E3 2018

E3 2018
What are your hopes?
Your dreams?
And your nightmares at next year's event ?

I will post this everyday until Prime 4
I will cling to hope in possibility that the new metroid games will be good


Metroid Prime 4 gameplay

GiTs game

I've actually missed this Unicorn image here

Shame this year's E3 was a fucking debacle

I want you to stop using gundam for these fucking threads. Aisha wasn't there this year so I think that warrants using a new parody image at least.

In fact I'm pretty sure the gundam has been used as the OP image more than Aisha was doing the same pose at this point.

My nightmare is the xbox 2 and ps5 are announced

I just finished episode 5 of Unicorn.
It's pretty great.

So what are you going to post once the games come out?

>In fact I'm pretty sure the gundam has been used as the OP image more than Aisha was doing the same pose at this point.
It's possible, adding up the days from these past three years.

Other Gundams don't fit the bill of HOPE meme magic so tough luck replacing it, buddy.

I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.

My hope is that all will be well
My dream is that all will be well
My nightmare is that all won't be well

I dont know, maybe I'll switch to something else but all my hopes have already come true.

I think you're wasting your strength at this point man, it's never happening

fake gundam fan

Just realized: we need someone to meme Devil May Cry 5 and any other game that needs to be made into existence.

Unicorn is literally HOPE incarnate though.

Cling to hope in possibility for Devil May Cry 5 here and you might get your wish.


>Cyberpunk 2077
>Maybe King of Fighters 15 or something

Anything neat.
Someone saves the MMO genre
More virtual TCGs, "in engine" cinematic trailers, and cringey Ubisoft gamerspeak.

I hope we see Ruby in action sooner than later.

Microsoft will have the strongest E3 showings for the next 5 years

what kind of hope?

I still don't know.

I'm sure you'll think of something great for next E3!
