daily reminder that pokemon is dead
last good game was hg/ss
Daily reminder that pokemon is dead
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RS killed Pokemon, BW1 killed New-Pokemon, ORAS killed Neo-Pokemon, and 新-Pokemon still goes on
It's the 3D models for me, they take a lot of charm out of the games. I didn't like colosseum 1 and 2 either even as a kid
Go back to your containment board
i always thought those 3D pokemon games looked really weird and unnatural
The last good game was Emerald And its 3DS remake. Gen 4 and 5 were the slowest and most linear games in the series.
The Genius Sonority games really can't be comoared to Gen VI. The biggest problem with Colosseum and Battle Revolution was the maddening slow speed in battles and removing basic things like items from battles. Gen VI not only had all the mechanics expected being a main series Pokemon game, but they actually managed to make combat and movement faster than Gen V, despite full 3D graphics. Trying to play Gen V, you were battling the slow as combat more than the Pokemon itself.
this isn't podracing
BW2 was my favorite pokemon game and took me completely by surprise. Too bad that got my hopes up that they were going to make good games against because XY was the most disappointing thing since the star wars prequels.
>mad dragonfag
>Bawwww I can't curbstomp everything with dragons, Pokemon is dead
>last good game was hg/ss
>what is B2/W2
yikes. OP is really proving to be a fag today.
Fairy is such a joke, jesus fuck.
I'm glad I saved this post a while back:
>Fairy directly buffs steel offensively and defensively
>fairy kicks fighting types out of higher tiers
>steel effectively loses one of its weaknesses because fighting types are gone
>fairy checks dark types
>one of the types that could hit steel for neutral is now more scarce because of fairy.
>in-spite of fairy being weak to steel, its still one of the most dominant types, after water and steel, flying and ground
nice balance attempt gf
Not to mention it makes terrible types like bug even worse. What the fuck were they thinking?
>playing competitive Pokemon
You need to be 18 years or older to post on this site.
I never looked up the typing
I always though Fairy was supposed to kill Dragon as the god tier type for meta
that sounds like shit though
No one plays Pokemon competitively. Just pick your favorites and have a go at it.
>the B2/W2 is best meme
when will you stop
Pokemon needed a jab in the arm, for better or for worse
Come on user, it's fun!
There's so much variety and interesting playstyles!
PMD > mainline
There's actually some really nice online programs for building pokemon builds and fighting each other. Animated and everything.
I used to play them back in college since it didn't take much focus during larger lectures if they were boring or attendance lectures
>is best
Where did I say that? When will you develop some reading comprehension?
Winner would be misleading I guess, it's Pokemon.
Glad to see Gyrados is still kicking ass
Not glad to see an average of 4 new mons on each team
When Black2 stops being the best game in the series.
Which is never.
Is my bro Tier 1 yet?
Fairy is so hackjobbed, it's obviously designed to try and balance the types better but I'd rather have them make a type that actually makes sense. Why would fairies be immune to dragon and why would fire resist fairies?
user irreversibly BTFO
>Still no type to balance out steel
Dragon is not super amazing like some people think it is. On paper, it has a wide range of resistances, to water, fire, electric, and grass, which are all very popular types. But in reality it is very rare for a single pokemon to have moves of two or more of these types - the only common pairing being water/electric, for which the pokemon can probably just use a super effective ice move instead.
it is, and that's true, but that's the furthest thing from the reason why
fairy was a misguided but well-intentioned attempt to actually shake the core gameplay up in a way that didn't just revolve around features that would arbitrarily be added or removed later
while it ultimately failed at everything it set out to do and deserves some criticism for that, it's still ironically one of the least bad major changes pokémon has introduced since hgss and anyone who focuses on it specifically is probably not old enough to post on this board
the biggest reason pokémon is dead is the aforementioned revolving door of features
the second biggest reason is the emphasis on spectacle that has been applied to make up for this lack of features
the third biggest reason is their attempt to appeal to mobile audiences at the cost of their old fanbase
and the fourth biggest reason is the fanbase for sperging out over gen six and thus convincing them that gen five was the way they needed to take the series, resulting in the abomination that was gen seven
In about 5 years when the majority of posters on Sup Forums aren't people who started with Gen V. In a few years, people will be saying Gen VI was the best. Then 5 years later, Gen VII. And so on and so forth.
Gen VI was ultimately the same shit as Gen V, VII just finally took it a step further
also they don't cut core battle mechanics, or at least, they didn't until Gen VII gutted triples and rotations
how did anime introduce the fairy type? did some pokemon professor come to Ash and go like "uhhh yeah so there's actually a fairy type pokemon, i have no idea how you didn't encounter it for 20 seasons"
if the time comes when people will praise gen VI games as the best i'll know when to off myself
>y-you can't like the newer games!!!
>m-m-my broken g-gen1 games are b-best!!!111!!
kill yourself, shitter. Emerald, Platinum, HG/SS, and B2/W2 are objectively the best games in the series. Honorable mention to Crystal.
To be fair HG and SS were the best in the series. I don't get why the made fairy though.
Learn to quote people.
>i have no idea how you didn't encounter it for 20 seasons
>they're making a core RPG for Switch
guess I'll miss a core game for the first time since 1996
>newfag doesn't know how greentexting works
they were considered normal type no? how did they explain the sudden change in types? "uh lol it's actually a fairy not normal"? i'm serious here man
the anime is designed for 8 year olds who will never watch older seasons so they don't have to explain shit
Nah senpai, last good pokemon game was gen 1 bro. All these stupid new types and pokemon designs, I mean come on, they don't even make any sense and they're running out of ideas.
