>two masterpieces in one year
How does Nintendo consistently do it and why are other developers unable to replicate their success? Is it just an innate ability to create the best experiences within this medium?
>two masterpieces in one year
How does Nintendo consistently do it and why are other developers unable to replicate their success? Is it just an innate ability to create the best experiences within this medium?
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean only one masterpiece and that's xenoblade chronicles 2.
Both were Wii U projects ported to Switch because of Wii U's low sales.
Same applies to Arms and Splatoon 2.
It's nothing surprising, they simply took a bunch of projects and moved them to a new console.
By purposefully hamstringing themselves in regards to system specs, Nintendo forces themselves to work creatively just to get things done. Which of course leads them to focus heavily on the end product and polish.
What I'm saying is that Japanese men work best under bondage.
Mario Odyssey will be great, too, but Xenoblade is arguably the best modern JRPG series around right now.
pretty sure odyssey was never a wii u game
>How does Nintendo consistently do it
The cultivate talent instead of balooning their staff when they are on top of success which leads to diluting of talent and experience. Reminder: the entirety of Nintendo (including executives, accountants and other non-creative specialists) is slightly over 5000 people.
Nintendo hiring exams are stricter than NASA's. The atmosphere at work itself is more autismal and oppressive than concentration camp: at the end of each day (which extremely long hours) you need to give written report of what you did in each hour of work.
Nintendo's vault of prototypes holds a lot of demos based on gameplay ideas they accumulated over 30+ years, ready to be dug up and retooled for the newer characters if needed.
does your dad work as nintendo?
>Xenoblade is the best modern JRPG series around right now.
Lol no
>only two
pic related will be better than both
I haven't played the first yet, just bought a 3ds recently and thinking of getting it.
just finishing up some other games first I guess.
>8 hour introduction
>story fall flat 20 hours in
also he said "series" in which persona falls apart because of 1 and 4
I'm sure Persona 5 is great, but it doesn't have the Squaresoft magic that Monolith Soft are derived from. Monolith Soft are special in that regard and the Xenoblade games are so much more towering and epic. They are the finest modern JRPGs being made right now.
why the fuck is everyone recently getting xenoblade on the 3DS? It's the worst way to play it. I mean if you can't emulate it or get it on Wii/WiiU I understand, the 3DS version itself isn't bad but should only be played if you can't do those 3
don't have Wii nor Wii u and my pc isn't good enough to emulate on dolphin.
Stay mad nintendies
nice retort
I don't even have a switch yet I'm getting it with XC2. I've played P5 on my ps4 though, while it's good it has too much flaws to put it above the xenoblade games
>hey guys... here...
>mario 27 and....
>zelda 15
Japan is a homogeneous country and they get better game ideas because of it.
Nintendo can take a hot shit on a Skyrim plate and fanboys would call it a masterpiece.
Nintendo can make a Mario game with only four levels and fanboys would call it a masterpiece.
>shit that's in every JRPG
>blatant asspull
Any real arguments, or are you going to attack it for having a turn-based battle system or something?
>being this insecure
>shit that's in every JRPG
what, an 8 hour introduction? xenoblade's is 2 hours long while XCX's is 30 minutes until you can go anywhere
>blanant asspull
Ah yes, it's been proven that multiculturalism ruins creativity and destroys civilizations, in fact.
Nintendo has some of the best talent in the industry. Other developers just can't compete.
Zelda can go suck it.
*anywhere that doesn't require flight
this, MS alone is at the forefront of operworld/jRPG design
> Breath of the "Another Zelda game that offers nothing, considerably less than other sandbox adventure games" Winds.
> Implying Mario games are fun for people past the age of 10 which are autistic.
Only Atari has a chance to take down Nintendo now.
Only the cure to autism can stop Nintendo's Sales. That, and the cure to closet pedofilia.
Pretty sure it was.
better than your most anticipated "the last son of my wife"
any evidence of this?
I would assume this would be funny or relevant, assuming your grammar was on point and the sentence made any shread of sense.
Though, to be fair, autistic triggered Nintendo-cucks can't comprehend reality, let alone construct a sentence without sperging cuck memes.
Any evidence of the opposite?
but you made the claim first
You made the counterpoint.
I can't prove that something doesn't exist, you have to prove that it does.
the prosecution has the burden of proof
I can't prove something exists, if you can't prove that the thing you're trying to prove exists, really exists.
How autistic does someone have to be to write something like this? I'm serious.
How autistic does somebody have to be to seriously respond to a thread that I've been samefagging since the beginning? I'm serious.
More like 3 with xc2
>best jrpg right now
Think again sweety
To be honest, I've found every one of these "Nintendo masterpieces" people keep talking about to always be so overrated.
The last Zelda game I found to be legit great was Majora's Mask.
The last Mario game I found to be great is 64 and RPG. I tried the Galaxy games, the new super mario bros and a few other Mario games over the years but I just don't see what was supposed to be so amazing about them.
It was the same deal with BotW, so people going on about "Nintendo masterpieces" just makes me want to roll my eyes.
As for Xenoblade? The combat is terrible and I've tried to play through that game 2 times now before I got too bored to continue. It just doesn't hold up to either Gears or Saga.
>Mario after n64
>zelda: skyrim
I feel kinda bad for drones. They don't even know what an actual great game feels like. Just the same shit on underpowered hardware year after year
One's a minecraft zelda game and the other is going to be an open world sunshine game. No thanks.
>open sunshine game
I don't understand, is this supposed to be a bad thing? Not even actually open-world though. Just big worlds.
Mario & Rabbids is more interesting than either of them and I say that as someone that hates Rabbids.
You proved my point even more. Thanks for the laughs.
