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Video Games #3852
Video Games
Do any of the older 90s shooters still hold up?
Genuine question, what did he do? Haven't been following his channel for like 6 months
ITT: Post your idle animation
Games you don't understand the love for?
Are there any games where catholics are the good guys? maybe like 40k except in real life
Be game developer
The Homeless One
Message to anti FF14 autists
Godspeed user. This mod is being a dick. Just let us discuss videogames we can't discuss it in /vg/ it'd very simple
What changes are you hoping for with the coming august patch update?
The combat in dark souls is too hard and
ITT games where you make the RIGHT CHOICE and you laugh as the developer tries to make you feel bad
You made him cry Sup Forums
Am I the only one that unironically finds Miranda attractive? I don't know what is. And don't tell me it's shit taste...
Graphics thread
How would you nerf this faggit
Monster Hunter World weapons
ITT: Your favorite video game quotes
/tg/ lives in the timeline where that insufferable faggot Cato Sicarius is captain of the second company of the...
Why has this game never been looked upon as favorably as RE2? What's wrong with it?
Daily reminder that pokemon is dead
Leave Splatoon 2 to me
Do you try to get all the achievements in games?
Enemies can steal your items including the story related
Splatoon 2: Late night Woomy
So we can't talk about this because WoW is basically dead and can't keep a thread alive and that bothers our blizzard...
Two thirds of the way into 2017
I want to play all the main Dragon Quest games what versions should I play?
Let's use this template to turn a video games character into a "radical dude with attitude" who is the mascot of their...
Skyrim Character Hate Thread
Reminder to not purchase or support Nu-Kirby games
Bestiary Thread
Why the fuck did the west only get a few Goemon games...
Its been 30 Years
Party member betrays you
So what shall it be? Do you join the Unity, or do you die here?
What does Sup Forums think about 'age restriction' in vidya?
Name me one game where the protagonist didn't need to have a tragic past to become a hero. No dead, long lost...
TWEWY 10th Anniversary
Play 95% of a game
What the FUCK is this THING???
Just Cause 3
Ripped Samus or soft Samus
Threads of Fate/Dewprism
ITT: Post an image and have other anons recommend you a game based on that image
This is Salem. He recently won both EVO and Dreamhack in Smash for Wii U using Bayonetta. Say something nice about him
Whats the best game to play while high Sup Forums?
Mfw nobody wants to talk about the best rhythm gam
What the fuck
Was he in the wrong?
Tales of the Rays
ITT: Video games that you can't discuss on Sup Forums
Do your worst Sup Forums
Best castlemetroid ever
Why is this allowed?
He fell for the 4K meme
Game Recommendations
How many kikestarter projects have you backed Sup Forums?
Hellblade is another Dark Souls clone
Street Fighter V SFV
What's the best giant robot fighting game?
Making an actual AUTIST your team strategist
Childhood is thinking Chie is best girl because she's into guy stuff but then you realize she smells like shit and...
What are some games that you don't want other people to know you play?
If you play as a girl in a video game, you're a fag
The Legend of Dragoon
Don't mind me, i'm just the best X game
Replaying FF7 for the first time since childhood
Games you can only play once
Oh hey Sup Forums
Who are the best girls of their respective series? Pic related
Have a friend
Gimme a quick rundown on Bloodkino
Yfw this is the actual blazblue crossover lineup
Don't mind me, just posting games that are the best of their series
Mount and blade in space
What are some games that take place in Mexico?
Batman triangulates a cell signal
Ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah
Rimworld Thread
What does "game feel" even mean?
Top or bot?
Hollow Knight Thread
Sonic games always have bad writin-
Reminder to cancell your pre-order
What's the most pretentious video game that you have played?
Why was GTA 4's story so much better than GTA 5's?
Actually consider getting a PS4
Games that actually stress you out
Just played through MG1 and MG2 SS for the first time...
