Toobie is cute!
Toobie is cute!
Day of the rope for MtF trannies.
Toobie. 2B
Wait a minute.
God fucking damn it, Taro
so you're saying FtM is ok, you degenerate freak
2b's 2butt is 2big!
2B is 2Beautiful.
How can such a simplistic design be so perfect?
Post that one cosplay where 2b is in a YoRHa hoodie pls
I wanna fuck 2B.
I call her tuubee
Feels bad that we will never get a good 2B or 1A figure
Unless that fig is not cast off it will be shit.
2b is **dead**!
lmao @ ur existance
This 2b is best 2b
>head YoRHa scientist gets blown up along with space base
>let's commence Project YoRHa
I don't get it
doing the lords work
How fucking big can her ass get?
Not this time faggotron
hot damn
shes a robot
>no toobie nendo
>no nines nendo
>no nendo for the little fat robots
Pretend I also posted porn