Big worlds doesn't make a game good off the bat. Nintendo only makes casual games these days. This Mario game is going to be only made to make people feel good. It has no goal of challenging them like Mario Sunshine, Mario 64, and Super Mario Bros for the nes/ snes did.
Nice logic.
its the first time in years they've got their franchises in order
theyve been stagnant for over a decade
Who said big worlds automatically make it a good thing? It's just not open-world. And we'll see when it comes out.
Yes I see it
Monllith soft helped make breath of the wild with it's bland open world and ill fitting combat
Square Enix released Final Fantasy 15 a game with a bland open world and ill fitting combat
Everything released about odyssesy says the contrary. This game is eliciting a lot of open world vibes
>collectibles that you go around and find
>emphasizing broad open area and large spaces for the sake of feigning space
>quests to keep the player busy
>a mechanic focused on making the player immerse themselves in a world as just something to solve for another collectible. Not even there to challenge them.
This game is going to be casual as fuck, but I'm not touching it anyway cause again, Nintendo makes games for the lowest common denominator. I haven't been wrong since the Wii and odyssey shows no signs of being more than that.
It's way too early to call th switch a success or a failure look up the first conference call after the wii-u launched it was exactly the same.
>OP: two masterpieces in one year
>reality: two 6/10 games in one year
wii u didn't have as many multi-million sellers at that point and more on the horizon
>Open world shit below ubisoft standard
>unreleased game with ugly teaser
This is beyond pathetic.
Because even tho everyone calls these games rehashes, most other developers are more creativly bankrot somehow.
I don't even want to fireden this image
The power of delusion. I mean, I know OP is bait, but there are actual, real life human beings who believe this unironically.
We're talking about Nintendo, not Sony.
It's just Nintendo manchildren desperately trying to cling to the glorious past and try to uphold the image that Nintendo is still capable to pump out one masterpiece after another.
The sad truth is, and I'm saying this as a colossal former Nintendo fan, that they already dropped the ball during the Gamecube era and ever since the Wii they basically stopped giving a shit alltogether.
Their only - ONLY great game in the past 14+ years was Splatoon. The rest is either mediocrity or outright trash and is being vastly overhyped and wrongfully praised and hailed by those rabid Nintendo fandrone manchildren who can't let go of the past, because once they do there is nothing left for them in life.
Is it your goal to post this in every Nintendo thread? I mean you don't even bother changing the filename
Fireden your father, you fucking loser.
>thinks splatoon is a good game
>calls other manchildren
Even as a huge Nintendofag I don't like splatoon.
Every day until you like it.
Wow you didn't even try with this one. Is this the best you got?
have you never played a 3d mario game before?
It is genuinely great. The sort of game Nintendo used to make once upon a time. It has charm, it has a freshness and thought and most importantly; a heart and soul put into it.
Unlike the other reheated dog shit they churn out these days.
>heart and soul
Buzzword and buzzword
Splatoonfags everyone
I'm still mad I spent $60 on Shitton 1. Luckily wonderful 101 and bayo 2 made up for it
Who cares, you have shit taste by default.
I think that's actually a PSP GO
>says the faggot that likes splatoon
am I supposed to take that as a compliment, coming from you?
What are you 12?
The sad thing is, Nintendo will continue getting away with Nintendo Bonus due to its sacred cow status.
They can churn out a soulless Minecraft clone with Zelda paint or Sonic '06 with Mario flavour and the mainstream journalists would all lose their minds and hail these 2 games as the second coming of Christ.
Jesus Christ, Zelda is so fucking ugly
>Witcher 3
> minecraft clone
Is this the new autistic meme these days?
Mad the no one actually gives a fuck about your weebshit?
>Taking pictures of people in public to post about it on the internet
Anyone got the full version of this?
>dem nails
Fucking filthy degenerate
Also, nothing in your image says a sony fanboy took that picture, but my pictures are of autistically obvious drones, but being a drone that you are, you'll completely ignore that fact
But Odyssey hasn't released yet.
You should tip your fedora harder
TW3 is lauded as the best modern open world RPG by both critics and gamers alike, as evidenced by Meanwhile, the general consensus among gamers with regards to BOTW is it is good, but nothing to write home about. Only mainstream critics and rabid Nintendies (both wearing a pair of rose-tinted glasses and a fanboy cap) foam at their mouths or jizz their pants at the mention of BOTW.
Sorry user, but opinions like yours always make me mad. Tw3 has shit combat, an immobile world in which you van t interact with anything, a map filled with pointless FedEx sidequests, a weak bestiary, the balance and skilltrees a le meaningless even on black march... The only things in which it excells are its narration, its writing and its graphics. I took 80 jours to clean vellen/novigrad before advancing the plot and damn it was horribly boring.
W3 has thé dame weakness as any ubi open world which is the invasive compassion/mini map and the world is sadly built on them. You can t go anywhere, film any quest without following the yellow line. And that s something Zelda completely broke.
If W3 was released on this d'Ay it would already be has been because of the tired game loop it s using. I wish it had good level design, but even for that it fails to deliver, the caves being composés of 2-3 room and thé exploration lacking rewards beyond the witcher armor parts which are also tied to follow-the-yellow-line/point quests.
W3 was the best open world at its time because nothing really great had been released at the time. But that s no longer the case despite all the flaws that BOTW van have
Why type all this
Good comeback, drone.
It's actually the complete opposite. You really need to get out more.
Fuck you
Being able to close and put that game away for a minute is perfect
that game goes on and on and being able to pause whenever is good
Because, jimmies, etc.. People too stubborn to acknowledge what's under the Zelda coat of painting and using the usual nintenkiddy argument are tiresome.
So nintendo can sell same mario games for 25 years but CoD cant.
Double standards
>open world
Consistent, linear, tight and well designed single player adventures > Open World meme
This works within the Zelda and Mario franchises too