The draenei are the protoss
Gamer Grub
Is 2017 the best year for video games ever?
So, where should Fallout 5 be set?
What are games with crossovers?
Who is the saki yoshida of video games
That one game the entire fanbase hates but you love
Under night in birth
Sup Forums recommends a game
Should I just hack a Wii, or mod my old Gamecube?
ESA 2017
Now that the remastered Crash game is out, which Crash Bandicoot is your favourite?
Post your sfw fetish and other anons post a game that contains that fetish!
What are some games with lots of replayability?
Who's the got the best costumes and why is it Tyto?
Does this piss anyone else off?
Why do games with steampunk style even get made anymore? Steampunk is a shit aesthetic...
Tales thread
He doesn't play multiplats on a PC
Rainy city at night level
FFXIV has introduced so much content recently. It's a bit overwhelming as a new player (or if you just level boosted)...
I replayed all the classic Sonic games out of hype for Mania, and all my hype is now killed...
Only 100k net worth
That one game that will never be surpassed in it's genre
First video game boner
E3 2018
How many worlds do you think this will have?
So what filters do you guys use to make this place bearable?
What do you think of the cute girl do cute things genre?
Mentor is the final boss
Splatoon 2 night time woomy
Best game is the series
We all thought this game would be good
Why are we here?
Is this game worth playing ironically?
RIP crabs
Dragonball Fighterz is going to be shit and there’s nothing you can do about it
Monster Hunter: World 14 weapon types
Games you just played yesterday but you realized "oh shit, yesterday was nearly 10 years ago"
How`s that YouTube Channel going, Sup Forums?
You and me, hoss
Who is the best danganronpa and why is it Nekomaru?
Now that Persona 5 is perfectly playable on PC what's your excuse for not emulating it?
Rimworld Thread?
Just beat this. I really liked it...
Did you turn him in, or keep his secret safe? Fallout New Vegas Thread
Replace a word in the game title with "loli"
Why are women NOT ok with sexy female characters?
Is there anyone in all of video games that could defeat Azathoth?
Pick one of your favorite games and describe something about it that's shitty
Game doesn't allow you to dual wield
Did you like it?
Is Fallout 4 good? How's the enemy variety?
What is the In the Aeroplane Over the Sea of video games?
This time is not youtube compression
There are tons of reviews on the game on youtube
Itt: the last game you played and your reaction to it
FotoSketcher thread? The one earlier was great
What's the pet rock of videogames?
Destiny 2 is just dlc
In terms of Nintendo video content, are they the go-to channel on Youtube, or are there any other good ones?
Why did you let me die Sup Forums?
4 dungeons
Do you have a character archetype that you tend to gravitate towards in games?
Play video games for 4 hours
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
Hurr durrr
What are some unforgivable misuses of technology, Sup Forums?
What is the most autistic thing you've did in a video game?
Final Fantasy thread?
What does Sup Forums think of Diablo III?
PS Plus: Free Games for August 2017
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
How did snake beat him in universe?
Fire Emblem Heroes...again
Western game developers
Shit games you keep playing in the hope that will get better some day
Emulatin thread
Hey Sup Forums
This is the greatest game ever made
Does kojima ever stop being right about the future?
What went wrong?
Nintendo Switch has the absolute WORST user interface of any Nintendo Console
Get a Destiny fidget spinner when you preorder Destiny 2
What the FUCK went wrong?
I need a bitchin' chair that will put up with my extensive neck beard computer sessions
He considers himself skilled at games
ITT Games that make you feel like the ultimate killing machine
Video wifu claim
ITT: God tier vidya music
ESA 2017
Why do you hate her so much Sup Forums?
Whelp. MN9 2.0 Incoming?
Oblivion was better than skyrim
What is the vidya equivalent of pic related?
Durr I'm not loyal to any company I'm a NOOTROL
Can we have a Dante's Inferno thread?
Filename Thread
Where is it, Ben?
