Mad Max game (2015)

How is this game? Loved the movie and the game looks good. Has positive reviews on steam as well.


I only do that if the game has endless expansion packs that exist solely to make money. Like The Sims. Here, there's no expansion packs. And it's $20.
I just want opinions

Extremely well optimized. Had a lot of fun.

Incredibly atmospheric world with incredibly repetitive gameplay and completely disinterested story.

But it run incredibly well for how good it looks, so there's that.


Story is garbage, you won't listen or care.

Max is actually decent as a protag, basically gives no fucks about anything going on and just wants to pimp his ride.

Gameplay is standard but solid batman-arkham style on the ground, and rather well done vehicle controls/systems. If you enjoy or can tolerate Batman-style combat, you'll be fine.

Gameplay is heavily focused on running around the world doing tasks/strongholds/etc, but shit is always marked on the map so you aren't wandering like a retard through an empty world. Not so great if you enjoy exploration, more for people who enjoy going to every node on the map, clearing it, and moving on.

Max levels up/gets bonuses based on challenges and mini-achievements, so you are heavily encouraged to do odd tasks as you adventure (Get a killstreak with only knives, do a cartwheel with your car while on fire, dance with the devil in the pale moonlight, etc) so some of the difficulty comes purely from those self-imposed limitations.

Game is fucking awful with K+M, very good with Controller.

There's very light survival aspects where you only can heal from food and water but even three hours in or so, it stops being an issue because of how overleveled you get.

Car customization is fun as fuck, as is riding around harpooning enemies and tearing down structures. At the same time there is a constant need for scrap/money to upgrade your bases and car, so you'll never feel like you're collecting for nothing (even 25+ hours in I was still desperately collecting every scrap I found).

All in all, its basically the openest-open-world-game you'll play for a while. If the standard pros/cons of open world games don't appeal to you, you will fucking hate it. If you enjoy them, you'll enjoy most everything about the game.

Not Torrenting?Because Autism?


The game is a solid 7/10.

It plays like a mediocre as fuck open world game from a decade ago, the gameplay is incredibly repetitive, shallow and uninspired, but it's solid.

The art direction and tech however is mindblowingly good and the atmosphere is fucking god tier.

If you enjoy automotive combat games (which are few and far between these days) and general exploration you'll probably enjoy it, I mean despite it being pretty average I certainly did.

OP here.
Sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the replies guys!

>No multiplayer

I miss twisted metal

imagine shitty far cry style open world mixed with shitty batman style fisticuffs


Haven't played it much but this Avalanche are fucking remarkable at optimization compared to other contemporary studios.

6/10 game. It does what literally every other Ubisoft and Ubisoft wannabe does but with a Mad Max skin. It's not amazing but it's competent and if you like Mad Max you'll like this.

Defiantly worth a play through. It's got some problems but the over-all experience is worth it.

The vehicles feel good. Whether you're driving across the map or in ramming battles with enemies, the vehicles feel right. You can tune your car to take on different roles (IE: Speed/Off-road/Combat) and they behave differently enough that you notice it.

Max in hand to hand combat feels good. It's less floaty then Arkham games, there's weight to the hits and Max's fury kill animations are brutal.

The story is kind of weak but you're not likely playing for that, it's for the game-play. The story isn't bad per say but nothing noteworthy. Chumbucket is an awesome NPC though.

My biggest problem with the game is related to game-play loop. It falls into the open world pit fall of encouraging you to clear every enemy base, loot every scavenge site, climb all the towers (balloons actually), upgrade every hide out. Nothing wrong with any of these things individually but they get a little old after a while. Especially on a second play through when you've seen it all.

There's some moments where it gets a little tedious or samey... but they're far outweighed by the moments when you're ramming into a convoy's lead car, dodging explosions and guys trying to jump onto your car to stab you, or when you're racing through the wastes and a dust storm catches you off guard and chaos ensues or when you're bashing some guy's face into a wall in front of his mates before shot-gunning one of them in the gut point blank.

Also while not adding to any thing gameplay wise the ability to go into camera mode at any time and take screen shots that let you control stuff like depth of field and add filters and stuff is really fun if you're into taking pictures of stuff.

>before shot-gunning one of them in the gut point blank.
I liked the way they handled the shotgun- Normally when there is some kind of resource scarcity in a game, I end up simply never using that tool/weapon because I'm always worried that a situation will come up that is balanced towards needing that tool. In this game, you never really NEED the shotgun so if you want to use it, go ahead and treat yourself.

Graphics, optimization, and car combat are fucking outstanding. Everything else is ass. It's definitely worth it though.

So fucking boring
You can play this game for 3 hours and that's all it has to offer. Go here, beat the place, collect the shit, raise your flag, do the tedious fucking mine sweeping, do a race. Rinse and repeat. Shit feels like a collectathon

Play it for 4-5 hours and decide if you're gonna stick with it. It's a very pretty, but VERY boring game IMO.

The combat can be pretty satisfying at times but liberating outposts is the same linear bullshit checklists over and over and over and over again and I never gave a shit about any of the characters. Also your sidekick is an annoying retard and the ending fucking blows.

Play the game for the environment and almost nothing else.

I swear, there's someone with a massive boner for sky and atmosphere and a massive cloud fetishist in Avalanche.
Skyboxes in all three Just Cause's and Mad Max are pure sex.


>Also while not adding to any thing gameplay wise the ability
Nigga, you can play like this.
It removes all UI and makes combat actually engaging.

>put like 60 hours into getting all the side stuff done
>ok now the story
>suddenly blast through it and the game is over

This is true. They did a very good job of conveying information to the player visually.

Max gets bloodier the more hurt he is (so you don't really need a health bar)

The car smokes and starts to burn the more damaged it is.

Other then traveling from place to place yeah you don't really need the UI at all.

The game plays like a Ubisoft game. It's repetitive and kinda bland.

Most of the mechanics are taken from every other games. Combat from Arkham games, the open-worldyness seems to take cue from modern Far Cry games, there's skills and leveling up stats, etc. The best part of the game is driving and car combat, and itself is trivialised by your ability to shoot rockets. I also note that, much like modern Ubisoft games, the game seems patronising you by giving you too much of information. These dudes knows what's up.
The plot sucks. The writing is weak. The characters are unmemorable. Chum Bucket, or whatever his name is, is annoying at best.

Despite so, the presentation was top notch at least. The graphics looks fucking fine and runs buttery smooth. The explosions and all of those vistas made me awe. And the combat animations are satisfying as fuck. The best part of the game is always when you intercepting convoys during sand storms.

I remembered when it was released at the same day as MGS V and some "contrarians" said that this game is better than MGS V. After I played both I realised that both are boring ass games anyway, but this one is slightly better for the atmosphere.

Kinda shame that JC3 is one of the worst optimized game in recent times

>Thunderstorm approaching
>meh, it can't be that bad, I'll stay out