What did it mean by this?

What did it mean by this?

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>subtle tranny thread
I actually do want to know what >she meant by that tho


Too bad it deleted its posts whining about ESA.

What did he whine about?

Another proof that transexualism is a byproduct of narcissism and self-validation which are heavily promoted by modern society.

That runners were asking if there were donations instead of saying there was time to read donations, and that announcers were saying there were no donations instead of shilling to waste time.

a.k.a. "I'm an experienced marathon person so I know how to run one"

it's a she dumbass

don't post again

Can some washed-up psychology major explain to me why trannyism and narcissism go hand-in-hand so often?

kek, but it's a dood.
What about autism and trans bullshit? I'd love an answer to that.

Attention whores
Why are there so many MtF trannies compared to FtM? It almost makes me understand Alex Jones's thoughts

it's a female, again, don't post about shit you know anything about

It's about power, the subject usually thinks women get more attention and power in society so they decide to become a woman to satisfy their own need for attention and power. It's a backhanded insult to women when you think about it.

literal mental illness + special snowflake syndrome to the extreme

Speedrunning is about holding a record. People who aren't good won't hold a record unless you can make it for yourself; IE "I'm the only trans/woman X runner/player." They basically give themselves a special status and then flaunt it instead of actually getting good at a video game.

Because deep down all of us want to be the little girl, but most of us aren't dumb enough to think adopting ironically horribly sexist habits and cutting off our dick will make it so.

>don't post about shit you know anything about
What's there to understand? It's a male playing pretend, if anyone doesn't know shit it's you, my friend.

Individualistic culture leads to egoism and egocentrism. I assume that unsuccessful idiots seek a way to escape their own failures by blaming other people. Minorities just claim they are being oppressed while white boys put on a wig and call themselves transgendered (therefore also oppressed). That way they can deny all responsibility, and get positive attention and pity for free.

shut the fuck up

STOOOOP taking the retard's bait

Woo there, no reason to get hostile. It's only the truth.

You say that shit to my face and i will swear to Goew lifill forand flesh wib useless.
This the new age.


why are so many trans people obsessed with being competitive in video games, despite not making it anywhere with that and not enjoying themselves in the process

I told the user to stop taking the bait of the dipshit defending the trans cancer.

>Didn't even get within the top 100
>Thinks he somehow is worth anything because he is a grandmaster in literally the easiest of the GM tetris games.

Look up autogynephilia

>tfw the only tranny I've met was FtM and he was actually a pretty cool dude

>1 tetris
>67 lines
Pleb tier.

men are naturally competitive

The nose knows.

I never hear about FtM trannies which is a good sign.

"give me attention!"

Think he'll kill himself if he loses grandmaster?

>pulls up next to you
>hop in faggot we're going to gdq

what do

Society's lethargic shift towards self indulgent behavior and communal thought synchronization has removed, for many, the tendency for outward exertion of one's own will. It is far easier for people to indulge in fantasies and idealisms rather than tackling their own reality. With such little effort to improve or sustain oneself, reliance upon the state and like minded circles has become the norm. This is why the mentally ill are treated as such and have become an ever growing presence in our day to day lives.

wish there was an IED on the way there


With those yuge manly arms, say yes as fast as I could, I don't want to be beat up by those dudes.

Christ that nose

>Shitty parents raise kids teaching them they're special
>They get massive amounts of attention for a large part of their lives
>Once they're throw into adulthood they stop getting all that attention because in reality no one is that special or unique
>They desperately try to find means to get attention no matter how insane
And its only going to get worse from now on since parents are getting shittier and shittier.

what tetris is that?

that score board doesn't look like anything from TGM 1, 2, 3.

AGP general?

>top 500 like it means anything
>not even top 100, let alone top 5 or number 1


Proto is actually quite cute, although I wonder if they smell like a dude, because that is where I draw the line on whether it is gay or not

>Proto is actually quite cute
Proto Get the fuck off Sup Forums

>Dysphoria is not a prerequisite to being trans
As if he needed to show any more proof he is only dressing as a girl for attention.

Why is it that most trannies are MtF white kids?

I think trying to portray transgenders as some sort of mental disorder or the result of some sort of trend is misleading, since much of the science done since the 90's has shown that there's a strong correlation between the brain structure of male to female transgenders and the brain structure of corresponding non-trans (cisgender) females, prior to hormone usage. It's not a 100% correlation, but it explains why transgenderism appears as a trait.


However, I think the reason why you see lots of trannies on Twitter being attention whores is that Twitter in general is a haven for attention whores of all sorts, regardless of gender.

White Privilege, my nigga.

Name one talented tranny

Drag queens don't count

That and autogynophilia/autism.

I'm sure real proto wouldn't pass up an opportunity to use their correct pronouns

bad parenting.
And blacks complain about not having parents.

Wasn't it called gender dysphoria or something in the past?
The fucking chinks are still looking for treatments for it while the west just pretends that it's ok.


ISIS already has a great treatment for it.

Uncle Adolf had great treatment too but I guess that's not what the west is looking for.

all 3 of them were born with dicks, there guys bro.

take your mental illness somewhere else

>That way they can deny all responsibility
That's the part I don't get. These people should still have to work for a living. Why the fuck are they allowed to collect welfare just for playing dress up? Are they professional drag queens?

/lgbt/ is a few clicks a way my hairy "female" friend

>It still isn't legal to hang these freaks from a tree.
Maybe we need sharia law after all.

You will die alone and sad because you lack basic human empathy, you autistic piece of shit.

I only hope you realize this sooner rather than later so that you can at least consider how warped your sense of reality really is.


If it comes to pass that the first world gets overtaken by Islam, i'll just convert rather than get beheaded

Also, women have to do what you say and you can legally beat/rape them, and there is no age of consent, which is nice for those of you into the younger gals i would think

>Basic human empathy includes being understanding about men who chop off their dicks and dress up like women

Pretty sure you're just using terminology you dont understand

>I only hope you realize this sooner rather than later so that you can at least consider how warped your sense of reality really is.
Holy shit the irony.

kill yourself you walking abomination. All trannies are mentally ill

>warped sense of reality
>"hurr but if i start calling myself narcissa, chop my dick off and take hormones that will make me a girl durrr"

I like tomboys, so I've always wondered if non-op FtMs could be good bfs. They would have the best of worlds, wouldn't they?

>You will die alone and sad because you lack basic human empathy, you autistic piece of shit.
People should feel bad for trannies because they're actually fucking sick, not because "boohoo society hates them". You don't fucking go around telling people they should accept schizophrenics for what they are and people who want to mutilate themselves because of some delusion should be treated just the same. If anything, you're the one with a warped sense of reality.

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