Why was this the last good Dead Rising game?
Why was this the last good Dead Rising game?
They tried to give the player too much freedom, since the retstrictions you had to work around was part of the first two games
It was the best DR game
It was supervised by the original team
So many people on Sup Forums complained about the time limits and scrambled for mods to deactivate them.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that appreciated it.
Yes it is.
What's with all the DR threads lately
on the first game, maybe, but I think the second game hit that sweet spot between urgency and freedom.
I spam threads about whatever new series I get into because I have issues.
It wasn't.
It's not off the record.
4 was alright. story was shit but it was decent for just mowing down zombies. the only one I haven't played is 3. is it worth picking up for xbone?
This game was shit when they killed Rebecca Chang
I gotten it on sale during Xbox summer thread it's okay so far
Because it's wasn't. Series went downhill after this.
Why do people not like 3?
is it because of the lack of a time limit?
I know you aren't Chuck Greene, but Nick Ramos was alright.
The weapons you could make were pretty decent even if some were reused.
The psychos weren't as interested as 2 but 3 still had decent moments.
THICC blondes>red head>brunettes
Camera lost.
Humor lost.
Went for gritty realism bullshit.
Nobody had any sort of charm
It is pretty fucking soulless.
There still was a time limit actually but I didn't like it because the map was shit, the whole concept of survivors and quests took a nose dive, it's easy as shit, the lockers negated exploration, combo weapons lacked experimentation since they require you to have blueprints before you can do any of them, psychopaths were way too comical and focused too much on being sexual deviants. There's more I disliked but these are the ones I can recall off the top of my head.
You mean OTR
Everything about it was a step down from the games before it, it feels like after OTR they really doubled down on making the weapons as wacky as possible
off the record is garbage. ruins everything good about vanilla.
It's literally the same game, except with an extra zone, a few more combo cards, and you can take pictures.
there is a capcom humble bundle with DR2+OTR+DR3 in them.
I keep hearing this but from what I can tell ORT is literally the exact same game but with Frank? Like the cutscenes are all the same, except Frank is in them and the dialogue is a smidge different. Also Chuck becomes a weird reskin psychopath?
Yes, it's pretty much the exact same, except for some cutscenes. There's also an additional area, more combo cards, and I'm not sure if the special ending thing with TK and Rebeca was a part of DR2.
the only reason the game was better was because they had a character that wasn't a plank of fucking wood.
Half of what made Dead rising fun was the characters. And all of dead rising 2 had you play as a super serious biker dad. Shit was meh.
The reason why 4 sucked dick though was they managed to take all of the fun you could have out of dead rising with 3. and managed to take the piss out of Frank.
Fuck blondes. They're way too fucking common, Redheads a best.
>Also Chuck becomes a weird reskin psychopath?
Not even a reskin IIRC. Katey dies and it turned him psycho, I think he has an assortment of combo weapons on him and he does some of his hand to hand moves too.
He's a reskin of this guy
off the record is worse solely because of how they intentionally made the AI stupid as fuck because of how smart it was in dead rising 2
the AI is so stupid in OTR that it's actually worse than the original game's AI
The humor was still there,
>Gritty Realism
if you mean, get some zombrex, LOL JK, as realism.
It was quite predictable I'll give you that, but Fat woman psycho was gruesome when she died.
Or the gay psychos.
Camera was totally whatever IMO; even though they brought it back in off the record;
So explore to find the blueprints so you can access them from the workbench? I thought it was nice that there was a time limit on how many items you could get from a locker.
escort missions were whatever in dead rising1/2
I personally think there is nothing wrong with the weapons being wacky. If you are fine with Boxing gloves with bowie knives or fucking lightsabers. Electrified wheelchairs with assault rifles on them in 2 then DR3 is more of the same shit.
i got OTR in the humble bundle, couldn't escort the girl from the pharmacy back to the safehouse alive. told her to stand in a specific place and she'd still run off to smack a zombie and then get grabbed. tried to give her food but it healed fuck all and i ran out of food. no weapon i gave her made her competent at defending herself. gave up and uninstalled.
It's the same game plus some DLC
"I'm your host, Tyrone King! But you can call me 'T.K.', baby."
