ITT game series' you enjoyed at some point that went to complete shit

ITT game series' you enjoyed at some point that went to complete shit

ass effect


You posted it. Last one I played was Black Flag. What the hell is even going on in the story now?



I actually enjoyed AC2 at the time, but it's funny to think about how that game pioneered one of the worst videogame trends in recent memory. It was the first game to feature ubisoft's patented tower climbing, fetch quest filled open world gameplay. After AC2's success, ubisoft started making all of their games open world, and the open worlds just got more and more shallow with every subsequent release. Now other, non ubisoft developers are making the exact same type of shallow bullshit.

Nothing they pretty much dropped the modern story after Rogue.

In Unity and Syndicate your an initiate being trained by the Assassins using the Animus to find sages and pieces of Eden.


Too many to count

(game indicates last game of the series I played and liked)

Diablo 2
Warcraft 3
Starcraft BW
Devil May Cry 4
Battlefield 2
Call of Duty 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Fallout NV
Elder Scrolls Morrowind
Final Fantasy IX
and I'm sure lots more I cant think of right now

is there any that didn't?

unity has no modern segment. and syndicate is just a few cutscenes showing the crew busting into abstergo for something or other. there's some shit in the WWII Syndicate part that shows Minerva or whatever the goddesses name was

black flag was the last real bit of plot momentum for the modern storyline

Last great MGS. MGS3 was still pretty good, but it exists only to mock tasteless fans sperging out because they didn't get to play as Snake.


What game was the point in which it all went wrong? I'm torn between 2 and Brotherhood. I actually liked 2, but like said, it was the first game to set a bunch of awful trends in ubisoft games

>tfw Ass Cred is still my favorite series because it sucked me into vidya to begin with
>really interested in the story until they fucked it up with desmond dying
>multiplayer was top tier fun
>still mad that they dropped it
stopped playing after unity though

you cant blame a game for being successful.

Blame the soulless executives and producers that milked the formula to death

stopped after the shitshow that was 3.

i havent played a mor disappointing game in my life

I'd say revelations was a bit worse than brotherhood, but the ending itself redeemed it in my opinion
then with AC3 it went to shit, brought back with AC4, Rogue and fixed Unity
now its shit again with syndicate and the new one

AC4 and AC Rogue are pretty good though, Rogue is my favorite
Unity is still a bit broken but rarely, they fixed it up pretty good

Brotherhood certainly, while AC2 is the COD4 of its series, the peak.
Assassin's Creed was meant to be a trilogy, until Ubi saw the success of AC2 and decided to nickel and dime the franchise forcing its original creator to leave early in Brotherhood's development.
everything after AC2 was never meant to exist.
in short, blame Ubisoft for ruining yet another series.

I dropped Assassin's Creed completely after the first 5 hours of AC3 bored me out of my mind back in 2011, but now I picked up Syndicate because it was dirt cheap in PSN summer sale. And it seems to be quite OK, doesn't captivate me like 2 did back in the day, but it's still fun enough that I actually want to play it unlike 3. The side activities are of course still repetitive as hell if one aims for the 100% completion, but blast that, I will just focus on the story and the actual side missions given by associates, fuck all that filler shit.

>He's upset over them dropping Hide and Seek mode.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it too. Met a good friend playing the AC3 multiplayer. But it's not like I ever played the Assassin's Creed series for its online multiplayer.

I decided to play unity again after having originally dropped it in 15 minutes due to it being broken, and it actually isn't that bad. I play with the French voices on and English subtitles though, because the English voice acting is trash and the French voice acting is actually decent.

I've spent a shit ton of time playing MP in revelations
and entire summer with friends
I miss those times

It hurts. Great example of what happens when you chase the cowaduty crowd relentlessly. The progression from this game to Battlefield 3 or 4 is such a nosedive. Sadly, those games are still better than the direction they went with Battlefield 1/Battlefront. The fact that the games are now more popular on consoles than PC tells you all you need to know.

AC3 is certainly the lowest point of the series by far, it's the only one that I would deem completely unworthy of playing.

>mfw AC3 was the game that completely broke me, body and spirit, and since then I stopped playing consoles and pre-ordering
Literally the worst AAA game I've ever played. It was downright insulting at times.

AC3 is miles better than Syndicate though
its just the main story thats shit, the sidemissions especially the homestead ones are great
syndicate is shit from the ground up


I actually enjoyed Syndicate a fair bit. I know it isn't great and is pretty bland at times, but it did have some fun moments, the setting was nice. It's not Unity at least.

Eh after all the fixes, I prefer Unity, the combat is miles better, plus its the most fashion creed out there
and paris looks gorgeous compared to london

This shit is still broken
I haven't played symdicate but unity has the jankiest parkour and combat so far
I mean it's cool that you can't go on a kill chain after countering one guy, but it's impossible to dodge bullets with unresponsive controls and enemies that spaz out in the geometry

>I havent played syndicate
well, the combat is now batman style, except that you'll be hitting one guy 10 times to knock him down, plus the parkour is ruined by architecture and made irrelevant by the grappling hook

the last time I played Unity I rarely encountered glitches, and if they were they wouldnt be game breaking