Hey, i would want to produce music for videogames, i know its a tricky question but someone has knowledge of the area?
How To Be A Gamer Girl
Are these JRPG ranks accurate? Why not?
Name a move that's cooler than the Izuna Drop
Why do we fight?
"Old games aren't better it's all just nostalgia!"
ITT: Benched party members
If you play as a girl than it means you want to be a girl and like the idea of guys hitting on you
Dragonball Fighterz
Man, this one kinda sucks, huh?
2 and a half years later, they're still pushing out DLC for this single player game
3x3 Thread
Why does Kirby get off scot free for making the same game over and over again...
I've noticed LGBT characters seem to be better received in Japanese games than Western games
Make it vidya related
Is this actually good for someone who found XBC to be cringeworthy and boring ?
The princess is trapped in an unmeltable icecube
How long until Trump bans videogames? He's constantly breaking promises so it's inevitable now
Day 3 of nofap and the urge is all consuming
Sony is thinking about making another upgraded PS4 pro. Are they really that Scared of the Xbox One X
Why don't you support Tekken?
ITT: we attempt to make each other overdose on nostalgia
Favorite Dark Souls weapons
Alright guys, i finally did it. i broke down and spent $1100+ on pc parts and they should be here in less than a week
Who wins?
What's the best magic the gathering game if I want to play with old school artworks with early rules?
Arle is still the main character in the Puyo Puyo franchise, right?
Is there a fighting game more balanced than Melee?
For God to be perfectly good, there must be a Castlevania thread of perfect darkness
Why the fuck can't Japan make a dragon if their lives depend on it?
Post lore
Meme's aside
I'm highly depressed...
Enemies blend into surroundings
That time Capcom paid a bunch of BRs to make an official comic book
Games that you just feel sorry people paid full price for
Friendly reminder that 2B's design was ripped off another character!
Why do japs like games that require grinding so much?
He did the best he could with what he was given. He deserved better
Remember that time you and your bros got together and made that video game while eating pizza while listening to Slayer...
Did he make the right decision?
Why is League of Legends never talked about on Sup Forums...
This Callie is so fucking delicious
Which one should I order?
EZA Thread
Who's your husbando Sup Forums? Mine is pic related
Sup Forumsockbusters
Does anyone on v even still play botw? Surely you must be bored by now? I stopped playing months ago...
What's the biggest video game lie you believed?
Its a "Youtuber/Twitch Streamer/Speedrunner/Game Dev decides it's time to finally talk about their depression" episode
Game of the year
What's his name again? and what went wrong?
Who's you're best girl from Overwatch Sup Forums?
Who's your favorite LP'er, Sup Forums? And don't pretend you don't watch any. Pic related is mine
I'm just planning on sticking with 1080p/60fps gaming...
*blocks your platinum trophy*
ITT: Post an image and others will recommend you a video game based on it
Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50% of federal taxes; now they pay about 5%. Number Two: In 1900...
So it comes out in less than 2 days and I've been playing the fuck out of the demo...
Game's main content is doable in less than fucking 6 hours
Did your parents ever forbid you from playing a game because you weren't old enough?
Simple question. Is pic related good?
What attracts modders to the TES games (Skyrim more specifically) so much?
ITT: Video game characters that are literally you the power....of PC gaming........damn
Why do you cheat in video games Sup Forums?
Splatoon Fixes
Why aren't you as smart as Bioshock?
Is Melee the most technical and skill-based fighting game ever?
Is God of War possibly the most violent game of all time?
Sonic Mania
This is Luceria, say something rude
You are creating a new MMORPG, which races you put in the game?
Pre-order cancelled
Excited for Hiveswap?
Are you guys still mad at Ruby's appearance in the newest Blazblue game or have you forgiven her?
ESA 2017
Why do you still use controllers?
Will we ever get a new F-Zero again?
What went wrong?
