"What did you just say to my girl?"

>"What did you just say to my girl?"

Sequel when?

She's got a bigger dick.


There a SFM of them somewhere.

you're waifu is shit

>tfw we will never see truly edgy Dante-Tameem, only the castrated tryhard he got reduced to
It's your fault Sup Forums.
If you didn't stop Tameem, we'd have a real meme game, not this kinda OK game with some goofy lines.

Lol shut up emo fag


"I said you both have the same haircut"

That's some grade-A edgy shit right there.


Sequel for both when

We didn't say shit about her, it's you we were talking about.

>tfw we will never see Dino-Vergil force-feeding Mundus his aborted children

>kinda OK game

I have no Idea what your talking about, a shitty meme game is exactly what we got.

i love her footjob animations in SFM

*tips hivemind*

Why the fuck do you want a DmC sequel?

Is it really a hivemind when it's general consensus that DmC is trash?

>general consensus
On Sup Forums

It's a solid 6.5/10

>It's a solid 6.5/10

DMC2 is a 6.5

DmC is like a 3.

You can trash the writing, the music or the art direction all you want but don't even try to deny that the combat are not solid.

I don't keep up with the latest hivemind fads. I liked it.

*tips hivemind echo chamber separated from reality and consensus*


>but don't even try to deny that the combat are not solid.

except I can.

it's a massive downgrade that panders to the edgelords that love the shitty writing

The combat is complete dumpster vomit trash just like literally every Western action game ever fucking made, ever.

People who aren't Japanese are simply incapable of making a good action game.

That's Claire's girl

Literally the worst thing about it is the gameplay. Get the fuck out.

One of the mooks in the game automatically teleported out and countered if you kept him in the air for too long. Why didn't they give that to Vergil?

because Ninja Theory are hacks

How I miss the times on Sup Forums before this shit game got released. Was such a blast in those threads.

Also, fuck you.

>not "..my prom date"
You fucked up.

Started playing this this morning. There was the big backlash against it when it came out but I don't think it's too bad.

>DMC5 begins right as DmC is ending
>Donte and Vorgel are arguing
>Nero shows up and revs his sword, cuts Vorgel in Half who deforms into a nasty looking demon
>Kat's head explodes to reveal a demonic TV Camera
>Donte's face splits in half to reveal pretender demon, pissed that Nero interrupted their production with a gay lispy accent
>Nero throws up his hands and says "I just wanted to see if there was something better on."
>Opening Fight Scene between Donte actor demon and Nero while Moviecamera Kat is filming it

>a shitty meme game
lel Sup Forums was so embarrassingly wrong about this game it was funny
Stay in denial Sup Forums

10/10 shitpost
combat was fantastic

the fact that DmC is still the best 3D character action game the west has to offer is a fucking embarrassment to this entire half of the globe.
we should just stop making attempts at this altogether.

>we'll never get Vorgilsaurus
>we'll never get to post in pre-DmC release threads again

Fuck you.

Please do everyone a favor and actually play Devil May Cry 3 before posting in a Devil May Cry thread.

Oh man I love the combat, especially the bosses
I just fucking love how there's no fucking lock-on, too.

Go home, Tameem.

I said she a ho and her pussy whack nigga now square up

>inb4 le punching bag enemies that don't hit back

I love how all the detractors talk like DMD is just the easiest shit.

Fucking exhilarating shit right here, gets the fucking blood pumping.

Played them all, you need to try harder.
It DIFFERENT from the other games. But still fantastic
Sup Forumss most embarressing days

as in it's been dumbed down for literal babies who probably actually play God of War.


I actually tried, but dropped it at the two sword dudes - the 4th boss I think ("death", cerberus, the flying worm, sword dudes).
The camera and controls were just so atrocious I couldn't deal with it. It was tedious and painful.

If DMC3 had sane camera and controls I'd gladly play it to see what is the hype all about.

He dijo que soy tú cita para el baile, saco de mierda.

>But still fantastic

This was pretty great honestly. I remember the ever ending shit storm back when it came out, I legit think some people on here committed suicide.
Only real complaints is the writing is bland, it's not bad, just uninspired.
Combat was great despite changes.
The level design was FUCKING INCREDIBLE, still shocked no one gives it credit for that.
Soundtrack was second best in the series.

I'll tell you what I said. I told her to bend over, because I'm about to fuck your girl, Dante.

is that your argument, a gif

>Soundtrack was second best in the series.

the wubstep was shit

the soundtrack is the worst by default for even having dubstep in it


>Agni and Rudra
>the camera and controls were just so atrocious
>boo hoo my pussy hurts

That fight is fantastic. Then again, it's only particularly enjoyable once you grasp the gameplay.

you can literally 2-shot that boss on the highest difficulty and get SSS for it.

yes, FOOTAGE FROM THE GAME is my argument

Levels are cool with all the transformations and shit, but I wouldn't call it a good level design.
I'd expect a well designed game to have multiple paths you could take, while most levels in DmC were just decorated lines.

must suck being old

Oh fuck... Is this a troll? Or is this summer? Or am I just getting older?

must suck having no standards

Fuck you.

