>not mustard
BBQ sauce is better
>know mayonaise is the better condiment
>know ketchup is going to win because kids generally don't like mayonaise yet
mayo is so gross
Who the fuck puts plain ass mustard on fries?
Honey mustard or bust
You'll understand when you're 25
>no one knows about fry sauce because utah would rather spread its crazy religion than its delicious condiment
the union should have finished the job
>not mixing them
Fry sauce is literally mayo+ketchup+bbq and some powders.
fuck....thats when i started liking mayo and mustard.
What is ketchup good on? Anything I can think you put ketchup on can have a million better things on it than ketchup.
Meanwhile I won't even eat a sandwich if it isn't slathered in mayo. Kids who still eat french fries and dino nuggies won't understand.
reddit meme
I grew up not liking condiments
Now they're okay, but it's alot easier to just not eat with condiments now. Probably healthier for me in the long run, anyhow
So it wasn't a meme when they said this tree had infiltrated every shoveltier game ever?
I don't have an N64
I know more people who eat their fries with ranch than either ketchup or mayo
Mustard and tomato sauce aren't mutually exclusive. I've never seen anyone mix mayo and tomato sauce.
exactly, mayo+ketchup yet these faggots would rather fight over the two. also bbq is just ketchup with brown sugar, spices and liquid smoke.
never heard of bbq in fry sauce, usually it is onion and garlic powder
Not even that guy, but mayo is disgusting outside of a few applications.
t. 30
What games allow me to take Mayo instead of Mustard?
I can't wait to see mayofags get BTFOd
>liking spicy brown ketchup
Big name condiments are just HFC, food coloring, and spices. You're not missing out.
>What is ketchup good on?
Lunch-meat and white bread sandwiches. It's like a holiday to a trailer park for your mouth.
Yeah it's ok but idk why white people get crazy over it.
It's like someone went batshit insane for a fried egg.
You're fat.
>I know more people who eat their fries with ranch than either ketchup or mayo
All of your friends are lardasses.
I eat my fries with this stuff, it's what they use I think to make poutine
Much like spicy brown mustard is better than yellow, yes.
>tfw too intelligent for mayo
32 here, I used to eat mayo all the time, but now it gets more disgusting to me every year.
>ketchup on cold cuts
Ketchupfags are fucking animals
you dip your fries in water?
>not making your own mayo
I also put ketchup on DimSims. My only defence is I have autism and my tastes are completely bonkers.
>I only eat things exactly as I'm told
Try living your own life for once.
The true KING of condiments
is that toothpaste
American Lard Detected
Who the fuck dips their fries in water or put it on a sandwich. Fuck soggy bread is the worst thing.
>not dipping your fries in ice cream
Goopy white shit is for fags.
White "people".
Jesus Christ, you Americans.
my parents love it, they always have a jar in the fridge
Your mom seems to like it
>go to carls jr drive thru
>order a large size of french fries
>order vanilla milkshake
>dip the frieds in the milk shake as I'm driving on the freeway
Miracle Whip master race.
If Mustard was against either one it would win by a land slide. Every mustard from standard yellow to spicy brown to honey are all much more delicious then either 'chup or 'yo, and can go on many more foods.
>Not grey poupon
This is why the elect made Fentanyl.
>Not drinking condiments in the year of our lord 2017
>all this obsession
>not malt vinegar
What the fuck am I looking at? Is it just a can of gravy that tastes like a hot chicken sandwich? Or is it made for hot chicken sandwiches?
Goddamnit, I'm hungry now Sup Forums why are you doing this?
So you're saying you like guzzling cum then? Mayo lovers confirmed cockmonglers.
What's funny is all the hood niggas I grew up with loved mayo and I thought it was fucking weird.
Turns out mayo is pretty good.
Mustard is best though.
It's a can of hot chicken for gravy sandwiches.
I can tell this was edited, what was it originally? just mustard?
Splatoon is aimed at kids and ketchup and mayo are for kids and fat people.
Nah that would be Colman's
based golf sauce
this meme needs to die
The age aspect of it is meta funny because I doubt anyone over 25 enjoys that meme.
Apparently if you make your own mayo it's god tier. Never tried it, myself.
i would probably ask for the powdered waffle or those with the line of chocolate on top. Waffle taste god by itself
How do they keep it hot inside the can?
I made kapusniak and mizeria. What are you having?
>gamerfuel threads
Who actually eats when gaming? With a fork I'd hope.
it's gravy, not sure how to explain the taste but it's doesn't taste like bread/sandwich
it's made for for hot chicken sandwiches
The fuck are you talking about