How would you make a Flash game?
Faster-than-Doom FPS with wall-running, jumping, lighting-fast kinetic melee combat.
Make it about Flash Gordon instead of the Flash
prototype-like with time slowdown
I think in dreamweaver or something
I wouldn't.
The problem is depicting Flash's speed itself. You'd have to find the perfect balance between him going fast and everything else slowing down or it's going to be either too hard for most people to keep up with or won't "feel" right.
So Mirrors Edge on steroids?
In Flash, idiot.
Something like Super Hot's gameplay would probably work pretty well. Frequent pauses in gameplay but with fast moments too, with an emphasis on dodging stuff and getting in close on dudes. Then when you finish a level it can play the whole thing at "Flash Speed" from cool camera angles and show off what you did.
I'm rooting for this to happen
No because platforming would never be an issue since he can run so fast
I'd start by installing it
You'd make the game by installing it?
Infinite mobile runner that's f2p with cash shop
How in the fuck does the Flash ever lose if he lives in slow motion?
Attosecond reaction times
Writers make him forget his powers.
>How does a invincible being lose
>How does someone who can control time lose
>How can a god lose
>How can someone literally screw themselfs
Its a comic book hero, don't try and add science to it. Deathstroke once punched Flash while he was running.
That seems like it would make you dizzy asf
He has an attosecond to consider all options. Doesn't always mean he picks the best one.
Infamous second son sorta did it. You could run on and over everything.
reee this is a marvel board go flop somewhere else
>dumb the game down for my weak genes
How would you solve the rendering speed problem?
Have you ever played Infamous: first light? It's pretty close to what a "The flash" game would play like, with super speed, wall running etc.