Graphics Thread
It's funny because when i saw this screenshot of Ark a while ago i said it looked like HZD
too much sharpening
>the power of consoles
thats some scary ass whale
I don't think you know what sharpening is.
I think you're fucking retarded.
that's kind of rude
But I'll accept your uninformed opinion.
Suck my dick. I know lumasharpen when I see it.
im the original d2 poster. yes theres 1.3 of luma and also adaptive sharpening. its a little more than enough but i also what its doing to textures at that point
>dude Arma 3 Apex Uncharted man xd
Zero artistic quality in anything but the Zelda ones and those aren't particularily endearing either.
If this is not art then I don't know what is.
TW3 looks good, but that pic has been tampered with for sure
nope. it has just has free cam so you dont see the shit LOD
Did you take those pics yourself in-game?
i stole them off some dude's flickr
I'm the Toussaint fag, and yeah. You just need a mod that lets you have freecam.
I mean those I beleive because it's from a far distance
but these twojust looks insane to me, especially the last one. Looks like it would be 5 fps gameplay with 3 titan Xs
That just looks like downsampling, probably from 4k. Not that hard to run.
>Fallout 1886