earns them millions of dollars, all by themselves.
You have no idea how cancer works. Don't use analogies beyond your depth
t. cell biologist
It's not the afflicted who push this wickedness, it's the jews.
>he enjoys James Patterson
Ladyporn doesn't make it to actual bestsellers lists unless it's viral stuff like 50 Shades. Also, Patterson is literally all crime drama drivel outside of a handful of Tom Clancy-lite novels.
>to completely hijack
calm your austim fueled hyperbole
they've been given recognition at best, and will be dropped the instant marketing feels the sales numbers could have been higher without doing so
Thanks for agreeing with me
>it's a "bigoted 16 year old kekistan edgelords regurgitate the latest hottest Sup Forums memes for the thousandth time" episode
There's literally nothing wrong with trans folk and they're not going anywhere so get over yourselves. I thought moot made it clear you Goober Gummer assholes aren't welcome on our board anymore
>visual medium
I can understand why guys want to look like girls.
I can even understand why they want to slap some fake tits onto their breasts.
but I can, and never will understand why you would chop off your dick and balls and mush it into a fake useless vagina cave
Maybe if you stopped browsing their twitters, websites, and screencapping them to post them here they'd get less attention.
Seriously, Sup Forums will give a random homo twitter attention and talk about it for days.
>but I can, and never will understand why you would chop off your dick and balls and mush it into a fake useless vagina cave
I want to legitimately cause massive harm to that sack of shit father. You know damn well he's doing this shit for attention, brownie points and to fuel his ego.
This should fucking be illegal.
Because you idiots keep giving them attention, and because the industry is full of beta cucks.
Take your heteronormative false standards and shove them up your bigoted, insecure closet case ass
It's literally no different than a little girl dressing up as batman, calm down
I'm a tran, there's no tranny agenda lol
Most of us just want to be normal men/women and live normal lives
However many attention seekers, dumb tumblr teens, numales, and the like have co-opted our movement and really give a warped view on who transgender people are. It's very unfortunate
>dressing your boy up as a slutty Quinn ripped stockings included
>dressing up your boy as a batman
>totally the same
His other son was a Jedi. He clearly let them choose what they wanted to be.
Gotta get up to date then. I could have sworn cancer was an infection caused by TB Type bacteria. Last time I bothered to check the field I knew it as pleomorphic, intermittently acid-fast bacterium closely related to the acid-fast mycobacteria and to mycobacterium tuberculosis, the acid-fast microbe that causes tuberculosis. Gotta get up to date then
Look up phantom limb syndrome.
>trannies are massively overrepresented in the gaming industry
>this is perfectly normal and isn't part of an agenda
I'm sure if we ignore it, it will go away
Except Batman isn't an overly sexually dressed slut made for specific fap bait.
So... you're a girl?
Dude it's just a costume. My brother dressed up as blues clues for Halloween one year. He doesn't sexually identify as a dog now.
lol quit sperging out over something you have no control over.
You know who else is a tran? Chrischan.
>He doesn't sexually identify as a dog now.
hes a furry
You spend too much time in the echo chamber. Take a break, friend.
Why does Sup Forums always have to force its politics on Sup Forums?
>you know who else breathes air? Hitler
Sup Forumscucks grasping at any straw they can huh?
trannies didn't hijack anything, it's just white liberals feeling bad for everyone else even if it's against their own interests
That's not what happened.
Well shit that'd be news to me. He's alpha as fuck so him being a furry would be pretty funny.
What the fuck else are they supposed to do with their time? Its their mission to be as annoying as possible.
Patterson doesn't even write his "own" novels at this point. He's a brand. He gives ghost writes who have projects an opportunity to get more exposure by agreeing to pen their works under his name.
He didn't actually write half the shit with his name on it in the last decade. He just signs off on the manuscript before it's published and they get to use his name to boslter their sales. They're "co written", meaning he does nothing but gets to slap his name on the cover.
Chris Chan isn't a tran, he's just a mega autist
this is part too
That's bullshit and you fucking know it. Even if his son wanted to be a girl, couldn't he have let him dress up as any other comic book character? One that a little kid shouldn't be cosplaying.
No, I don't want this shit to be normalized. That kid should be sent to child services immediately and the father investigated for potential child sexual exploitation.
Pretty sure that's only a thing if you actually had that body part in the first place user.
Probably because the cast of any game consistes of only a handful of character while the devs try to include everyone, so obviously that any really small group of people will be overrepresented while any big group will be underpresented.
Lets say gay people make up 4% of the population (according to the Sup Forums stats being constantly posted). If you want to represent them in a realistic number, you would have to have 25 character to represent 1 gay person. If tranies make up .5% of the population (made up because how the fuck would I know), you would need a cast of 200 character to represent a single trans character.
Add in all the different groups that devs are trying to represent and only a literally brain dead retard wouldn't understand why small groups are overrepresented.
Apparently. Cancer is, simply, an abnormal growth of cells. If it were caused by "TB bacteria", then we'd use steroids and antibacterials rather than literal poison/radiation treatment.
You are wrong.
I am train too. Train is hard job.
>I'm sure if we ignore it, it will go away
that's literally correct but you and many people are so fucking retarded to actually do it
>don't buy product
>product doesn't sell and devs either try to go back to old practices or die in the process
but instead
>game has an agenda
>even if you don't buy it, you go around telling everyone and their grandmas about said game
>"guiise this agenda is evil and le joos and tranies are behind everything day rope when?"
>tranies uses this stupid comments as ammo to have simpaty of people and get some money
>"b-but I didn't bought it! it must be le joos or le trannies!, I'll shitpost even harder >:("
>cycle continues and tranies get the spotlight and money
you had one fucking job, and that was ignoring these degenerates, but you fucked it all up
Could I suck on your nipples?
>get up to date
You where never up to day if you believed cancer was an infection.
>letting kids have autonomy
>clearly he should be taken away
We live in a secular, rational society. Kids play dress up and you wanna hurt people for that. We don't live under Sharia bud
They have mommy and daddy's trust fund around to keep them afloat
>trannies have "completely hijacked" the video game industry
Ya lets go girlfriend!!!
Where the fuck did you get that ide-
>a literal quote from an Alan Caldwell book
You mean you get your info on cancer pathology from a guy who wrote in 1993 that AIDS was a secret government plot to genocide gays and blacks?
>im so glad you dont like to suck dick my ex was such a faggot