Times Sup Forums fucked up big league

Remember the time that one of us worked really hard and made us a video game, but we all lashed out and attacked him because we were jelous of his success and fame?

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sorry fisher, the only phil who is /ourguy/ is dsp

Yeah I remember when Sup Forums turned on Mojang studios too, but to be fair they grew into a very different developer than the one we all first fell in love with.

So far Sup Forums:

> bullied Toby Fox to Tumblr
> drove Notch away to Reddit
> doxxed Depression Quest girl IRL and changing the face of gaming for half a decade
> harassed Phil Fish, making him give up vidya all together
> attacks YandereDev constantly to the point where he can't implement Osana
> drove PressureDev to actual suicide

The ONLY thing we somewhat finished was Yume Nikki (who was 2ch, not us) and Katawa Shoujo, though that was more Sup Forums than us.

Am I leaving anything out?

all of those things are good except for the Toby Fox part.

Remember that one time Phil Fish was a complete asshat to everyone including multiple people who worked with him and who only found success because his friends rigged an indie game competition for him and remember that time when he totally didn't ever post on Sup Forums and got called out for it?

Are you sure? I could have sworn he came around here. Not just lurking but posting /PROGRESS/.

People kept calling it furshit and telling him to >>/d/ or something because of goat-mom.

Remember that time when Depression Quest Girl was accused of relationship improprieties that were completely true but discussion of it was suppressed while discussion of Max Tempkin being accused of rape was fine?

Choke on it.

All for the greater good

Most of these, we were on the right side. We must stand up for what is right for vidya.

Twitter lefty mockingbirds are emotionally stunted wizards of cognitive dissonance, who knew

Ya, lets not seriously act like Toby Fox is someone to be vaunted. The only reason anyone knows him is Homestuck, which I think at this point all the kiddies have grown out of.

that only happened to notch (because he was kinda wanting a hugbox after a while)
and yanderedev (for the same reason)

>one of us

One of you, maybe, plebbit

Jesus fuck, Phil.
Get off Sup Forums and back to sucking cock for bus fare you whiny entitled piece of shit.

undertale was pretty good.
I give no shits about his homestuck connection.

I-I'm scared to post progress of my game on Sup Forums now... is /agdg/ still a thing?

I remember when he stole code and art assets from his former coworkers.

Undertale's shortcomings are overlooked because he pulled an audience that hasn't played that kind of game before. There are similar games that came out in the same year that were better but did not have the homesick advertising angle to boost them.

Me trolling aside. GG changed the way I viewed the (((industry))) hard core.

I could care less how much of a slut that bitch was other than the fact it was kind of funny she blew 5 nerds.

What did get under my skin was how real the conspiracy theory of "a close-nit collective of financially-linked start-ups banding together to push political agendas through independent games" became a stark truth, very quickly.

We can meme against ourselves by saying "muh ethics in journalism", but that's actually what it was. Kotaku is an ad platform for games that Kotaku invest in, but doesn't let their readership know.

That's scumfuck shit. When I was a kid I remember Nintendo Power. I knew damn well that Nintendo Power was published by Nintendo. There were no lies-- no political agenda, just vidya, and I loved every issue.

Now picture Reggie on his knees blowing Howard and Nester for fold-out space telling you that you are the reason unrelated races or genders feel uncomfortable engaging in your hobby.

All while VICE and Huffington post your Vivian James OC calling you a misogonist, even though she was designed after a cross between your little sister and your favorite Dragon Ball Z rape meme.

oh yeah this is the part where we pretend that undertale wasnt hyped up on Sup Forums first

Does anyone with a working mind who regularly visits Sup Forums actually think that something they created won't get criticized to hell and back if they post it here? That's what this website fucking is, there's plenty of useful honest criticism, but it's not going to be sugarcoated. Instead we get all these pussy developers who can't separate criticism of their creations from basic obvious trolling.

GG was turned into a meme such that its mere mention warrants flippancy and derision, because once someone is bullied on twitter everything else is out the window. Journos who felt their imitation-ivory tower rattling knew how to sweep the whole thing under the rug, this was 2014, the winds of virtue signaling and inflated moral gesturing were strong at their backs

>Tumblr game gets shilled by Sup Forums's homosucks
Stop the presses!!!!

Yeah /agdg/ is still up.

