Is it worth getting a Switch now or waiting a few months for the inevitable 'New Nintendo Switch' or whatever it's...

Is it worth getting a Switch now or waiting a few months for the inevitable 'New Nintendo Switch' or whatever it's going to be called?

it's not gonna be better if it's gonna be cheaper.
That's like saying should i not buy the 3ds to buy the 2ds

You really are retarded, he's clearly directly comparing the 3DS to N3DS.

>That's like saying should i not buy the 3ds to buy the 2ds
"lol I'm gonna say it like it's not correct and everyone will be mad xD"

Despite Sup Forums memes, Nintendo is not going to release a new version of the Switch until years from now

You could wait for a holiday bundle, though

>implying there's never been a new edition of a console accompanied by a price drop

how old are you?


I highly doubt that they will make a Switch mini. Unless they reduce the size of the controllers or the screen borders because, with the high resolution, some words can be already quite hard to read in Zelda.
Even then, I don't think they will make a revision until demand for the console drastically lowers. So, probably around next year's holiday or so.

I would wait at least a year. it will have more games and might even get hacked..

>huge part of marketing is Joycons
>most people love them
>most games use them
>Sup Forums thinks they are going to remove them

What about a Small DS thats only screens that connects using the Switch Joycon?

>few months
You dumb nigger they won't announce it let alone release it for at least another year

I'm gonna have people calling me a dank memelord for this but I don't care.

I bought a day one launch Switch that just flat out died and needed replaced. I just got my replacement back from repairs yesterday, and they made me send in everything but the joycons.

My Switch seems the same, but the dock is WAYYYY heavier than the launch one and my power cable is noticeably thicker. They're already secretly rolling out a revision not even a few months in.

My USB port on the Switch just up and died, by the way. That's why I had to send it in.

It'll be a 2-3 year gap like the 3ds to the n3ds
They'll probably skip a pascal version and either work on a Volta version for 2019

>huge part of marketing is 3D
>it's called the 3DS
>Nintendo removes the 3D

Where did you buy it?

Youre gonna have to wait til probably 2019 til that happens, do you realize that?

Wait for the revision, that's what I'm doing.

The current switch isn't even a true handheld

You sure about that?
A few days ago I was moving the dock and noticed that the power cable was very thick compared to other consoles. I just didn't notice it before, bought a Switch d1. Maybe it's the same situation?

Joycons are a meme

>a superflous, estetical, divisive gimmick with no gameplay implementation is comprable to a well like control system


I swear no one who talks on this board is of age, no one can think in anything other than analogies

>Huge part of marketing
>Feature that went unused by 90% of owners

First of, Nintendo Switch dont want to be Handheld. Switch want to be home gaming platform you can take outside. It's not "Handheld".

70 dollars thanks

Seriously that's exactly what it'll be lol. I mean the 2DS is cheaper too. What the fuck is he talking about?

>held in hands
>not a handheld

dont bring up laptops not an argument.

>inevitable 'New Nintendo Switch'
one of the worst baits ever

Iit wasn't suposed to be the WiiU replacement either. It's just marketing. They'll anounce the handheld only version 1-2years from now, probably with the next mainline pokemon for Switch.

>Nintendo Switch dont want to be Handheld

Then it should'nt have been marketed as one

wait 3 years for the new switch xli

>Covering air vents on the back