How do you leave this place?

6 years.

you're here forever

9 years and I don't even want to leave

You honestly think any of us know? If we did, we wouldn't be here. I've been stuck here for a decade. I don't want to leave, though

Masculine comfy

10 fucking years now. Managed to leave for about 6 months when I was getting my life on track, then it all went to shit and I'm back here.
Just admit it, you're life is over now.

been on Sup Forums for over a decade.

you never leave

I am terrified at the idea that this place could one day no longer exist. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't post here every day

Spend hours a day keeping up with all the subchans

this is your home now follower of chaos.

The longest break I've had was about 3 or 4 months that staryed when I was traveling In Japan. While traveling I was too busy to go here, and when I came home I just kept that momentum going.

Unfortunately I live SF Bay Area, CA so actusllt I need Sup Forums to counter the daily deluge of SJW fuckery I have to endure.

You are a baby. When you've been here for 11 years, all thoughts of escape leave your mind permanently.

Stay with us
Why would you ever want to leave?

A friend and I started coming to Sup Forums in 2009 ish, we browsed for a few years then had a break for a year or two. I haven't seen this friend since 2012 but another friend told me he still comes here. Even if you do escape, you're never gone for long. Anybody who has ever spent longer than a year here is destined to come back.

you don't.
9 years.

>tfw 9 years
This is my home now
You all raised me

i've been going to netflix for a majority of my after work time and it's been working

I left in 2010 by adding Sup Forums to my hosts file. I came back in December of 2016 because Final Fantasy 15 came out and I had to talk shit somewhere. A part of you will always be here and you will always come back because we belong together.

you can post here directly from netflix now?

Move on to whichever chan inevitably takes its place

>6 years
You are a little baby, I've been here since 2006.

>tfw been here sine '08
Time sure flies

>Not being here long enough to remeber the multiple deaths
>Not being here long enough to remember that for a while every board slowed to a crawl as the only way to access the boards was to change your host files manually.

That was crazy, because only a fraction of Sup Forums's posters knew how to get in, and the actual video game discussion was fucking perfect.

You are the reason Sup Forums is shitty.

Become another Barneyfag until you get permabanned

>6 years.
I cant believe its only been 12 for me

try 15 you newfag



I started coming here this april and there's nothing you can do to stop me from shitposting.

no need to tell us user

if you have money to japan,you have money to get out of that cesspool.

10 is this possible...I am desensitized to everything...

You realize that there's absolutely know reason to be here is you want to discuss video games
You also realize that these days Sup Forums Is basically Sup Forums's sub Reddit

Everysingle thread is filled with formulaic recycled garbage meme posts and responses. Any thing positive is taken as a to be the work of a shill, Reddit, Or goy the responses to such posts are pretty much indistinguishable from a bot

People would rather talk about the politics of video games and e celebs rather than video games themselves

And by talk I mean pointlessly shitpost

Really all you have to do is talk about video games. Why is that so hard? Pretty much every thread it's easily able to see the basic bitch """"""discussions""""" that happen inside the thread without even clicking on it. No objectivity no fun no purpose just fucking memeing without give or take

The only real place I'd say you can easily discuss vidya is /vg/ and that's saying a lot considering the average culture of memes a general develops over time. Vg gets a pass because it's to be expected but why does that happen all over this board?

Tbh I soon get myself perma banned by posting porn because this shit isn't gonna change anytime soon I'd rather go to Sup Forums and cut out the middle man and there's nothing of worth here everything is so recycled and boring.

Btw traps or futa? Or should I just download Alfie and post the entire thing?

majority of people that consider themselves gamers are autists.
autists shitposts,they can't maintain a normal degree of conversation.

>Delete browser history
>Be manly enough to never open this website again
>Do something productive with your life

It really is that simple.

>reddit spacing