Why did this game fail?

Why did this game fail?

I don't know. I enjoyed it. Granted, I never played any FF before this.

I'm assuming it's the "It's a good game, just not a good Final Fantasy game" argument.

Its a bad FF game and it's a bad game, period.

It failed?

Thats not how that works
It sold well
It was received well
It succeeded

We just had this thread. Stop please.
Subjectivity plus development hell.

Boybands were more popular in the 90s

Did it ?

It didn't fail. Enough with this meme.

It didn't, it's just nostalgiafaggots being retards that they are. I don't even get why people argue with them anymore, you can't win an argument with a retard.

It's better than Kingdom Hearts at least

Relatively to all the ressources spent (time and money) and the mediocre reception of this buggy mess by fans who, for some of them, spent an ungodly amount of money for some collector's edition, and the fact that everybody just wants to forget that game; yes the game failed

Financially it didn't. Critically, i wouldn't say it failed, it's kinda mediocre. Which is guess could be counted as a fail considering it's a mainline FF game

since ffxiii are not good ff games... and we can accept that.

I this all you guys can come up with at this point?

It didn't though, it was a massive financial success.

So... Failed like FF13 failed?
Should I expect two sequels?

Sounds like a cartein guy in XV threads that already showed up right right now

It didnt fail but it didn't succeed either, it was nothing.

It's in a much worse stat than ff 13 though, ffxv is on fucking life support, trying to fix to an already sunk ship is not a good sign

It didn't fail sale wise, but i think Square has used up all their good will

How hard is it to release one good fucking FF game

Oh yes, please prove to everyone how wrong I am by adding ''kun'' to letters X and V. That'll show me, mate.

I'm not your mate, friend.

KH is better for the sole reason that it's gameplay is actually engaging.

It didn't though. It sold a shit load

Yeah but that's not hard to top.

Well I'm not your friend, pal.

>suddenly KH
Is that supposed to make it any better?

Nah, they're scrapping that and putting that possible resource spending into DLC expansions.
Instead of a trio of games, expect an expanded version that feels more complete compared to launch

It didn't

Why did you choose the biggest departure from the series to begin with?

The story is shit, however.
FFXV story is tolerable, KH story ruins the game

you wot mate

plan on getting it once it ports to pc, not expecting it to be GOTY but it will definitely be better than 13

You can't win an "argument" with anyone in FF threads. Even yout post already shows it.

It sold well but as someone who beat it, I found it to be disappointing to the point where I refuse to touch the DLC

It's actually a bad game but a good Final Fantasy game.

I think it sold well enough right?

I didn't really like it though. 2016 disappointment of the year easily.

XV threads always have tons of posts that make no sense for some reason.

No one plays KH for the story, you stupid piece of shit.

>XV-kun has been so utterly BTFO that he now tries to make FFXV look good by comparing it to a literal children's game

Off to a good start

It's just a general statement, you know, nostalgiafag opinions should be completely ignored, because they are 100% subjective and bias. It's pointless to even try to explain something to those morons. It's ''I played the game when I was 8 and it was great'' and nothing else goes into their brains.

I don't even play FF games but from an outsider's perspective FF games are just becoming derivatives of "remember this?". I understand it'll always have staples like chocobos, but the fan service just keeps slowly overriding any sort of substance or originality. Stuff like Sephiroth, Cloud, Blitzball, Viera, I've been exposed to so many bits from other games that people were and are passionate about.

Only thing I can think of from XIII is how hard they milked Lightning as a character, and only thing I can think of from XV is that the car radio plays songs from previous FFs and it has a more action-oriented combat system and unfinished story. XIV doesn't even get a mention because it's 90% blatant fan service.

Well, like always people also throwit around too much. I've been called a nostalgiafag for liking VI and V even though they're some of the only FF games i didn't play on release

Apparently the users of KH forums do
I wonder how they can like it

It didn't, unfortunately.

XIV doesn't get a mantion because a lot of people just ignore it because everyone hates mmos and calls the gameplay autopilot, yet they love FF7.
If XIV is 90% fanservice then i'll gladly take another one. I can understand that people don't want to pay for it but ever since HW the story has been the best since PS1 or even SNES days and it has some of the best fights in the series.

>FF games are just becoming derivatives of "remember this?". I understand it'll always have staples like chocobos, but the fan service just keeps slowly overriding any sort of substance or originality
That's the second biggest issue, the first one being square enix not understanding how things work. Here's the thing you either go full nostalgiafag and please nostalgiafag by giving them games with very small evolution between them, making them as similar as possible to the old ones, or you go full modern and try to make every game different than the other. Problem is SE doesn't understand that for the FF franchise most people ARE nostalgiafags yet they try tio go with the second idea keeping on fucking it up.


Nah it's my first FF and one of the worst games I've ever played.

>Apparently the users of KH forums do
That's critical mass autism. Doesn't count.

XV-kun is actually a falseflagger

It's fine if you like the games, but pretending they are better in any way than XV, that's what makes you a blind, retarded nostalgiafag, not merely liking a game.
>no shitty half assed cringy voice acting and dialogue
>world (which obviously has some issues, but still) and characters much nicer to look at than some shitty pixels
>story is fine (all though I don't give too many fucks about a story in VIDEO GAMES, go read a book you fucking loser)
>combat is shit, but literally anything is better than turn based combat
>not to mention most of the older games have the ''press this button for the game to literally play itself'' so you basically only need to just walk around

I never got used to the "open world". They had two big areas, but they clearly never made an open world game and didn't know how to design it. There're too many invisible walls on the smallest things or thing that you can clearly jump over or through, The car is just more of a plottool than an acual gameplay feature, even now that it can drive offroad it's still better to just use the chocobo since getting in and out of the car just takes too long. Not to mention the fucking hunts of which you can only accept one at a time. Did these fucks even play any of the previous FF games?

