Dragon Rush completely ruins this game. This is indisputable. If you argue otherwise...

Dragon Rush completely ruins this game. This is indisputable. If you argue otherwise, you are a moron who only likes the game because you played it as a kid.

Also DBZ game thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Play Shin Bufokai 2. It's better aside from it's character selection. But has an amazing story over Super


okay OP, name 1 (ONE) better DBZ game. i'll wait.

Final Bout.

What's better, Tenkaichi 2 or 3?

I've never finished the story mode of BT2 since it was unnecessarily long and complicated to unlock scenarios. BT3 bar none.

Does anyone remember BT1?

They should have kept those button combinations that lead into the auto combos that the first game had.

Either way I played a ton of Budokai 3 so I don't give much of a fuck.

Fusions is legitimately a good little JRPG.

Budokai Tenkaichi series


I played all 3, but played 1 as a child.

I remember it being pretty hard in the "Survive until time runs out" missions.

Anyone played Ultimate Battle 22 (27)?

I played 1 recently out of nostalgia purposes, couldn't get into it because of how garbage it was. Even the story mode was lazily done.

Burst Limit was the best imo.
>tfw sequel never

Looking at youtube vids and yeah, it feels a lot like proof-of-concept

I wish Xenoverse used a refined Tenkaichi system though. The techniques and movesets are all there but the combat is floaty as fuck

i've been playing fusions a lot recently. i kind of don't like what a chore it is to recruit new characters but it's still pretty fun and is keeping me engaged after 40+ hours. probably gonna 100% it. 7/10 its ok

mah nigga

Infinite World is the pinnacle of the Budokais I think. It's like Budokai 3 and Shin Budokai 2 put together, but without the shitty features like Dragon Rush.

Though, I think they made Goku too good.

Though, I do love the main theme music of Shin Budokai 1


>oversexualized and not on-model figures

#18 has the best ass.


Who Dokkan Battle here?

>Infinite World is the pinnacle of the Budokais I think. It's like Budokai 3 and Shin Budokai 2 put together, but without the shitty features like Dragon Rush.
One day I'll play Infinite world.

Bulma has the best ass.

mostly play japan here, fully f2p. how jealous are you that i got this beast and SSJ4 goku?

and super 17 but i dont care about him and his event is too fucking complicated

>finally manage to fully realize my Broly just before WT
>The easy wiping
Goddamn, being F2P is finally paying off.

He's maximum for a reason.

Global Player here, have both SSJ4's, anything after them that I should pull on?

>fire energy ball
>send opponent flying
>recharge your energy while opponent recovers from the attack
Repeat till you win.

Try playing on Very Hard or fighting against actual people, faggot

definitely at least try to get Angel SSJ3 Goku, he's awesome. basically any new major Super that comes out will be worth at least a multi or two of trying.

Super DBZ
Hyper DBZ
Dragonball FighterZ
Dragonball Origins 1 & 2 on DS
Legacy of Goku series on GBA
Tenkaichi 3
Revenge of King Piccolo on Wii
Dragonball Fusion
Xenoverse 2

You didn't say fighting game, and even then... the top 3 are still better.

Super DBZ was pretty boring.

>Not Kale

fighterZ can't be considered better than any other dbz game because it doesnt even really exist yet. wait til it's released to suck its cock

Great OST though. Like all of Arkia's games.

>Legacy of Goku series
Even the first one?

> Tao Pai Pai
Didn't they put his ass on ice when it comes to Fighter Z inclusion?
He's probably more likely than the guy I want the most. Fucking Buuhan.
He'd be interesting if he had the moves from his other forms as Super Buu and was basically the game's Double or some shit.

wakey wakey

Hit is pretty chill and helps his teammates.

what is this meme

I feel like they should have just called this game Budokai 4. Even after all this time I always see people argue which is better Budokai 3 or Tenkaichi 3 and not even realize there's a much better game than B3 with the same gameplay style.


>Legacy of Goku
I think you mean leagacy of Goku 2. The first one was pretty bad IIRC

I'm just surprised at how late they released this. This was well into the PS3 gen, I believe AFTER Burst Limit too. Definitely the best of the Budokais.


Says (YOU)

I'm a god with Kuririn in this.

I'm honestly not sure a lot of people even know it exists. Hell even I didn't until I walked into some mom and pop shop and saw it for $5. It's fantastic though.