Some of you guys are alright...Don't come to Nipton tomorrow

Some of you guys are alright...Don't come to Nipton tomorrow

no one in nipton or that went to nipton was alright

this, they deserved what they got

>this, they deserved what they got

Reminder that Legionfags are from /r/The_Donald

Where is the decanus' gun? It looks like he's holding air.

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to whiterun tomorrow.

they are the worst anyway. The only factions that gave up on rebuilding and resorted to dumb tribalism instead.

They are some of my favorite videogame fodder

>not le based multicultural civic ncr nationalists
yeah ok faggot


Why can't Obsidian learn from Bethesda how to do factions?
Empire v Stormcloak has solid points pro and con for both sides.
Obsidian just throws in the legion as the bad guys and call it a day.

It is called nuance Obsidian look into it.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to megaton tomorrow

I'd rather they learn from Bethes how to ship a finished product. There was more planned Legion content that showed their good side, but it got scrapped.

you're forgetting someone

You're retarded.

>obsidian just throws the legion in as the bad guys

Either you didn't play the game, or you were in a coma when you did.

Oh yeah the trains ran on time or some shit.
Yes the babysitter raped your kids but they got fed on time.

Were your parents related by blood?

>Oh yeah the trains ran on time or some shit.

Yeah, NCR caravans get raped, robbed and murdered by bandits without repurcussions. NCR rolls over independent towns while claiming they are better than the legion who does the same. Any sidequest you do relating to the NCR will show how corrupt and incompetent they are, and how literally nobody thinks highly of them. The most positive opinions you can come across is "well, they aren't putting fags up on a cross I suppose..."

When basically nobody has ANY strong negative feelings about the slaving imperialist empire, you KNOW your "republic" is utter cancer. Anyone you talk to in the wasteland who isn't directly on the "to be gassed" list of the legion craves the safety that comes with living under them. Meanwhile NCR "supporters" admit they're going to be mugged and murdered but at least they're "free"!

There were some surface-level merits if you didn't think about. I mean Ceasar stopped the chem trade. Probably. Maybe... Okay, let's be honest, there was probably a thriving underground black market once you got past the front lines.

I don't know if their views on women were backwards or not given the setting. Like, men and women used to have those divided roles because housework used to take all day. You washed clothes by hand and hung them up to try one by one, you didn't pop them in the washer/dryer. I'm not really clear on what the NCR had at their disposal or if any modern amenities worked because the banality of household chores never really came up. But then I guess they WERE backwards because their belief wasn't "Someone has to wash clothes, and I'm supposed to be doing these stupid military exercises" but rather, "Women are for making babies and literally nothing else", which is dysfunctional and not how that works.

Whatever was positive about the Legion, it only comes across if you really want to believe they expressed some merits.

I'm playing DUST right now
How the fuck do I get out of here? Is there anyone here that isn't a total asshole?

to be fair, most of the awful shit the legion is seen doing is limited to military barracks and stuff, life as a legion citizen is kinda ok

Yeah, NCR caravans get raped, robbed and murdered by bandits without repurcussions. NCR rolls over independent towns while claiming they are better than the legion who does the same.

>Kill and enslave literally everyone
>impose a system of highly imperfect civilized law

Not he same, friend-o

I shot his leg off because he outran the Radscorpions.

>kill and enslave literally everyone

Shows what a brainlet you are when you speak too soon: Sawyer's intentions for the legion are what I had already gathered by PLAYING THE GAME. Something which I already stated you clearly didn't do. Or maybe you just rushed through the main quest and got a really superficial perspective on everything that was going on.

Sawyer should quit posting what he meant to do with the previous game and focus on not fucking up his current one.

Quit engaging the fans and do your job dumbass.

>Is there anyone in DUST who isn't a total asshole?
Without installing mods, there's the Venderton located north of Vault 32. Watch out, though, because Vault 32 is surrounded by a hundred of those ass-eating tunnelers. Also near Vault 32 you can find a water salesman who will sell you a bottle of dirty water if you want it, but her dialogue isn't changed so she still gives this assessment of the world if you ask her, and it's hilariously, "Things are okay I guess, all considered."

Don't bother going in Vault 32 unless you have mods installed so a doctor can cure you of the poisoning. Even if you're quick the poisoning is pretty bad, and it takes forever to drink the problem away with alcohol. It IS feasible if you want to gather up a bunch of C4. You can enter the Old World Blues DLC with it, and there's an escape method there, but that's some fucking tedium because every person at Big Mt is heavily armed and has 10 perception. Also DON'T grab the antenna. It makes the Think Tank start talking to you again and that causes the game to crash periodically.

Oh no a large faction with tons of military power is going to take over my shithole village, By right of conquest,

Maybe you should've created your own defenses and military then faggots.

>brainlets can't understand the legion

This, even though you don't have any legion-controlled areas to explore, Raul talks about how the legion reformed Arizona from an uncivilized shithole to a place where people can actually live decent lives.

Also you can escape from DUST, but don't feel badly for reading up on it before hand because the mod author is a fucking dick and made it so you need to have a certain skill level to get through any of the endings. I think lockpick is mandatory or at least entirely invaluable for most escapes.

You can escape through Big Mt, but you need a high lockpick skill to get into a train tunnel first. Once you're in the tunnel, you blow it with 5 C4 charges, and then you have to find the teleporter gun. It has two locations: either a random tech-scavenger will be holding it, or it's in the toaster's blood shrine, but the blood shrine is booby trapped with a toaster mine that explodes the minute you spawn there.

With a high repair skill you can fix one of two airplanes in the Mojave, but you need to gather the appropriate supplies to do it.

If you can get to the Strip, you can take a monorail to a vertibird, which flies you to the Sierra Madre, and then you can escape from there. You can get to the Strip through the sewers, but again, the mod author is a piece of shit. He deleted all the sewer exits so once you go down there you have to either succeed or start a new game. Don't expect to be able to kill everyone you meet down there and don't even bother fighting the ghost people because they're lightning fast and I'm not sure if there's a consistent way to kill them short of taking a special perk.

You can escape through Zion if you find a shovel. You actually don't need any skills for this one and could do it at level one. I'd say a high sneak skill helps, but it really doesn't, because there's a thick pea soup fog over Zion that you can't see through, but enemies can. Usually by the time you see an enemy, they're already attacking. Also there's a powerful, unkillable enemy that spawns on the bridge that leads to the exit. He despawns at day, but you can't "wait", so have to spend ten minutes with your dick in your hand.

Just about everyone in the Mojave is either NCR or tribal, so in the scope of the game, there's no real way to avoid slaughter and/or enslavement.

Anyway, the whole question is whether your life is your own by law, and under the Legion, it is not. So, you're a slave. Just because the Legion hasn't killed a lot of it's populace in the East doesn't mean it cannot or will not do so.

btw, I'm not I don't even disagree with you. Just pointing out a distinction

I can't laugh at this because taking on an entire squad of a bunch of mid level legionfags at this point in the game with a 9mm pistol no less is exceptionally retarded.

Is the legion the most Sup Forums faction?

Get Gud

It's actually really easy to do. They're all armed with melee and maybe a few throwing spears, so as long as you kite them there's no problem gunning them all down.

Shocking, maybe, but at least try it before you call it stupid. Unless you're a VATS baby and can't aim without the game shooting for you.

>fragmines, frag grenades,