Destiny 2 beta is apparently fucking garbage

>Destiny 2 beta is apparently fucking garbage

Kek. Can't say I didn't see this coming. Will this game hopefully kill the franchise?

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well i think you're a faggot and i don't believe you

Its true. Everyone is bitching because they are gutting the PVE content in favor of PVP shit.


i mean woah, who is surprised when the first game sucks dick and the second one is confirmed to be worse.

Well there was alot of hope that they would learn from their mistakes on the first game and improve on the 2nd one.

It's not so much that the game is shit, but that even and reddit realize it's shit.
You have to work hard to fuck up that bad.

It's incredibly dull.

I played the beta. Can you give me some examples of this? I am not disagreeing as they did this with the first game. I didn't have any particular problem with the beta other than it being incredibly short

>Everyone is bitching because they are gutting the PVE content in favor of PVP shit.

See >learn from their mistakes on the first game and improve on the 2nd one.

This pretty much summarizes everything wrong with D2 so far

Nah, normies will buy it again

This game is no better than D1 at all, I can't understand what Bungie was even up to all this time

>Slower movement
>Weaker weapons
>Worse supers
>Weaker abilities
>Full retard loadout system
>EVEN WORSE writing
All for the sake of muh pvp
Fuck Bungie

>Destiny 2 beta is apparently fuc-
Absolutely cancerous post 10/10

I played it and honestly

First of all wasn't D1 all about exploration and stuff? I couldn't play with more than 3 people why is it suddendly Halo2-3? Not that I mind it was cool but still

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but is the auto aim hilariously broken?

I now believe that Bungie wanted to keep Destiny around for many years but Activision pushed them into making a rushed second game

>retards played through the first one when it shoulda died in the first month


The autoaim has been toned down compared to D1

Hey! Just like Microsoft

>My hopes in a good exploration game now lies with Anthem
Hold me
All I want is to have fun with my bros online

>made cooldowns way longer
>dual primary system
>movement is alot slower
>machine guns removed


>weapon slots are fucked; shotties, snipers, and fusions were moved to the "heavy" slot; "special" slot is now just a second primary, with elemental damage
>abilities recharge slow as fuck
>and are incredibly weak
>each instance of a particular piece of gear will have the exact same perks as every other instance of that piece of gear
That's off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.
PvE got utterly neutered in order to make PvP more standardized--that is, easier for the devs to balance.
It's a complete shitfest. And I'm someone that put over 1500 hours into D1, across PvE and PvP. Bungie have either toned down or outright removed nearly all of the RPG elements, resulting in D2 just being another CoD clone.


Just play warframe then

Warframe is worse.

What are you bitching about you autist

the beta was good enough that I pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition for 100 bucks. checkmate, haters.

You are literally playing several version behind the destiny they're working with

They've even said that themselves

Well until then this is all we have to go on.

so, like the first game then.
no surprise here

>doesn't play the game
>makes a thread bitching about it

this tbqh
>Power ammo PvE droprate much higher in full release
>ability and primary damage against PvE enemies increased
>complaints about cooldowns are retarded because they compare T10+ D1 armour with unmodded D2 gear

I'm going to legally marry the Failsafe!

Just like Destiny 1's beta right?

"It's just a beta" excuse gets used for every damn game. The same shit with destiny 1 and infinite warfare and star wars battelfront

You say that as though playing an updated version of D2 will fix core issues like the retarded new weapon slots or non-randomized rolls on gear.

It's so bland and generic
Nothing special, I guess people will play it to grind for gear and that's it?
There's not even any level design really, it's just so dull

post yfw Bungie are complete hacks

So bungie replaces the most useful titan and warlock subclasses with a reskin of a shitty raid relic for titans and giving warlocks a hammer of sol that's skinned as a sword. On top of that they make the "customization" for subclasses just picking one of two preset perk groups. How the hell do they do that when the most popular topic on their forum is people talking about new and unique subclasses and perks. What the hell were they thinking?

Sentinels still have the bubble you moron.

>Armor of light
No we don't.

Fuck what they turned Bladedancer into.

Lol me and my friends are enjoying it faggot. Stop trying to speak for people.



>made the game closer to Halo than Call of Duty
>everyone gets butthurt

>i spent $100 on a digital copy take that haters!

ok but why should we care?

>The devs say they've fixed these issues
>Uh no that doesn't support my narrative so they're lying

Can't wait for the game to make another 500mil first week and see bdobbinsftw shills seething


>less RNG grinding for broken as fuck perk combos is a bad thing

Destiny was always closer to Halo than COD
Thing is even Halo sequels had more going for them than Destiny 2. Imagine if Halo 2 or 3 had only one vehicle, 4v4 only modes with no FFA or BTB? But oh right Halo doesn't have RPG elements therfore it automatically sucks.