Load up dark souls 3
It's officially time to stop shitting on this game. It's the sequel to 3rd Strike that we deserve
DBZ Dokkan Battle
The Great Debate
ITT Subtle vidya clothing
Some furry in his basement made a best selling game that will go down as a classic
Blizzards time is over
The final boss has 13 forms
I just finished ending A and I want to know when I get the feels. I dont care much for ass and I want to cry...
Whats the best free mmo?
What's her appeal?
Name your favorite video game essay or review
What's missing?
Do you like tank controls?
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
Vidya butt thread
Just bought Persona 5, never played the series before, what am I in for?
Times Sup Forums fucked up big league
Who is your favorite video game reviewer?
Dragon Ball Fighter z
Ryū ga Gotoku: Kiwami
Game has multiple types of swords
Need a Japan for HOI4 tournament
Is this still accurate? What else do we need to add to it? How many alarms do you raise?
What are some games where I can play as a different species...
Metroid: Samus Returns and continuity
You didn't actually think you got one right user?
ITT: Oh yeah that game exists
Crash is hard, hurdur
What is the "o, my rubber nen....!!!" of vidya?
You're able to use one ability from World of Warcraft for the rest of your life, at any time no matter what...
Disgaea thread
Odin Sphere
Overwatch will die in a month
Is there a more based vidya soundtrack composer?
Thanks for beta testing. Are there any exclusives left on PC?
Harley Quinn appreciation thread (ass)
Stop buying games
Why did Japan stop making turn based JRPG's that are actually cool and don't make you cringe with their terrible...
MMOFPS like Planetside 2 except set in european cities during different stages of WW2?
X vs zero
Wife Thread
Holy Light costs 12% of total mana per cast
TLG sold less than fucking ARMS
Decide to give Skyrim another chance after a few years
Why does it seem like everyone else on PC has perfect aim while I can't hit anything with even the largest of aoe...
What the fuck kind of combo is battle axe and grenade launcher?
''it will eventualy die''
How long will it take for Sony to copy the Nintendo Switch?
The Nintendo Switch will sell 20 million or more in its first year
Why do we hate him?
Cemu 1.9.0
What do these three series have in common?
Is there a game that doesn't exist but you wish it did?
ESA 2017
What is the best recording software other than Shadowplay...
Game out in 12 days
Alright, I loved FF XV
Persona 5 ships 1.8 million copies
Show me your souls character (can be of any game)
Why didn't Jesse Cox fuck Dodger?
Etika playing Crash
Who is your favorite dog in video games?
There are thousands of Let's Play channels with little to no views
Wait she's running for congress now?
Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you had escaped Taris alive
What went wrong?
3x3 Thread. Post yours, judge others
Has anyone ever used a trip mine in a single-player game for combat purpose?
Tosh and Nova decision
Buy the Jak collection instead of Ratchet's because I've never played Jak
You've just got a new game
Mariofags defend THIS
Peach is a ditzy, stupid blonde
Have you ever had a crush with your teacher?
What the FUCK was Nintendo thinking?!
Grenade as a weapon
"I am sorry that there is no 'nice' way to put it
I just beaten this game. Its such a fucking mixbag
Post a vidya character who has the same first name as you
Most annoying castlevania game I've ever played yet. Does anyone actually have this one as their favorite?
Combine any 2 existing video games to make the worst imaginable
Fate/EXTELLA is on steam?
Risk of Rain
Game franchises you'd love to see die?
Switch will get third party suppor-
What is the most violent video game?
Damn, Naughty Gogs still have it. New Uncharted looks amazing
Kingdom Hearts III’s Toy Story Visuals Wowed Pixar, Big Hero 6 World Only In Early Stages
Skeletons are cool
How did the PS4 sell so well lads?
You already rolled her right? You didn't reroll without beating fuyuki first did you??
Building a sentry!
ITT: Unpopular Opinions
Bonafide Monafied!
Resident Evil vs Silent Hill
Looking to start this game tonight with my girlfriend...