Linear levels design, that not these games, that's an entire design style.
Still stand by absolute best design in the franshise

Color coded enemies are dumb and you're dumb.

>you like this genre
>no standards
maybe you should stick to games
music is obviously not your strong area

>my opinion is the correct one

>wanna be good at 4Dante
>too stupid for it
N-ninja Gaiden is better anyways ;-;
Combichrist is ok though

It's not about difficulty - I can handle buttrape when it's fair.
I can't deal with horribly designed controls with randomly switching camera positions.

I want to fight dudes in the game, not the terribly written input transformations.

DmC has consistent controls and camera. Even with its random retargetting, it's still way less painful than the idiotic fixed camera bullshit only a retard could call good.

>music is obviously not your strong area
says someone who likes dubstep

>It's a solid 6.5/10
I don't know what kind of backwards scale you live by where 6.5/10 isn't trash.

Its really cute how you think that's an argument of how color coded enemies in a Devil May Cry game are okay.

I'm complete and utter dogshit at 4 Dante.

I'm an untouchable god at 3 though.

>absolutely break the flow of the combat
>pigeonholed into using a small selection of your weapons
>somehow good design

but DMC1 has the best level design in the series

Every DMC except the first one is linear as fuck, and even the first one is only non-linear in a select few missions.

> tfw we will never see truly el exterminador de demonios
Eeeeeeh pendejos!

I only bought it recently (for €2.50 in CEX) after years of laughing at the memes and reviews etc, and I actually can't believe how fucking ropey it is.

Texture pop-in everywhere, broken AI for a lot of enemies that makes them just strafe around you (including the final fucking boss), shaders don't work, repeatedly got stuck on scenery thanks to bad collision detection, levels were bland as fuck corridors, etc.
And, this is more personal opinion, but all the supposedly "inspired" or "original" artistic design was not only unoriginal to games in general, but was unoriginal to DMC. DMC2 did living buildings with black slime and evil oligarchs that live in suspended office tower "cores" already, 1 did mirror worlds, 3 did brotherly rivalry better, etc. The few bits that were original, like having Donte platform across news graphics and idents, should have been used more often. I can't understand why they had me spend four fucking levels in an upsidedown world when they had that in the backburner, only wheeling it out for the Bob Barbas fight.

Really, really, really, shouldn't have called it "Devil May Cry". Should have just went with a more original story about demons running the world They Live style. Instead we got a game that looks inferior by comparison that shoe-horned tropes from the previous games in there at their own detriment. Too different to be DMC, too similar to be it's own thing.

I used to be great at 3 too, but it's been awhile since then so I'm rusty as shit
>can't land perfect RGs anymore
feels bad, but I could learn again. I'll probably never be good with 4Dante though, my fingers constantly slip off the d-pad when I'm style switching & I don't like the rest of 4 enough to justify learning to not be a shitter. I get it had lots of dev issues & I'm sorry the team had to deal with that, but so much of the game is boring. Dante is the best part of the boring love story campaign but I don't like his personality as much as 1 or 3 & half the game being "lol just do it backwards" is trash. I don't mind backtracking but there's a fine line between backtracking & literally doing the same level backwards

His name, btw is Dante, but he prefers to go by his nickname, which is ___ _____ ______


never heard of him

Yeah 4 was left in an awful state.
and I just can't style switch for the life of me, I can't take my thumb off the movement controls, that goes against like 20 years of instincts from playing literally every other video game ever made.

A perfect ship made in DeviantArt hell.

His name is Donte.

your prom date

____ _ ____ ____ __ __, ___'_ ___ _____?

They did the vocal tracks & most non-boss enemy tracks for DmC. The game was my first experience with them & although I'm indifferent about it I'm glad it at least introduced me to them, they're great. Or they were, but their new stuff is iffy

Is this on Easy?

>pop into thread
>Sup Forums is still seething with hate over this game
>I thoroughly enjoyed
>read threw comments of how it ruined their lives

They actually look good toghether though, strange as it is

It's on Normal but it's no different on DMD, you can literally 2shot the second to last boss and get an SSS on the highest difficulty.

the boss in webm related you can easily drain one entire life bar in 3 hits and get SSS as well on DMD.

game is a fucking joke made for actual toddlers. thanks God of War, I'm so glad you ruined the genre.

I "crabhand" a lot for vidya so taking my thumbs off the stick doesn't bug me(although I just use my index to style switch based on advice I got so no thumb movements necessary) but you've gotta be fast with switching in 4 & that's what fucks me the most.

There is no fucking way you could possibly think this. Despite its flaws and stupid shit DmC is so much more competently made compared to the trainwreck that is DMC2.

Feels good, doesn't it?
I get the same kick out of Order of Ecclesia and Skyward Sword.

Quit playing it on easy mode then you pussy

>It's on Normal but it's no different on DMD, you can literally 2shot the second to last boss and get an SSS on the highest difficulty.
Also, only the patched version counts. Early release doesn't, because it was outdated a month after release.

Order of Ecclesia is widely considered to be really good, the only problems are the crappy sidequest system and the level design.

Skyward Sword however is actually a piece of shit and I felt insulted while playing it.