Assume you start up a new MMORPG and are offered these pairs of shoes. They are the only shoe options, you must pick one before you can start playing, and you can never take them off after put on.
Which do you use?
Assume you start up a new MMORPG and are offered these pairs of shoes. They are the only shoe options, you must pick one before you can start playing, and you can never take them off after put on.
Which do you use?
>Outside of combat
I'll take the leather boots with 5% defense anyday
Haste. I can do without 5% defense, but 20% movespeed out of combat is fuckin good
Are there mounts in the game? What about fast travel? Not enough information.
Lets see a shitty green questing reward or a mount from level 1?
How is this even a question?
>allows you to save time, but not where it counts
>allows you to live longer, at all times
You'd have to be either retarded or impatient to choose haste boots
20% move speed so you can level up faster dumb shit
Second one is a no-brainer. Saving time traveling pays off immensely in the long run.
In Path of Exile first thing I always do when a new league starts is to create a character to do a first-10-minute quest that gives Quicksilver Flask (buffs movement speed upon usage) to immediately pass it on to the main character having him carry 2 of those.
>not realizing you will find better combat boots in seconds
It's like you enjoy getting places 20% slower.
and then in a real fight you'd die quicker than someone with leather boots, same level
+5%of starting defense is nothing, likely literally +0 defense. Haste is useful for non-combat quests, travel, and perhaps doing some nifty tricks to skip things. It won't be replaced for a while, possibly occupying a slot in your bag forever.
Everyone knows BoH are better since kiting is very important.
>They are the only shoe options, you must pick one before you can start playing, and you can never take them off after put on.
You're retarded, right?
it's like you guys get zeroes in reading-comprehension tests
Depends if there are mounts and other forms of quick travel.
>put one of each on
>+2.5% defense, +10% movement speed
I'll still take the haste boots, though. There's one situation where you'd want 5%defense in a MMORPG and it's if you're a powergaming tank.
Haste, collection quests are annoying.
You realise everyone is ignoring that stipulation because of how retarded it is right?
That means to boot slot is just a dead slot and then only tanks would take the leather boots.
That's pretty much nothing.
enjoy never leaving the starting zone if you keep going in circles
>you can never take them off after put on
Why would you use an equipment slot on a mechanic like that instead of having it as some kind of perk or racial trait?
Your hypothetical MMORPG is dumb.
>That means to boot slot is just a dead slot and then only tanks would take the leather boots.
This is the only possible meta to emerge from that.
>one leg goes faster than the other
>run in large circles
lul i ignored the part where op said you can never take them off
still taking the 20% move
i raged hard sorry
20% faster speed outside of combat would be very useful for a variety of reasons like faster leveling, getting away from people in open world pvp, etc.
Of course if you're going to be a PvE babby then 5% defense will be mandatory for tanks.
Or you can not be shit at the game and simply not die and you literally save 20% of your travel time.
This is the fucking starting area item.
The 5% defense bots will probably get outclassed later in the game.
But the 20% movement ones will constantly stay useful.
Even though this guy behaves like a complete fucking autist, he's right. If you manage to die in a modern mmo you deserve all the shit you get, and 5% defense won't change that.
fucking bloobs man and their 5% defense boots
boh + utani hur
Listen prick don't ever do this in an interview if someone gives you a question with limited facts. Answer within those facts, or else you're fucked
>The 5% defense bots will probably get outclassed later in the game.
>But the 20% movement ones will constantly stay useful.
Read the fucking OP properly you doublenigger.
>you can never take them off after put on
>take speed boots
>learn taunt skill
>team up with magic user
>safely kite monsters without engaging in combat while teammate nukes from a distance
That depends. Would that +5% defense scale up well in the endgame? The speed boost seems more of a QoL thing
if you stack defensive items and abilities it would turn out quite well
>>safely kite monsters without engaging in combat
When a monster has aggro'd you you are considered 'in combat' you twit.
activating a skill is considered an aggressive maneuver, especially things like Taunt, so you'd definitely be entering combat
Out of combat, nigger.
Okay, in that case...
>quit stupid MMO
If this is the choice for all players then everyone would just get the haste. Only tanks would get the defense
Good thing this isn't an interview you retarded cocksucker.
If the game's defense system mostly ran off additive numbers from equipment, it probably would.
i put the leather boots and fuck your mom in the ass
I'll get to your dad's house faster with the haste boots and fuck him faster
Of course, 5% def. It's like you never PvP.
Good luck catching me when I'm 20% faster than you, fuckface.
20% movespeed would have been crazy good in vanilla WoW while 5% defense probably wouldn't save you most times. Even when you do get your epic mount it'd still be useful in those huge raids/dungeons where most of your time spent in there is running
if you're in pvp then you've already entered combat
have fun having 5% less defense than literally everyone else that has a brain, and having nothing else in return
I'd pick the 4 STR 4 STAM BELT
>Outside of combat
Into the trash it goes.
>if you're in pvp then you've already entered combat
Have you done PvP in any mmo like ever?
I'd probably uninstall the MMORPG and wonder why I even installed such garbage in the first place.
demon boots
>its another "chose an item with an arbitrary stat for a game that doesn't exist" thread
It doesn't matter. We don't have enough information.
