Splatoon Nintendo Woomy

Splatoon 2 Thread: Night Time Edition

How are you tonight? Raging at Salmon Run? Grinding in rank? Using your Wii U experience to dominate Turf War?

Tell us user, how's Splatoon 2 going ?

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Fun game, has anyone figured out how to use the stingray? It's just so shit and slow that it's not worth using imo, takes longer to kill than a normal splattershot too

>Using your Wii U experience to dominate Turf War?
Pretty much.
Its really obvious that a lot of shitters never played the first one.
Guess that just means I get to climb the ladder in ranked mode faster.

>using the aerospray to rek new players who haven't learned how to avoid them yet

it feels so bad and yet so good

Salmon Run would be fine if people weren't so dumb.

>wave three
>quota met
>everyone keeps trying to get eggs rather than stay alive
>everyone dies

>get a lv1
>50/50 chance they're good

It's really simple, all you need to do is when you use a set with stingray, it's don't click in the right stick

>last wave, quota has not been met, enemies swarming and everyone else is dead
>make distance and use Sting Ray
>revive everyone with it
>i die, but they meet the quota and survive
>BOOYAHS all around
My best moment in SR so far

I spent the last 30 seconds holed up in a corner while they were getting shitfucked on the other side of the map.

you m-monster!

The ONLY use I see for it is if you're one of the four people who use the stupid chat setup and you can tell everyone roughly where the enemy is hiding. Literally its one mediocre perk over the tentamissile is having a better estimate of how far your target is.

Aside from that it's just garbage. I tried boosting its power with clothing but you're still stuck with an attack that maneuvers like an iceberg and has no actual aiming reticle.

It's like the Killer Wail but absolute shit

Problem with the aerospray this time around is that it also seems to have by far the best special.

Chargerfags on suicide watch

>tfw squibs going after my sprinkler
5th man putting in the work. Have you thanked the 5th man today, Sup Forums?

I want to make him proud of me.

>last wave
>i get the paintbrush
>night falls
>onslaugh starts
>by the end we manage to put 35 fucking eggs

We almost got toasted like 4 times but we pulled it off.

Post your squids

I can't get the game till next tuesday, so answer me this: is the N-zap 89 in the game? Was my main in S1 and it'd be nice using it again tbqh

Can you go below C-? Because I'm on an amazing losing streak.

Get some new content.

Is Splatoon 1 still active? I've got the urge to play again after seeing these threads but I don't have a switch.

I got the shirt from Salmon Run, but I see it again at 800 points. What does that mean?

Also, how OCD should I be about exclusive gear, both from Salmon Run and Splatnet?

You get the same shirt, but with a different main special.
You can turn it down for coins instead if you want.

I really want to "woomy" a Squid girl guys...
If you know what I mean..

The urge is growing stronger day by day

Are the later ones always better?

Not yet, I feel your pain.

>play ranked
>we're underdogs, but the match isn't one-sided
>start BOOYAH to raise morale
>end up winning
>this actually happens more often than not

No, the main special is random.

>Is a bear



I'M A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!

>literally just trying to farm coins now so I can spam cleanups and make usable gear

End me.


For the betterment of Inking society, duh. You're not some kind of Salmonid sympathizer, are you user?

Which map are you ready to see return into rotation?

Which map do you hope never gets mentioned again?

show me your woomy :)


Grizzly bears don't eat salmon eggs. They eat salmon.

So, he doesn't want to eat them, don't worry.

He wants to hatch them, raise them to the point where they lay even more eggs, THEN eat them

Reminder that the final boss is worse in every way to the first game's final boss

caviar? Maybe hes super rich and decadent .

how qt is your woomy

>third wave always comes down to whoever has the roller or brush running for their life as time expires
This is really hard.

Walleye needs to return asap.

I bought a copy off Amazon to get the Prime discount, but it was already out of stock by the time I ordered. How fucked am I?

I want blackbelly skatepark already

the skate park levels are my favorite

I want to impregnate her W O M B Y

See you in a month

Rig, Camp, Museum, and Resort ASAP.

Most of the new maps can fuck off, they're all so bland.

love me some saltspray rig

I'm just trying to finish the story mode then I'll start doing multiplayer more

lmao playing the SINGLE PLAYER in a MULTI PLAYER game

enjoy your tutorial, kid

woomy is not for fuck

>Blackbelly skatepark without the framerate turning to shit.

look at how slutty they are with those short-shorts and skirts they're clearly begging for the fuck

>get a paycut for losing a 3 player Salmon Run
Thanks Nintendo

is it just me or does this game get really fucking boring after an hour.

is splatoon 2 60fps?

1080/60, yeah

it doesn't matter how she's dressed

fuckign a child is never okay

>Enemy activates splashdown
>I quickly activate mine
>His lands and kills me midair
>"Oh, okay."

>I activate splashdown
>Enemy quickly activates his
>Mine lands and doesn't kill him midair
>His then lands and kills me

Imagine unveiling your human cock to one of them and how shocked she is about how big it is compared to the little inkling boys'

Damn, my dick

Woomys are for hugs, not fugs.

the deepest lore

why do you think they have such large volvos? for human dicks of course

you are going to jail, sir

get good


>get glowflies
>guy with glowflies actually runs to the bbasket and stays there



thanks doc

well considering how much he can pay you




disgusting pedos pls go


I want to cum on her tiny eyebrows

What kind of stupid faggot plays as a boy in these games?

I have mixed feelings for Hammerhead bridge.

A big part of me doesn't want it back.

But I will feel empty without my second least favorite maps, since we already have my most hated (M Towers)

>just like in real life, people nowadays are glued to their phones instead of paying attention to one another

Damn.. Splatoon is basically a harsh commentary on real life itself..

>suddenly. Sup Forums is full of pedos
What happened?



>can't make your male squid crossdress
Blunder of the century

Nice joke, user.

I don't know, but personally I am very worried and concerned about this recent development - we must needs pay attention and pray it does not become worse

>Wrecking kids with the Jet Squelcher

lol, these inkspray spammers are easy mode.




How do you use this shit?
I too would like to make some meme posting.


This is your blind date for tonight. She just said hi and is curious about what you had planned for the evening


You need a wiiu pokken controller apparently.
But yeah that shit is amazing. The prequel memers are always top notch in terms of making shit happen.

I'd love to make one where he's spinning.

I fucking hate Saltspray and its useless bottom area, but I don't mind any map returning if they improve them.


the bottom area is not useless. it's like 25% of the map

You just use the dpad and git gud.

>high tide
>one player disconnected
Thanks Nintendo