Just bought Persona 5, never played the series before, what am I in for?

Just bought Persona 5, never played the series before, what am I in for?

remember to romance the student council prez

muh shitty adults

A slightly overrated JRPG you won't be replaying due to the terrible pacing

The best game since Persona 4

A hell of a ride.

Enjoy the game, because you won't get another one for at least 5 years

Leave now. While the story is still unspoiled.

Seriously this. Just play the game for yourself.

One of the best JRPGs of all time. Enjoy.

Goro Akechi is the black mask and the one who betrays you in the prologue and kills you but not really because you tricked him using a body double using the metaverse.

He also dies after your fight with him in Shido's palace. Shido is the drunk man in the beginning of the game

damn. Ann is pretty flexible.
>tfw she'll never spread eagle for you


80+ hours that will make you want to kill yourself halfway through

Whatever people tell you in here, you'll never see it coming.

JK, everybody sees it coming.

The most insufferable mascot character ever created

A game that's really only talked about for its waifus, style, and occasional storyline discussion.
Minimal discussion about gameplay.

You should have started with 3 so you can see how the gameplay evolves over time. Now it will be hard for you to go back and play the old ones.

what's there to discuss? It's perfect

fuck you, why do you enjoy spoiling things for people? Seriously does ruining a game for someone give you that much satisfaction? You came into this thread for the sole purpose of trying to ruin somebody's day, I hope you burn in hell

Instead of making a thread why don't you play it
Goro is the killer igor is fake igor Morgana is from the velvet room

Why make a thread instead of playing the fucking game? He asked for this

Ann is best girl.

That is all.

>t. impatient faggot
She's the blandest of them all.

How am I impatient? I met all the girls and still felt they were all inferior to Ann.

So who are the best characters to have in your party?
Just got Makoto and i've benched the cat since I got yusuke
Making your teacher into your servant is best option

It really doesn't matter. As long as you have Makoto or Morgana in your party to heal the others are all interchangeable.

Because she's the first girl you can romance. There is a good chunk where she's the only girl in your party and that you can meet.

To be fair, he's right. I blacked out most on the internet(especially here)from August 2016 until I beat the game the following May. Common sense.

You can also meet the doctor right away. Ann is just a better girl than every other one in the game user

I just like her the best. By the time I finished her social link I had met every romancable girl in the game except Haru so I wouldn't call that impatience.

Too bad your waifu gets shafted in favor of Makoto. Maybe of she played a bigger role in the story I would've liked her more. No I'm not a Makotofag.

I don't know why you would make this thread unless you want to get spoiled. I managed to avoid spoilers the whole time I played this and it was much better because of it. The game was amazing and I got a lot of mileage out of it compared to games today that don't last more than 50 hours tops.