I don't fucking know dude god why do you always ask me such asinine questions every freaking day? Do I look like a walking gameguy to you or something? Go bother someone else for once shithead.
How is Chuck a plank of wood?
Why do people give him shit, I thought he was a great protag
He had character, good lines, like Frank
He wasn't just Frank 2.0 and that's great
And the story is built around him, that's why it's worse in off the record
In DR2, Chuck is faced with a dilemma, yes phenofags killed a ton of people, but the only thing he cares about in the world depends on them doing that
It had thought put into it, like DR1 story
Hers is the only broken AI in the game
It's really hard to save her for some reason
maybe if i feel really patient some day i'll try again, but that sounds pretty hard to believe.
It's true tho
I played the game around 4 times now and she always dies
I think I maybe saved her once by luck
My friend played the game the other day and same thing, she just dies
Funny thing, you don't have to go inside that place for the entire game, you can wait until the last second to get her out
He doesn't crack wise. He has a scowl on his face 90% of the time and 10% of the time a smile because the smile is dedicated for his daughter.
He rarely interacts with his psychos
Completely and utterly focused on the Zombrex for his daughter. Turned the game semi serious.
It wasn't. 3 and 4 are vastly superior.
surely you can try a little harder than that. elaborate on why everyone's favorite feature was bad or something.
Neither does Frank, that was the point of Frank he wasn't some crackwise protag like all the rest
Chuck crackswise more than Frank, he almost always has a line after he kills a psycho
Rebecca dies in DR2, in Off the Record she lives.
Supervised by glorious shinnippori.
Not dicked by Microsoft.
Frank's version of DR2 has him retelling the story in his special way to inflate his ego flaunt his delusion of grandeur.
He fucking starts the game off wrestling Zombies.
He retells the story into a way that makes Chuck was a psycho.
>$0.05 beaver nickels have been deposited into your account
>Endless mode
>No more having to go back to the safehouse to use Zombrex.
>Themepark area.
>A few new boss fights.
>Photography returns.
I don't really have anything wrong with having some wacky weapons but it started feeling less like Dead Rising + wacky weapons and more like wacky weapons + Dead Rising
Did you guys know Franks original voice actor is back in marvel v capcom?
He has new lines and everything
Also the voice actor Frank has in 4 has a fake fucking name in the credits
What the hell why even?
Yea I know
Why are you telling me this?
>shitty animations
>fucked up mechanics
>the only improvement is the idea of combo weapons
No, only the first one is good
Capcom Humble bundle a few weeks after they had a couple of them on sale on PSN.
I see this brought up like that totally redeems his change of character but the Frank in DR1 wouldn't have portrayed himself like he did in OTR. No matter how you put it that game is what started the death of his character and paved the way to the stupid shit we got in DR4.
Yea pretty much
Frank in 1 is an amazing character, he sucks in 2 and in 4 he's worse
2 is okay because we get to hear TJ more, he's great
Is it bad that she gave me such a hard on?
Its the no teeth that makes her prime blowjob material
5.5/10 at best.
The technology went steadily downhill as the series progressed
>excellent looking early 360 graphics
>mediocre mid-360/ps3 graphics
>hideous Xboner graphics
How did 4 manage to look worse than the original?
They had no budget and time to make it
Why are you shitting on DS2 btw?
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this.
Art took a turn for the worse in 2008 onward
canadian devs
DR2 is a massive step down from the original. It's ugly, the soundtrack isn't memorable, the story is worthless, combat feels awful, world design sucks, money and zombrex were terrible ideas, DR2 has nothing going for it next to the original.
They're such shitters.
What a blind fanboy
DR2 is an amazing DR game
Every boss fight is garbage
Antoine, TK, Sullivan, Ted are all great
Especially Antoine, who has one of the best tracks in all the games
Antoine is horrible, he runs faster than you and can't be staggered the the best way to beat him is to just bring strong weapons and juice and wail on him and hope you're levelled enough for him to die first.
I played 3 when it was fucking horrible on PC so there was that. I dunno if they ever fixed it. Also the resolution to the plot was eh. Girl being chuck's daughter all along and Nick being one of the orphans from DR1's ending tease felt shoed in
just bring survivors with guns
It's the same game with Frank instead of Chuck and some bonus content, fuck are you on about