What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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valve being lazy and greedy, other than that nothing
I dunno I haven't played since that robot update, shit was stupid
is there still a Sup Forums server?
Valve being valve
Valve only went to shit because they found out they could make boat-loads of cash off of idiots.
valve focusing on esports shit and cosmetics turned them into lazy hacks. turns out they were the real tf2 killer all along.
Overwatch didn't kill TF2. TF2 is killing itself
what can be done in this case?
Game designed around continuous updates stopped getting updates.
>tfw hats/f2p both saved and killed TF2.
I have no idea what to think about it.
Votekick the scouts one by one.
Nothing. It's still fun even now.
all the engies where sitting on last btw
What's happening here? Too many characters of the same class?
pyro being the babysit class kinda sucks
Votekick them ALL
mann co store.
mvm being a cash grab gambling system
abandoning mvm altogether
mym being a shitty overmeme ripoff
listening to b4nny/comp players on anything
lack of good new maps
going f2p
At the same time idle engies defending the cap works if you want to tryhard for the win.
kick the scouts for being awful
Stop playing on custom servers with no timelimits.
What can be done here?
Soldier and aimbotting snipers
Hats were fine, you could only get them through random drops. It was just a fun little cosmetic thing.
Mannconomy killed it. It showed that Valve didn't care about the future of TF2, they just used it as their guinea pig to test concepts and business models for other projects.
did you win? :O
I dont remember but Id hope.
Valve focusing on cosmetics over gameplay → Barely any new weapon/gamemode update for years → Game got stale → Overwatch being new made everyone migrate to it.
From the looks of it, the cycle is already repeating.
Everything. From the start TF2 detracted the mature audience and positioned itself to appeal to younger and more impressionable.
You think hats and microtransactions were unplanned? That art style was used as tool to get the young kids with their parents money into the game and on steam itself and when they finally had the infrastructure they would supply a steady drip feed of cosmetics and drops. When sniper vs spy update hit my fears were confirmed it was going to be another F2P trash. What was the point of the drop and crafting system when not all classes had gotten their update? Why wasn't it included from beginning? Because the technology was not there to support valve taking money from you.
In china where I'm from I have seen this many many times before. Please dont spend money on keys or crates or cosmetics. You think you are supporting some starving artist developer but really you are stuffing fat greedy pig gabe with your hard earned money.
>TF2 detracted the mature audience
have you listened to the voice lines? unlike Overwatch (which wants to keep a friendly T rating), they actually bothered to add real banter.
And don't forget gibs and the dying screams of all classes
btw, post absolute dominations
Actively making the game look and run worse.
8/10 for not dominating the other top-scoring guy, and for doing it all with the ez mode class.
You are fool. TF2 is edgy cartoon with rude humor, like south park.
overwatch is watered down version for gay acceptance but no harsh language because gay lovers are single mothers.
They wanted kids to play it so badly they packaged it with Half Life another game obviously for kids.
As someone who has played thousands of hours of TF2, and who considers classic TF2 one of his favorite games, I feel like I'm qualified to answer this.
Hats ruined the style of the game. They used to be carefully curated so that they would fit the style of the game, the personalities of the characters, and would be accurate for the time period. As time went on, everything got wackier and wackier and now it's just a shitfest. The game looks like crap because there are a million pink haired, fedora'd, particle effecting retards running around every server.
With hats, the graphics have gradually gotten worse and worse to make room for 32 players wearing 3 hats that have more polygons than the character models.
Gaben admitted that TF2 is the dumping ground for all of Valve's ideas. Everything that they want to implement into CS:GO and DOTA goes through TF2 first. Obviously this leaves the game with a lot of bullshit that doesn't stick.
Valve didn't give a single shit about the competitive community until Overwatch was announced, and then they cobbled together a garbage ranked system that's dysfunctional to this day.
>removal of server browser
Part of the fun of TF2 (and CS Source) was the community aspect. You had favorite servers and you would see the same people everyday and you would goof around and have fun. Good luck making friends when you have no choice which server you get.
Why are there ducks everywhere? Why is there mutated bread everywhere? Why is everything pink and rainbows? Why is everyone wearing bird heads? Why did anyone think that any of this shit was a good idea?
>people drop ammo packs instead of weapons now
I'm just pissed about this. No reason really other than I think it looks dumb. Adds more clutter to the map I guess.
>blatant fanservice
pic related
>weapon balance
Valve doesn't know what they're doing whatsoever.
Literally nothing. The core game is still the same masterpiece it always was.
Server browser is still there, before you had to use it, but adding quick play fucked community servers.
pic related
>>people drop ammo packs instead of weapons now
Since MYM, they've always dropped right alongside the ammo packs.
>Gaben admitted that TF2 is the dumping ground for all of Valve's ideas
It's not TF2, it's all Valve games. Gaben said they use any game they are making as a way to test out new technology and innovate in any given mechanic or subject.
He even said one of the reason for them to make a new game is to use this new stuff in it.
>tfw I am going to be on someones dom screenshot in this thread because I am that much of a shitter
keep at it m8
>No reason really other than I think it looks dumb
It's just to make it more obvious to new players.
It's a casual, sit back and have fun game. Valve is trying to make it competitive and nerfing all the fun shit.