I've never meet a casual KH player that cares about it, but still.

KH OC are shit

>shitty pixels


It didn't fail because of brand recognition, and a change in style, but it should have.

The absolute state of video games today.

It needed another 3 years of development
MGSV needed 2 years
They're both just unfinished messes of stories, and that's these franchises greatest strength storytelling so it's a failure

I actually like the idea of getting fan input on what to add to a game with this kind of format.

I consider XIV a mainline fantasy game. It doesn't get a mention from me because while the MSQ is mostly original, it still leads to a bunch of fanservice, such as recurring bosses from previous games that often have no rhyme or reason as to why they're there to at least make them fit into Eorzea. And while their stories are generally good, their world building is trash.

I do play FF, and it's the only FF I played, so maybe bosses recur in previous FFs without explanation either, but an XI-fag I spoke to always regaled me with tales how everything had its place in the narrative there. Could be her rose-tinted goggles, but I have no way of knowing.

I might be completely off the mark, but instead of new memes and popular things coming from recent games I just hear how it has that one thing you like from a past FF.

Let's see.

>shit story
>shit, gay cast
>shit combat and gameplay

I'd say that would explain it. It did a bad job at practically everything, above all the combat and making me give a single shit about even ONE of the characters.

It should all have been in the game to begin with. Fuck your early access mindset.

You clearly don't understand what I'm getting at

What pisses me off about this game is that it was released unfinished and it's taking over a year after release to be finished. Give me a fucking break. If they decide to make XVI for whatever reason, they better not pull this bullshit again.

Isn't every game in existence better than KH?
I mean, the game is unplayable, the shit story makes me want to turn off the PS2

I do play FFXIV, I mean. I need sleep.

>shit, gay cast

Is that pic a joke?

>If they decide to make XVI for whatever reason

I think the better thing to say would be "When". That said who do they have that could lead FFXVI?

I've never read a bait so obvious.

Also please stop being a such an obvious falseflagger. No fanboy is this crazy.

Based on its ending I'd expect at least one more

Most of the recurring bosses are mostly from the optional dungeons and raids unless we count every primal but even then a lot of them were never bosses or never existed to begin with.
XI presented its world better, but also had way too many problems in terms of gameplay and stuff. Both had/have fanservice and not too much imo. XIV doesn't really throw it into your face if you only do the MSQ and don't go looking for it. It's a still a lot better than XV imo which just feels like it's 80% WRPG and 20% FF monsters and music.It's just missing that goofy hidden side stuff like the chocobo island, moogle quests etc. Even Lost Odyssey had it's own side story village.

I wouldn't be surprised if they poached YoshiP.

Nope. That is an official thing Square did with FFXV, same with this webm.

Results of the survey have not been released

I'm sure ito isn't doing anything. I kind of want to see yoship get a try at singleplayer or the guy who did WOFF

>Also please stop being a such an obvious falseflagger. No fanboy is this crazy.
I don't think you understand what false-flagging is. XV-kun is actually just that crazy.

How about we just stop making Final Fantasy games?

Let the IP fucking die in peace. Do your XIV mmo sure, but let the main games be a thing of the past already. Stop shitting it up. Since XIII they haven't managed to do anything right and I doubt they ever will. VIIIR already looks like it'll be a fucking trainwreck and mess that shits all over the original, failing to do it any justice. It will have garbage combat, mutilated characters and dialogue, be sold in bite-sized pieces and be full of DLC shit. Just stop.

Hopefully not Tabata.

No it's the sad truth.

The game is unfinished.

Sadly no.

See, they just cannot comprehend objectivity. They probably just sit at home replaying the same shit over and over again because ''older is better just because it's older''. What a sad life.

>No fanboy is this crazy.
So innocent

>this webm

The fucking mobile game alway smakes me smile

They call you a nostalgiafag because most of Sup Forums can't handle that someone likes something they don't.



Remember to play FFXV: the Complete Edition in 2019.

jesus fuck

Not until we reach XXVII

Should probably just stop responding to him.


I wonder if I will still be alive to see that.

I'll pass. Nothing in XV has enticed me to get back to even touching the DLCs.

I'll just sit with My Platinum at 72% completion rate

So has FFXV become the Persona 4 of Final Fantasy games? Divisive among the fan base, whored out and overstaying its welcome?

>this is what my once favourite franchise has devolved into

I'ts like watching a loved one suffocate in front of you.
What a fucking disgrace. That fucking Noctis run animation

If this isn't proof that mobile games are cancer I don't know what is.

Btw I've been wondering why did they not have gambits for your bros in XV? You cannot control them directly anyway so I think it would have been a good way to keep you involved with what you want their roles to be in combat.

you keep your plat trophy for a game if they add more achievements to it cause of expansions or dlc?

They're not even remotely comparable. XV was an enormous departure from typical FF gameplay, P4 was at least the game people paid for.

>Divisive among the fan base

Only one person likes it.