JP: You are worthless compared to me, like an animal to a man. I am a god to you, a peasant, you are no match for me
ITT: Name 5 (FIVE) games that are both difficult and engaging that were released in the last few years...
Now that Arms is confirmed another success, what do you want to see in a sequel?
New Dying Light Content:
Is there any game that will make me feel like persona 4 did? It has to be on PC or be emulatorable
Gigantic Thread
We all know this is gonna end
Just finished building my PC, missing any other DRM platform to install?
Spla2n thread
Yes, well done Nintendo, well done. 4.7M units
How do we help him Sup Forums?
Woah, haha
What do you want from this game?
ITT: Lores you didn't know
Nintendo makes the only good turn-based game of all-time
So I just finished 2B's ending, and I have to say that they made her too "bland" personality wise. I mean, what gives?
What game allows me to exterminate filthy ningens?
Is it worth getting a Switch now or waiting a few months for the inevitable 'New Nintendo Switch' or whatever it's...
Nintendo Switch Sells 4.7 Million Units in 5 months
ESA 2017
Buy a game on Steam
You have 60 seconds to name a more fun shooter
Post games with canon bad endings
Can anything stop this man?
Who has the best theme in Guilty Gear. And why is it Johnny
What are some great franchises that died for absolutely no reason?
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen thread
Spend about 2-3 hours learning basic combos for Ky
No online when emulating on pc
What are your favorite card games, Sup Forums?
Do you still go to Gamestop?
What's the best mass effect class and why is it infiltrator?
2017 is a good year for gaming
Make some vidya art,use Fotosketcher for the best results
Trails of Cold Steel 3
Remember when Mortal Kombat was total crap?
Peace Day never came
Is this the peak of gaming journalism?
So now Blizzard bans you if you play their game the wrong way
Pretty accurate
Tits so big you have to hold the fuckers up by your neck
Why did it fail to achieve the success that Skyrim did?
"Don't get me wrong, I love you"
PS Plus August
Game ends with protagonist dying
PS Plus August
FFXV multiplayer mode
Brand new game
RIP Playerunknown's Battlegrounds
Why can't we have another one?
Shit approach
Post last 3 games and hours and we r8
The Nintendo has has now sold over SEVEN (7) *VII* million consoles in 4 months
Ratchet and Clank trilogy is so fucking good, why doesn't anyone ever talk about them...
Hottest girl in the series
Cole Phelps did nothing wrong
How do you deal with a casual gf/bf?
Hat in time new trailer
Three years ago in 2014, when Trevor Sutton was twelve years old...
How's that backlog coming along, user?
You were the villain all along
A videogame inspired by the last song you heard exists, how does it play?
What does Sup Forums truly think of Fallout 3?
So i got this today
A review of Nintendo's flawed hardware history
It's actually finished
Etrian Odyssey V
Real talk
New Wolfenstein trailer
Did you get your summer units, Sup Forums? Only 5 days left
Why don't you own a Switch? 5 million other people do
Was it a fun game?
ITT: games that are literally never coming out
So user, what kinda HDD are you using for your PS2 and what games you got loaded up?
Name a more perfect woman. That's right, you can't
Just bought this on ebay. What should I do with it?
Would Bowser kill Mario if he had a change? Also why does he kidnap Princess Peach?
Campaign to get developers to release source code for old games
Hey go.... guys its Ethan Shekelstein here
Things that ruined MMOs for you
This is what the Final Fantasy series has slumped down to
Ideaguy time
3x3 thread
I thought the battle royale meme died with DayZ
Why are people so mean in online games?
Why did this game fail?
>Microsoft is definitely going to quit the console mark-
ITT: NPCs being NPCs
Find a Flaw
Only 4 pics of Lavenza on Rule 34
What does he even do? Hes not a programmer, hes not a writer, hes not an artist. What does he DO?