>play a stealth character
>speed boots are better for re-positioning and initiating
The best answer is
>Using BoH
Noob trap
>not taking the boh
woah fucking stupid milennials, then you are going to tell me you don't tank dragons while being diagonally next to them so the fire cone does not hit you
I'd get the defense boots because I like to tank.
Is right though the game sounds like it would be bad.
You take the rarer boots unless they are equally rare at which point you take the haste.
allows for faster travel with a minor defence penalty, can probably get more boots fairly quickly as you play and you just have a combat and travel set of gear.
the reason I choose haste over defence with them both being common is because a 5% gain isn't that life saving generally where as a 20% less travel time is generally more useful. Especially in an mmo
except BDO
where people will kill you to steal your leveling spot
haste boots seems better in the long run especially doing those shitty fetch quests
depending on your class you might not even need the 5% defense or make up for it with different equipment slots
20% boots are tempting however because its a life choice 5% can be the difference (not very often) between failing and getting a kill where as 20% is just convenient.
However the 20% haste is useful if you are rolling something not combat based like a merchant, 20% travel time can save a massive amount of time where as 5% defense isn't likely to save you from bandits, the other reason you take haste is you're going to engage only in easy combat encounters not pushing any kind of difficult end game content that would require every bit of defence you can get.
Leather boots
>DPS or healer
Boots of Haste
It's that simple.
Haste would save you tons of time
Haste, obviously.
Faster running to objectives
Faster farming
Easier KiTing
If I'm a tank, the first.
Otherwise the second.
>Run 20% faster out of combat
>Have to wait for your party to catch up to you anyways
5% defense is just smarter in the long run.
It's the other way around. If you take the slow boots they'll always be waiting for you.
Everyone will have BoH, except for you.
If you're in a party then the only person who needs the defense boots is the tank, and a dps can use the speed boots to run up ahead and kite the next mob back to the take, minimizing the lost time from the tank having to catch up.
Not enough information available. If I need to make a permanent choice in a game before I can begin playing and there's no urgent need for me to begin (there never is with videogames), I'm gonna take my sweet time to ask the following questions:
> Availability of Mounts, both inside and out of combat. Are there any available?
> Possibility for Equipment Enchantment. Can I get one and later enchant it with the buff of the other (albeit with a lesser effect of the other)
> Character Enchantments (ie, buffs and debuffs). How easy is it to get those buffs on me at the cost of a little bit of mana?
> Requisite for being in and out of combat, since the Boots of Haste only work outside of combat
I'd probably go with the Boots either way since I can live without a small amount of defense
Leather boots. 5% additional Defense could be a ton if that stat ends up high.
>he doesnt gearswap
fucking casuals
Well maybe depend on the game itself.
If it is action-based with bunch of fetch quest where you have to run from point A to B quite often i'd take haste boots.
If it's shitty targetting-based combat system, leather would be a better choice for sure.
> needing that trivial amount of defense stat
Lmao just don't get hit
Only if RPGs actually worked that way.
5% is not trivial for one single piece of gear.
tibia thread?
Use Leather Boots in combat and Boots of Haste outside of combat, duh.
Haste. I played vanilla wow to know how important that shit is.
Damn. Definitely the Leather Boots but I would be pissed off if movement was too slow during the game.
Anyways, the actual answer is neither, because fuck MMOs.
Ironically people use the Boots of Haste in the actual game it is in to kite mobs and avoid getting hit while killing them with ranged attacks.
>instead of analyzing the answer as the person's traits
>simply dismiss the person because he din't listen to you
you are bad at interviewing people.
and that is how you will help your company to hire some bastards that's
>no creativity, can't think out of the box
>lap dogs that listen only to higher ranks
>you can never take them off after put on
That's retarded for an mmo but alright. +5% defense is better long term because once you start min maxing +20% speed out of combat become useless, it's only good for leveling before you get any kind of speed buffs like enchants, spells or mounts.
What games have you played where you used a skill on an enemy but not be considered in combat unless stealthed?
Certain kinds of crowd control abilities/spells, Enchies in EQ had a spell that would make a faction temporarily your friends as well as their signature illusion spell line, multiple classes had spells that would out right reduce or even remove the aggro range on mobs.
Put on the boots of Haste, and then very quickly grab the leather boots and wear them over the other boots
Saboteurs in Rift could apply explosives to mobs without drawing aggro from them
thats the only one I can think of off the top of my head though
i want to pound satania's vagina
>roll dex class
>get any and all skills boosting movement speed
>get 20% movement boots
>get to endgame and blaze around farming, then make defense character when i'm rich as fuck
Also, who gives a single fuck about death in 99% of mmo play? It's not like there's any punishment when you're at the level cap. And I would never raid with my first character anyways
>pick leather boots
>3rd rat you kill drops pants of stone +8% def
i will be vendoring either of them in 2 minutes so what does it matter?
i'll be teleporting and getting everything i want instantly
mobs will be less dangerous than Diablo trash, implying i will ever need defense.
what is inside the 999 door?
>They are the only shoe options, you must pick one before you can start playing, and you can never take them off after put on.
what kind of shitty fucking MMO is this where there's only 2 choices for gear progression? I bet there isn't even a macro system in-game. fucking dropped.