>he actually unironically used AoL
I'm glad shitters like you are gone.

>shoulder charges and nade babbies upset that they can't spam anymore
Lmao! Pvp is already good, all they need to do is fix the bloom shit

Nah, fuck off.
And the loadout system is lame, the "a or b" subclasses are perma-fucked, the exotics seen are all even less exotic than the average D1 exotic (which weren't interesting enough to start with), every single change is pointing directly toward muh MLG with no regard at all for the PvE experience.
It doesn't matter how much they tweak now, the PvP-first attitude is so deeply embedded in the game that nothing short of gutting the whole thing and starting from scratch can fix it.

>b-but more content will be in the full game!
More bad content is still bad content.

But what really gets me is that all the player statistics I've seen show that the ratio of online PvE players to PvP players is something like 7/3 even when PvP events are running. Why is Bungie throwing the majority of their playerbase under the bus to appeal to a minority?
It doesn't even make any sense.

>release is unchanged from the beta 9 times out of 10
>including Destiny 1
>Uh no that doesn't support my narrative the devs said so you're lying

>Destiny was always closer to Halo than COD
>twitchy instadeath pvp with free shotguns and snipers at the beginning of every life
That's COD as hell, son.

>game releases in two months

Every time.

everyone who is bitching is still going to buy it which is the sad truth, game will still be #1 this fall

Might as well just play CS:GO if you like Destiny 2 PvP, at least there you don't have to pay $200 for the full experience and even have the chance of making $200 off of rare drops.

It's just boing. There is a lot of debate over balance, which you always have to take with a grain of salt as many mechanics aren't in the beta and some people just have shit ideas on balance. I would agree with PvE feeling slow because of the PvP balance, but it's not complete trash and easily fixed. I like the new PvP though, more tactical. Wouldn't mind more modes with higher player counts though. Slight increase in abilities without them being spammable would be welcome.
I dont really agree with the the complaints about movement. I feel like jumping and shooting feels way better than before.
When it come to the subclass complaints, there is some good and bad. Making simple skill trees is bad compared to possibly having varied builds, but people will and have in the past, gone for optimal builds anyways. And being able to customize stats is going to done with mods rather than the skill trees, so whatever.
But bungine has absolutely fucked up with trying to appeal to people who dropped destiny early and new players, while simultaneously not showing their fanbase anything new, or letting them sink their teeth into the meat of D2.

Yea but why?
Why do people play destiny 1 and 2?
I tried the beta and I don't get it

>he DIDN'T use armor of light
What's wrong with you? Do you like being vulnerable while still in your bubble?

They made the gameplay abysmally slow so that the utter lack of content seems longer than it actually is. Smart move, considering the overall intelligence of the game's fans and their likelihood to pick up on this.

Why are you so upset bdobbins? You upset that you can't adapt to changes?

>extreme hyperboles and analogies that take literally minutes to say
>screaming and yelling is the default tone

God, listening to these sorts of videos are so fucking unbearable. Why do people watch these?

You are so fucking stupid it hurts. These sorts of changes are FINE for PVP. The issue is that the fucktards at bungie make sweeping changes to BOTH pve and pvp, instead of balancing them separately. This ends up having a negative effect on the pve. They literally did this throughout D1 and it is astounding that they somehow have not learned that this doesn't work.

>lol just adapt :^)
or he could just play a better game

Literally who? The only way to adapt is just to not buy the game, which is what I plan on doing.

Kys, shitter. Learn to adapt

>Destiny 2 is bad
>Here is a food analogy

>Destiny 2 beta is apparently fucking garbage
You could at least have an informed opinion (which I don't either, btw) before starting a thread.

I'm going to play it until Anthem comes out.

Pretty much all the complaints are numbers issues that could be fixed by changing some values in a config file.

My issue is the class homogeneity and the balance issues.

>Warlocks are just awesome and well designed
>Warlocks are the only 2 subclasses who aren't based on getting procs from grenade/melee kills
>Getting procs from grenade/melee kills is fucking boring, especially in harder content and on bosses
>Titan's walls are rad, Warlocks rifts are rad
>Hunter is retarded, and I-frames for their dodge are locked behind an upgrade
>Weapon diversity needs another pass. Everything outside of Scout, Auto, and Pulse rifles feels like a shitty version of scout, auto, and pulse rifles.

I'm definitely going to go Titan or Warlock on PC, but given that, I thought Arcstrider was actually really fun, and their upgrades seemed rad too, it's just that AGAIN, it seems like they'd only perform well against basic mobs and not bosses or anything remotely beefy.

This shit looks just like destiny 1. I legit wasn't sure if he was just showing old destiny footage at the beginning or not. What the fuck was the point of a new game??