Using a mouse is clearly better for aiming but a keyboard is clearly clunkier than a controller for moving
Desculpa mano, sopa de macaco qui delicie
The game is just fine if you get your ADP to 25
Is any of the new gen Fire Emblems good? Last ones I played were the GBA ones
Undertale is better than Touhou
My gf likes cars, don't ask me. I don't know shit about racing games, so what are the best games on PC...
How did he have FoxDie?
He plays video games less than 100 hours per week
So when is it going to be time to upgrade from the i5-2500k for gaming purposes...
How is Nintendo doing it?
Final chapter: game title
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this hidden gem?
Is this the worst emulator ever made?
MediaCreate Week 29
Which is better - Windows 7 or Windows 10?
What's wrong with porn games being on steam?
ITT: Tracks where the composer went "Just fuck my shit up."
What game should I buy tomorrow?
Didn't even sell 1million on all platforms combined
Why do PC fags keep lying about how superior their platform is when it's not?
Gamer Fuel
Lets settle this - Who is the best girl?
What's going on with the Hollow Knight devs?
Okay Sup Forums, let's see them desktops
Switch has sold 4,7 million
What's the dumbest shit you ever done in a video game
What's some other LGBT vidya?
Why are the japs so based when it comes to creating videogames?
Tomoooo, what's wrong buddy?
Steam removing Greenlight because they don't trust their users anymore
ESA 2017
Its less than fastfood bill
Divinity: Original Sin 2
10 Minutes of New Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Gameplay
Do you already fuck his literal boipussy
This kills the xbox emulation scene
Tfw you misplan by one tile and your city turns into an assymetrical nightmare
You literally cannot defend this
What did they mean by this? That she's tasty like pork burger?
What is his endgame?
Get bullied over voice comms
Not buying multiple consoles in case of hardware failure
>Injustice 2 has better looking females than MvCI
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree Futaba's best girl, right?
If you are older than 25 and like videogames you must own this PC
I feel horrible Sup Forums. Help me. I never allowed my daughter play casual games. She grew up with Mario 64...
Is this good?
Old People Today Less Able To Finish Video Games
Senran Kagura
He thinks jrpgs are superior to wrpgs
ITT: We say something positive about Dark Souls 2
Are guys who play as women in games where you can create your own character just fags?
High mobility
You nostalgia you lose
Six minutes of Dynasty Warriors 9 gameplay
Sup Forums will defend this
Daily doasage
Competitive gaming is most profitable now
The definitive version of the game can only be played on an obscure console with little to no emulation support
Why does Sup Forums pretend ecelebs help sell games?
Guild Wars 2 - new expansion
What are some games where you dont get banned for hurting peoples fee-fees?
Why is this allowed?
Does it get better?
Why is Sup Forums so adamant that video games can't be a good storytelling medium?
Whats the logic behind axe beating spears in Fire emblem? If it was realistic, spear would be unbeatable
Can we have a thread about Life is Strange?
What do you like to drink while gaming?
Thoughts on this?
Warhammer vidyagaem thread! 40k and fantasy both welcome
What games would you play with your kids?
No Sonic Mania thread
Switch worldwide sales top 4.7 million
Yoshi, release the new PotD already, I'm tired of the old one!
PUBG is now 2nd on steam
Wait, was this not a real guy? why did he become a ghost or whatever in the end? help me out here
Why on earth would they not release this on STEAM? It's as if they don't want it to be a success or something
What is your honest opinion of Warframe?
This feels out of place it does not belong in a mario game
So why do you all always get hyped about a game, buy it, play it for two seconds and then stop playing it?
What are your thoughts on the game of thrones video game?
At gamescom 2017, Nintendo will be there to reveal the next instalment of smash...
Post your Steam avatar
They should've just stopped making Pokémon games after these two. They'll never ever be topped
Hey guys
A beautiful innocent picture
ITT: Vidya scenes that brought utter despair
Two masterpieces in one year
Should I play 3 and 4 before this one...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...