Are these JRPG ranks accurate? Why not?
Are these JRPG ranks accurate? Why not?
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>Casual with Bandwagoner (Mother) and JRPG Fan (M&L) tedencies
I can live with that.
What's the second one in the third tier?
How is persona behind SMT? Those should switch places
>CT in bandwagoner
>SMRPG in well-acknowledged
>weeaboo spelled wrong
whoever made this is a retard
Wheres Legends of Legaia?
Shin Megami Tensei
Golden sun should be moved to Casual.
Shin megagay tensei
>reddit faggot tries to blend in
>nobody calls him out
What's so bad about Atelier again?
>panzer dragoon
literally one of those games even contains rpg elements
>No Terranigma.
>No RPG Maker entry
>Shit chart.
>Final Fantasy is casual
>Mario&Luigi isn't
>not casual
Pokemon is an old man, once handsome in youth but now tragically ruined by plastic makeovers?
Here, I fixed it.
It certainly isn't a chart based on game quality if that's what you're asking
>the games on the top half are good, well-designed fun games with great mechanics
>the games on the bottom half are generic shallow animu pantsu weebtrash
i marked one from each column, JRPG overlord status. Kneel before me plebs
>not noticing that the captions for the bottom three are Dangerously Otaku, Weeaboo, and iredeemable trash
Why are Mana Khemia and Atelier seperate? They're the same series.
Honestly everything in well knowledged and below are trash
Is drakengard really weeaboo?
I highlighted the ones I played and liked. I've played more like chrono trigger, xenogears, and phantasy star but I didn't think they were very good
>Shadow Hearts fan
>Almost never get to discuss with people despite SH1 being amazing and SH2 being one of the best jrpgs of all time.
Its not fair. SH1 was like the Silent Hill of jrpgs and SH2 was just amazing. Hell even FTNW was still super above average. Atleast with .Hack i get to talk to other people same with SMT. I rarely see Wild Arms conversations
>Legend of Heroes fanboys shilling thread
>shining force
>weird guy
Basically this, except maybe suikoden for 1/2 and panzer dragoon. Shit like Lunar is generic as fuck but nostalgia let's people pretend it is good. Then you just have shit that was always garbage like Star Ocean that was never good.
what is the best wild arms game
Dark Souls Pre-Capra is "Bandwagoner" and post is "Well-Knowledged"
I'm assuming that this is terms of the weeb depth.
But why the fuck is Persona deepeer than SMT?
>Is drakengard really weeaboo?
It's not even a JRPG. Both 1 and 3 are as dark-fantasy as it gets so no.
>Developed in Japan
>Not a JRPG
>But why the fuck is Persona deepeer than SMT?
Because Japanese high school student sim is weebier than shithole ruined Tokyo?
green - played and beaten games in the series
blue - played, liked, but never beaten any games in the series
red - played and did not like
how would i rank using the same ranking as the pic?
They're action games you dummy. The first one is even a fucking musou.
Agreed. I'd also move Tales of one tier lower.
Also Atelier is great, fight me.
I played the DS Kingdom Hearts, all the Souls games and Drakengard
I was gonna type up all the changes but realized editing was much faster
Dont know why so many ps1 classics were low
actually Id remove panzer I thought it was valkyria chronicles for whatever reason
>I've played something from every tier
Why is undertale listed
neat, what are your favorites?
It should be
>Actual jrpg fans
Everything up until the PS2
>I'm not good at videogames but I want to play something that will waste a lot of my time
PS2 to now.
>There is a game named moe chronicle
I'm guessing it's also a sony exclusive
The protagonist's weapon is a steel dildo
Mother and Dragon Quest play the exact same though dumbass.
Can I get a rundown on these two?
>No Lufia 2
>what is nostalgia
>Mother and Dragon Quest play the exact same though dumbass.
Only you would be retarded enough to think that these are lists about how good the games are
It's a fucking chart about accessibility/how otaku-bait something is
yes but mother doesnt have the obviously japanese appearance that makes normalfags have a strong aversion
Every Nintendo branded "RPG" should be under casual. It's Nintendo and casual is their bread and butter don't try to deny it.
Play Mother 1.
>Dark Souls and Paper Mario in bandwagoner
>FF in casual
>SMRPG and a bunch of obscure weebshit in well knowledged
Fuck you man.
Idk not alot of ff fans played ff1 and 2
Wheres Legends of Legaia?
Wheres Chrono Cross?
Wheres Brave Fencer Musashi?
Wheres Threads of Fate?
Wheres Thousand Arms?
It's a bait list user. It's missing great stuff like SaGa and Metal Max.
not an argument
I'm a giant sucker for sci-fi so Xeno and Ar Tonelico are my favourites
>Persona is high school simulator trash
Not the first half of the series, which uncoincidentally is also the only part of the series worth playing.
Really nigga? I like Undertale but it's barely an RPG and wasn't even made by even made by Japs
Oh boy, we're doing this again
>Legend of heroes
What a garbage series
Persona 1 and 2 fags just can't let go
>No SaGa for weird guy
>no generation of chaos
Please don't lump me in with P2fags, Persona 2 is no better than any game that came after it.
This game will probably never leave my backlog but the way you input attacks is cool as fuck.
EO is the best JRPG series, where does it fall?
Lets see
Dragon Quest
Golden Sun
Shining Force
Persona Q I guess?
And a bunch of titles not on there.
t. brainlet
Am I supposed to play Mana Khemia before Atelier?
>Are these JRPG ranks accurate?
>Why not?
because they're based on nothing other than one person's asinine opinions
You probably shouldn't because it'll ruin all the Atelier games for you with its much superior gameplay. Even the alchemy in Mana Khemia is great once you get how it works.
Are the .hack games even worth playing?
>And this is known as a super contrarian whose ascended past a super contrarian, or you can just call this a super contrarian 2.
How did TLoH go from this
to this?
>it's another "RPGcodex fags whine about JRPGs" episode
>Iredeembable (sic) Trash
All these casuals that can't handle timelimits
>Ar tonelico not in irredeemable trash
But I'm not being a contrarian. A contrarian would pretend to enjoy Persona 2-5 just to spite people who know the truth.
JRPG has to be the most backlogged genre in video game history.
Not really. These are the JRPGs I've played and enjoyed. What am I?
falcom should just stick with Ys
Drakengard was terrible.
They're pretty successful faggots who did some TV in France and ruined their fucking face with plastic surgery. So pretty much just like you except you weren't on TV, you're probably not successful and you (hopefully) haven't hotten your face annihilated by a drunk plastic surgeon.
>Baiten Kaitos
>Chrono trigger
Forget that Final fantasy garbage and other nonsense, these two games reign supreme. Masterpieces~
I know.
Tier lists don't really work for certain game genres like RPGs because tastes are very subjective. There are some truly genuinely mediocre series like Neptunia but then RPG games like Suikoden easily rival FF or even surpass it. Again its only a matter of opinion and these charts generally don't work for most vidya in general.
Trails is a fucking trainwreck, the story's all over the place and there's way too much going on, and they fucking expect you to sit through 300+ hours of story and 8 games to understand everything and pull bullshit like making irrelevant party banter from 5+ year old games into major plot points.
Tales are the B Movies of JRPGs. They're so anime-esque it's impossible to take them seriously.
We're talking about Trails, not Tales