Go ahead, doesn't deny the fact that destiny 2 will be a huge success like D1 :^)

Okay, your choice my man

Adapt to this! *cancels pre-order*

Good for you. Less shitters in Destiny 2? No problem.


Yea, they even said destiny 2 will be better because they don't need to optimise the game for the last generation. They were restricted with destiny because it has to run on ps3 and x360.

Holy shit. Do you literally have zero reading comprehension? How are you this fucking stupid? Kill yourself.

The whole point of the post is that they make these changes to BOTH PVP AND PVE. That they DON'T BALANCE THEM SEPERATELY, which is what they SHOULD DO. How can I spell this shit out anymore???

Also learn to adapt? Adapt to fucking what? Slogging through pve content? No thanks. It isn't fun.

How is that an uninformed opinion?

There's a big difference between devs saying there will be more content in the full release and the devs saying the balance/numbers will be tweaked in the full release

Are you just pretending to be retarded?.

>The PVE game tuning has changed pretty significantly since the Beta build was deployed. The nature of a Beta of this scale requires that it’s based off a build of the game that is now months old. So, in many cases, your feedback is helping us validate changes that were previously made based on internal feedback and playtesting. For example, we too felt that ammo (especially power ammo) was too scarce in PvE. In addition to retuning the drop rates, we built a system that guarantees power ammo drops for you and your Fireteam from certain enemies, giving power weapons a more reliable and predictable role in your arsenal. Other areas where we’ve made significant tuning changes include grenade effectiveness in PvE, Boss vitality, and weapon damage against non-player combatants.

Sidearms and HCs need a buff, SMGs are a good addition that outclasses every other primary at very close range.

How fucking stupid are you?

>Will this game hopefully kill the franchise?
Retard. they're already working on 3. do you know how contracts work?

>SMGs are a good addition that outclasses every other primary at very close range.
This. That exotic SMG warlocks get is brutal in Crucible. I was always top of the board with it.


>i-i-it's just a Beta guys! We're totally gonna fix this!

>hurr they will fix it in the full release

Some of the bigger fucking issues are fundamental design flaws that are already in the game. Ie the two primaries system..

Furthermore it's concerning that they are continuing to show an inability to realize that PVE and PVP have different needs. And instead they are trying to make the game into "muh competitive shooter" which is killing the PVE aspect of the game

I completely agree with you, good post. I'm feeling a little salty as hunter when it come to class abilities. I feel like my job is to just kill mobs.

However, when I comes to class homogeneity. I can see it turning out to be countered by player loadouts. Moving things like snipers into the power slot is going to push people towards being specialized, and the loadouts for each class in beta highlights this. Take a look at the exotics, the Titan pumps out dps on bosses, while the hunter kills mobs, and the warlock is the support in between the two.

>PvE is so hard now ;.;, bungie p-please im a shitter who can't kill simple AI's.. ;(
Lmfao kys shitter, please don't buy this game as a matter of fact let me get your gamertag so i can laff at your faggot ass when you buy the game this september or october

>warlock gets free grenade and melee energy for bunnyhopping like a retard

i dont know how i feel about this

Are you actually retarded? Because no major dev has come out an admitted the beta is the current version of the game and that nothing will change in the full release, even though that's what happens almost every time.

>There's a big difference between devs saying there will be more content in the full release and the devs saying the balance/numbers will be tweaked in the full release
Because the former is a given and the latter is what EVERY dev says to damage control their beta regardless of whether shit is tweeked in the full release.

"It's just an old build" is beyond retarded. You're beyond retarded if you argue its just a beta to defend the final game.

Multiple changes are listed in which only affect PvE, so why are you trying to claim they're being balanced together.

Warlocks are supposed to be mobile.

Holy fuck the destiny haters are in full force today

yeah i get that but fuck its annoying as shit fighting indoors now because I feel like i should be in the air at all times otherwise I'm gimping myself

Butthurt destiny fanbois. Just like pic related but 10 years later.

Gotta defend dem preorders

>Bdobbins shill this upset people are going to enjoy D2
>critizing a beta

I see your point. I am pretty disappointed with those changes but I do feel the strike shown has scaled the bosses to work better with the new heavy gun system. Shotguns felt pretty potent when used and all heavies seemed to carry a little more ammo. I did like the map explorations and am interested to see more, but highly disappointed the guns are just as bland and gear is now pretty much useless as shown
>full resilience versus no resilience is 11% increase in shields

I seriously hope you kill yourself. Like are you still in school? I refuse to believe a grown adult is this fucking retarded.

You continue to miss the point. It's not that the mobs are hard to kill, it's that it isn't fucking fun. PVE content feels like a slog to get through. The enemies are EVEN WORSE bullet sponges than they were in D1. Which is fucking saying something.


Destiny defense force out in full force ITT