It's even safe to post """PROGRESS" there, provided you never let anyone know what language or engine you use, unless you are a masochist for being bullied by 1st year CS students.

Nobody will ever criticize you for art assets or poorly implemented mechanics because Drawfags are rare and /idea guys/ are looked down upon.

It's kind of an unspoken failsafe to protect us from ourselves.

HSG had long been expelled from Sup Forums by that point.

>dev flees from Sup Forums
>they don't finish their project
>if they do it attracts a fanbase they absolutely loathe
Really makes you think.

>there's plenty of useful honest criticism

No there isn't.

This place is fucking useless. The only thing that goes on around here anymore is whining about politics, whining about "the man", whining about "casuals", the endless reposting of the same unfunny memes and waifufaggotry.

>Undertale's shortcomings are overlooked because he pulled an audience that hasn't played that kind of game before
just like dark souls

Just have a sense of humility and you'll do fine.
>Toby Fox was super quick to anger and couldn't take criticism.
>Notch couldn't handle the bants.
>Zoe Quinn never even came here, the guy is really reaching for shit.
>Phil Fish is an egomaniac.
>Evaxephon is an ego driven cunt who is only making a game because he thinks it will make people like him.
>Pressuredev I can't speak on, never heard of him.

TL;DR have a sense of humility and you'll be celebrated by the community.

Care to elaborate?

Do we get credit for anything LISA?

I know that the kids from Devolver lurk the shit out of Sup Forums, but nothing indicates any Sup Forums connection to Hotline.

Austin on the other hand has old-Sup Forums written all over him.

There's a difference between rape accusations and accusations of cheating you dense fuck.

>> doxxed Depression Quest girl IRL and changing the face of gaming for half a decade
This was a good thing. That had such a huge impact on culture that it paved the way for Trump's presidency.

You're wrong there user, you have to filter the bullshit, but some of the best criticisms of games I've seen come from this website. There's no chance shitty mechanics will go through without being ripped to pieces. It's not a game journalism website that has to give good reviews to keep receiving early copies of games, or a hugbox like reddit where if you hurt someone's feelings you get downvoted. You have people who love games so much, they get on the internet and read about games and comment on them here without gaining anything but (you)s from it, so don't give me that bullshit that this place is fucking useless.

>That had such a huge impact on culture that it paved the way for Trump's presidency.
lol thanks again goyim.

>ITT: OP is an oversensitive faggot for still caring about useless air wasting retards that deserve nothing but shit piled on top of them everyday.

It's just a front for (((the powers that be))). He's done irreparable damage to the establishment just by getting elected. Kid Rock is already running for office in Michigan. Politicians BTFO


They weren't accusations of cheating. Its on court record at this point that she did. And it's also on court record that Max Tempkin was falsely accused. One of these things was allowed to be talked about, one of these things was not. There is no reason for discussion of either to be suppressed.

>Kid Rock is already running for office in Michigan
and winning

It's not even that they're trying to push a political agenda, that's just a byproduct. It's that they're trying to elevate their friends through nepotism. My big example for this is how nobody in the industry apparently knew about Fallout 4 before it was announced. This isn't true, everyone in the DC area knew about it. The problem is that all the industry reporting is on the opposite side of the country, so to games journalists, Fallout 4 didn't exist. Games journalism is so insular and inbred that a game the magnitude of Fallout 4 was seriously considered to maybe not be happening by several major outlets. If a wide variety of people in many places with actual talent were actually employed by said outlets they might not have had thumbs up their asses about obviously incoming things.

Pretty sure Sup Forums scared away loads of animators that where doing stuff.

Like the guy making that sci-fi show and most of Studio Yotta

Have you ever been in a situation where whenever you go online to see the community reaction to something you made, nearly 50-90% of everything you read is hateful? Have you ever had to make a distinction between who're real people and who're autistic manchildren?

-signed, an autistic manchild

All of this was necessary

>didn't buy his game even though he was /our guy/
wtf Sup Forums

>just like dark souls
You're more right than you know. It was 100% new friends who wanted to rebel against popular casual games. Totally unaware that they were just falling for a different kind of marketing for the same old casual shit.

>What did get under my skin was how real the conspiracy theory of "a close-nit collective of financially-linked start-ups banding together to push political agendas through independent games" became a stark truth, very quickly.

