Look at this Nep

Look at this Nep.

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't it neat?

That you just found?

>Japan acknowledges the Neptunia franchise as boring grindfest shit and pays it no mind
>West loves everything Neptunia becomes le dank memes i'm so weeb amirite
really makes you hmm

>>Japan acknowledges the Neptunia franchise as boring grindfest shit and pays it no mind

What is worse, buying it on discount admitting that you play it ironically or defemding it seriously?

Neptunia has it's own audience in Japan as well, we had several games, manga and even an anime adaptation, all before started getting popular in the west.

I enjoyed this anime way more than I expected to. I thought i was going to drop it from the trailer

Noire has no friends

I don't know what's worse, but I know the best thing is to just enjoy something you like and not care about whatever some e-celeb and ir's retarded followers think about it.

>still shilling your own trash videos

I refuse
I am looking away.

It's a meme, you stupid underage redditor incapable of comprehending basic Sup Forums irony, jesus fucking christ.

>basic Sup Forums irony
It stops being irony when you post the same shitty pic every thread related to "weeb vidya", fuck off back your shittube channel you cancerous faggot

My dad is Nep fantatic. Half of the house is full of his anime stuff. Average once a month someone stepped on some of his figurines or other shit and must go to a hospital for surgery. In one year i got 10 treatments because of it. Last week when i visited my local hospital for some random health examination woman from reception said to me to take off shoes for next operation.

So one year he bought for himself a "hyperdimension bouncing castle" for Christmas. Of course he couldn't stand it so he unpack it and inflated in the middle of living room. He dressed in his cosplay suit and was sitting there all day, in the bouncing castle in the middle of our house. Dinner and "Noire's pie" also he ate there.


how did Neptunia get so popular anyways? every other game that features cute girls disappeared

Your dad actually sounds like a lot more fun than you.

You derped so hard that even herped yourself rolfmao.

Vert game fucking when?

Which nep games would you recommend

Neptunia is a shit game


The "eyes" say it all.

What other games lol

Look at this photo-Nep
everytime I do it makes me Bep

Reminder that the localization for these games is absolute cancer
Except for Rebirth 1 on PC. Get that one if you really have to

I had a hard time finding ReBirth 1 for cheap

Fucking amazon

You can blame Doerr for that. Nep V-2 onward, the the localization is fine.

that anime looks like shit

he says while posting a bland/boring doormat

Praise Lady Black Heart!

Yeah I already knew about that Doerr guy. Fucking hack. I really wish Xseed or even Atlus had gotten this series.
It's amazing how a company as incompetent as NISA gets hold of so many IPs. Then again their translation cost is zero cuz they just come up with whatever shit they want. *sigh*


Uni a cute! CUTE!


I dunno about XSEED since they have a budget. It was a bad game to start off with, so of course it was up NISA's alley.

Fuck off Neptune

That crossover bikini game with Fire Emblem?
I'm giving them benefit of doubt on that one and putting the blame on Nintendo.
Nintendo and Treehouse have a track record of shitty localizations
Atlus AFAIK has a few blunders in mostly solid localizations

that i just found

I think the problem with #FE aka SMT x FE was that they announced it too early and never announced that the crossover concept was scrapped.

how else but utter incompetence can you go from:


But in the hands of another company it would've been a bad game with tolerable dialogue
In the hands of NISA you have to deal with retarded forced memery and QA issues(mostly on other games. Neptunia isn't super glitchy)

The word ironic needs to be filtered so it deters newfags like you from using it.

The final product turned out great though.

What a cute nep. I really like her.

POST IT ON Sup Forums, NOT Sup Forums

>The final product turned out great though.

turned out average and still had to bear the burden of being a crossover due to Nintendo marketing it a a crossover

>a bland/boring doormat
That's what makes her so CUTE!

look at this nep that i just found when i say go be ready to throw

very cute indeed

Aksys then? Regardless, Doerr should have left it alone after it went on the Vita.

Neptuina started out as a game

And murderous

I am wrong here or is there not a single SMT character in that trailer? Why did they go through with that crossover marketing all the way to the game's release?

I'm not a fan of these games or most of its fanbase, but you have to be joking if you can't figure out how.

It's a large amount of waifus, pandering, and mediocre JRPG released at a ridiculously high degree. I'm nothing but impressed with the developers.

who are you maining, lads?

I've heard mixed stuff about Aksys localizations but then again I haven't played too much of their stuff myself. Think you can give an assessment on them?

Always Vert, I love her.

Lowee supremacy.

Because it uses modified Megami Tensei combat.

They should've just said it was another MegaTen game with a Fire Emblem skin and gotten rid of that trailer entirely.

>I am wrong here or is there not a single SMT character in that trailer?

In this one youtube.com/watch?v=0fS24IxelBA
Nope, no SMT characters and all FE characters are badly redesigned

in the 4GO game? Probably a long ranged attacker. I mained Uni in U and BvZ

I want to impregnate Nepgear

When is it supposed to come out? I need my fix

Thread needs more Rom and Ram

Blanc of course


finished mk1
it was fun but it was around 5hrs 2 long
do i play the rest?

Anyone who's not one of the 4 CPUs or Candidates

best girl

Ram is for ______

cute nep

I am literally going to marry Uni!

Well, if you somehow had fun with that, then its all an improvement from there.

I am literally going to tonguefuck Uni's asspussy!

Are you a robot or Nepgear?

They mainly do VNs, but stuff like BlazBlue is fine, save for Centralfiction which pissed off fans of the English Dub.
Games are solid overall.


I'll check some more of their stuff out
Cheers user



She's waiting for you to pop out of the noose!



>thread's still up

Rigorous fondling.

Go away weeb

You're welcome!

I never said thank you.

Go away disgusting normies.

>its a "betsuni" episode

Go back to Sup Forums.

That's why I said "You're welcome" preemptively silly.

Go back to whatever you normies normally use.

What is there to thank you for though.

Vert has no family

She can adopt me and be my big sister.

Wow, rude.

None, the games are all shit.

>Normalfags calling people normies
Every time.

And preemptively saying "you're welcome" to someone whom is clueless to your deeds isn't? Expecting a thank you is pretty rude too, y'know.