An attempt to balance the game from overpowered dragons.
>Ice types are still shit and their only resistance is other ice types.
Greentexting is not ignoring a persons argument and putting words into their mouth. He didn't mention Gen 1 at all nor did he say you can't like new games. You're attributing someone elses stupid argument to someone who didn't even hint at those things.
>not giving up on GF and playing sage instead now that 2.0 is out
there's no such thing as a balanced JRPG. Prove me wrong
It worked, for the most part. Less outrage spam now. Poison and Steel buff is also welcome. BUT WHY DID THEY NERF DARK AND BUG
>implying you won't get sucked it again
I've been there
I doubt that will happen. At best, the praise will be finally introducing trainer customization and maybe fairy type. Gen VI is incredibly weak since they didn't make a second iteration of the base games (Like Plat or B2W2 for example) and left it bare bones in their rush to push out Gen VII which has also started weak, but they're going to get Ultra versions so who knows how those will play out.
it feels like the first blotched pokemon game since fps drops are still insane. not only did they cut 3d (3d) from the games but the fpa dips to 10 during certain battles. theres nothing more immersion breaking
xy felt so fucking vapid
Also sage doesn't have fairy type
hehe good bait :D
>a persons argument
he never had one to begin with
>gen 6 nerfed my favourite into the ground
At-at least he's still good in UU
I'm definitely not buying a Switch just for Pokemon. But Ishihara said it could be as late as 2019. If by then there is a Smash, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart and Pokemon for the Switch I'll get it, plus I wouldn't have to wait long for it to be cracked
gen 6 is far from the best but I do think it gets too much shit. It added a lot of neat little things and quality of life stuff.
If Z existed, and it improved as much Platnium did for DP, then I could have easily seen Z being the best pokemon game easily.
>not getting a switch for Pokken
What are you, a casual?
where can I find a good list of rom hacks?
Those designs are fucking awful, who made this shit? Only like 3 lines are cool
satire != bait
>his 3D model sucks as well
Eelektross looks so cool in BW and so goofy in 3D. I hate it.
are you fucking kidding me
Literally, and no shit, parallel universes.
Gen 6 and onward is set in a new universe where Mega-Evolution exists, and so on.
Gens 1-5 all take place in their own universe where, among other things, Megas, Fairies, Z-Moves, and more just don't exist.
??? He looks just as goofy
Look at that cute ass jump from the small ass fins
His 3D model is an improvement in every way imo. He looks like an eel with levitate now
>Fairies start ripping competitive a new one
>Steel starts gaining mass relevance to fight them
>Smogon bans the steel types because Steel is becoming an obtuse offensive presence while ignoring why they are in the first place
how the FUCK do you explain parallel universes to a 8 year old?
Gen 3 best gen because it added motherfucking aggron
Eelektross is a debatable one.
Look what they did to Haxorus.
And 3D in comparison
actually it's just infinite universes for every possible variable, inclduing that one time little jimmy in idaho beat silver version with six snubbuls
that's how P2P trading and battling and multiples of certain legends on one save file works
>not gen 2 cause it added motherfucking tyranitar
There is another world that is like ours but not.
Looks like a perfect cocksleeve
not gen 1 cause of CHARI-MOTHERFUCKIN'-ZARD
and poor hydreigon
They need to fix the washed out colours
Honestly, you don't.
The parallel universe shit is mostly only for the oldfag manchildren who would ask about why people didn't realize Fighting moves weren't actually dealing double damage to Clefable, but in fact half damage.
It's in suggestions and hints from weird characters like Zinnia who are obnoxiously cryptic with everything they say. Kids turned off their brains way before Zinnia got to parallel universes.
>not gen 7 because of mothefucking Golisopod
BW eel looks like it's about to wreck your shit, that one looks like it's about to be taken by the current.
No it isn't dead
Fite Me
it removed too much though. i can forgive 3d graphics being terrible and aging so poorly but theres just no charm and a very rushed feeling. dp actually were decent depending how you played them. there was a large focus on multiplayer which is probably why i enjoyed it a lot more than most other people
smogon is shit. you can safely ignore it if you wish
Gen 3 was the peak of competitive Pokemon.
>Wen you nut, but she don't stop sukkin'
>wreck your shit
More like ready to perform a dance routine to kids
XY merely says the type was newly discovered, like Dark and Steel were in GS, any "timeline" shenanigans ORAS or SM bring up were not part of XY
It's old art, it'll be updated
see: how shitty rocano and slatic used to look compared to the new art
It can leech the semen from my dick
>he doesn't like a little sting on his Willy
That's really sad
>before the split
This is a joke right???
It was only ever good because most Dragon Pokemon had very high base stats, good base distribution, good abiliti, good moves. See Salamence, Dragonite, Garchomp. With Fairy type being broken, only Garchomp really remains as S tier, and that's only because Stab EQ is so powerful.
Smogon PU, NU, and RU (FU is looking good, too) are great.
Stay away from the shit tiers, and there's almost nothing wrong with it, and it lets you use shitmons in peace.
are you ACTUALLY LITERALLY IMPLYING that that fucking SHREDDER clone from TMNT could kill C H A R I Z A R D?
>no phys/spec split
Gen 4 made a lot more pokemon more fun to use.
Also, competitive Pokemon is only really fun on the middle of the ladder where you can experiment with teams and sets.