Just blame b4nny and Froyotech
>weapon balance
>Valve doesn't know what they're doing whatsoever.
The proposed WIP patch notes were great, for the most part. It seems they are puting more work into balance ideas and actually listening to good players.
Hat simulator
Valve didn't do competitive because of Overwatch, Its pretty clear at this point that they've wanted to experiment with competitive since 2012-13
Casual though? Yea, thats certainly trying to imitate Overwatch, or just other modern fps games in general. I'm actually fine with it because it encourages people to actually play the fucking game, atleast more than quickplay did. I'm just pissed that autobalance and shuffling after matches is still not back. Also CTF Sawmill IS STILL GONE.
>weapon balance
Eh, the changes they posted honestly aern't bad, just that some of them like the Ambassador are just dumb and will hopefully get changed. Waiting to see the final patch notes in 10 years when the update actually comes out to see if Valve is done making shitty decisions like the Bison
b4nny did nothing wrong
384 DAYS
valve became completely enchanted by VR and forgot to give TF2 to a outside dev team
this next update is going to be absolute shiet especially if it drops mid august
I'm gonna be so fucking pissed off if turns out that the update was pushed back to the 10th anniversary.
you're not a fragger, you wouldn't understand
Im betting on them waiting for the 10th anniversary in October
Quick rundown on everything supposed to be in the update
>official valve jungle map
>community jungle maps
>new campaign, supposed to be CYOA,
>non-stock weapon skins
>pyro rework, said to be a complete overhaul
>3 new pyro weapons
>New Official sfm short
That doesn't help with the context at all
WM1 Kill Em All 1956
I am axe man
410,757,864,530 DEAD SPIES
I think its a reference to one of his teammates sleeping with a girl he was after.
waste of a slot
first one is actually edited but the rest of these aren't
What year do the events of Team Fortress 2 take place?
Over what years do the events of the Team Fortress comic take place?
The game got stale because Valve dropped in content without properly supporting it (regular balance patches, hotfixes for matchmaking, more MvM, etc.), which is hard to today now that only a handful of people work on a game that gets 3 updates a year if we're lucky.
hello, yes, this is cancer speaking
The core gameplay is still better than most mutiplayer shooters because it has its roots on Quake.
I guess the fanbase is kind of shit since it went f2p.
late 60s early 70s
It wasn't the night
valve servers
It was his ex gf who dumped him and started dating Clockwork who B4nny had just begged to join his team again.
This guy is a living meme
I still think Casual needs more rounds than just 3 at maximum
You are like little baby
Watch THIS
b4nny's twitter is a gold mine
Burning Bandanna
pic related
This 2bh
They should balance things differently around Comp like they did MvM since Comp should be an optional niche
The biggest problem right now isn't balance or class or whatever. It's the matchmaking system.
Too many times do I get added into servers after the round is finished. Teams being ridiculously unbalanced is the norm now. Something like 5v11 happens way too often and Valve needs to add players in as soon as there's a slot instead of adding them in bulk.
And an option to join in a server in the beginning of the game is much needed. No one wants to get added in a losing team at the end of the round.
Not that much really. There's more content than ever before, plenty of players, and if you really don't like the items you can go to a server than only has vanilla items.
>eSports players
This. Class balancing SHOULD be the biggest problem but MyM was full frontal shitshow that only existed to create more problems where there was none before. It's to a point that the most hyped thing for me of the Pyro update isn't even rebalncing the class, but fucking fixing the servers into a playable state.
stupid fucking nerfs for no reason, in a game that isn't meant to be competitive or balanced.
This happens to all valve games eventually, with the exception of coop games like l4d
Engi is so much more fun on offense.
>It's just to make it more obvious to new players.
No. Only time valve have given a statement that wasn't speaking highly about new players was during End of the line update.
They added these ammo packs because now you can pick up the weapon other person dropped.
Gotta admit. Alpha as fuck
They made up later but still
>Valve periodically abandoning the game to run itself through Mann Co Store sales
>cutting the TF2 dev team down to a handful of people
>putting in some of the ugliest community cosmetics available while ignoring the classier ones which don't look out-of-place
>outsourcing the Halloween events almost completely, removing the Haunted Halloween Gift, and leaving everyone to draw cosmetics from a pool of every Halloween cosmetic ever except for the spells which would actually be worth a damn as duplicates
>End of the Line was a bust
>rd_Asteroid and pl_CactusCanyon are never getting finished despite the former being really fun and well-liked by the community
>Meet Your Match fucking up the matchmaker system for a while around the time Overwatch was getting popular
>MvM getting abandoned
>the comic being ridiculously delayed
>no new SFM shorts in a long time
>actually listening to good players.
>the base jumper
>run rescue ranger/wrangler/jag on badwater offense
>fucking constantly moving my sentry into stupid spots that people ALWAYS run into
>last point
>wait for demo/soldier/spy to destroy the sentries
>wrangler jump to that one corner of space next to the end
>just rancho relaxo and watch my sentry destroy people as they run at the cart
RIP asteroid
RIP ctf_sawmill
RIP ctf_well
Exactly, only shitters have problems with it. Ambassador is pretty much the only controversial one.
that's good