Also blatant and obvious censorship, for the first time ever on Sup Forums in this scale.

I couldn't agree more.

Good thing we know the root cause for the censorship, and it has been surgically removed, although the replacement has about half the brainpower or business sense.

I went away from Sup Forums after GG for 2 years, so I don't know the specifics. I came back when hiromoot announced himself as our new beloved leader and I don't really mind the changes, so far.

But he is probably selling our userdata.

>2 years
Was it 8ch by any chance? Now there's a site that crashed hard

Didn't he say japanese games suck? How is he /ourguy/ If he has the opinion of a homosexual Californian?

>What did get under my skin was how real the conspiracy theory of "a close-nit collective of financially-linked start-ups banding together to push political agendas through independent games" became a stark truth, very quickly.

Even when Anita "confess" this in vidcon... people still denies it.


I browsed it for a month or so, but I stopped lurking both chans after gamergate.

Came back to my homeboards (/k/ and /x/) after 2 years or so.
Is your mainboard Sup Forums?

Yeah used to be, lately I've just burnt out on the internet in general. I browse Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /k/ occationally, but otherwise I'm focused on getting my shit together IRL
You didn't miss much on 8ch by the way, it degenerated into clickbait news and vicious politics, in between autistic spammers that nearly brought down the site until they touched the mods' favorite /leftypol/ board

Damn, you're actually correct. Fallout 4 had damn near zero hype pre-release. I don't mean marketting or advertisements, I mean HYPE, which is what major vidya outlets SHOULD be doing.

I am not saying these organizations should only focus on AAA titles. But you are damn right that something like a new Fallout (shitty or not) should not be swept under the rug for Chan-related opinion pieces on gender-politics in gaming.

> lately I've just burnt out on the internet in general.

It's just not the same anymore..

and nothing of value was lost


Nope. Besides everything feeling stale and old you can't escape retards and politics anywhere on the internet these days. Everything has pretty much degenerated to pure shit and little exciting stuff happens here anymore
On the bright side, spending less time at the pc has done wonders for my degree and social life

not cyberbowling fish to suicide will go down as Sup Forums's greatest blunder

>Even when Anita "confess" this in vidcon... people still denies it.

that's the thing that really scares me.

you have all these"personalities" like Anita and Zoe who openly scam people, who claim stuff without providing even one piece of evidence and get exposed for their lies and missbehaviour by tons of people on a daily basis.
but despite all of this they are still that influential, they still get invited to the UN, get awards, get invited to big convention & events and in general get tons of suppor from the mainstreamt.

that's shady as fuck

Nope, my shit is almost always well received, probably something to do with being a hard worker and being skilled. The criticisms that are levied at me are either constructive or blatant trolls that are easily ignored.
T. Drawfag


The power of money.

>tfw GG got Trump elected

There is a RAT in this image. Dont click.


I don't remember this.

>Downloading something of Sup Forums
>Downloading something off the internet without precautions

They all deserved it
Too bad it wasn't dolphin porn

>>Downloading something of Sup Forums

I did this plenty of times and it always was legit.
The power of non-retardation

>>bullied Toby Fox to Tumblr
He has already been there since Homestuck
>> drove Notch away to Reddit
Reddit = more underaged drones to buy his game = more vacation days
>> doxxed Depression Quest girl IRL and changing the face of gaming for half a decade
Also got Trump elected
>> harassed Phil Fish, making him give up vidya all together
>> attacks YandereDev constantly to the point where he can't implement Osana
>> drove PressureDev to actual suicide

>Besides everything feeling stale and old you can't escape retards and politics anywhere on the internet these days. Everything has pretty much degenerated to pure shit and little exciting stuff happens here anymore

I feel the same way. I honestly can recall more stuff about 2011 Sup Forums than 2016 Sup Forums, because this place was more entertaining and interesting back then. I feel like the general attitude on the Internet have gone from "silly stuff just for fun" to "serious business political battleground".

I'm a newfag, and I know the basic gist of what happened, but are there any details on what happened?

>quoting every fucking sentence of the post instead of just replying to it like a normal fucking person

fuck off with your newfaggotry

When every golden face posters wasn,t permabanned

Now we are stuck with those low iq subhumans

some guy uploads an .exe of a game called lostboy. Only its not really a game its a RAt.

that's because the age demographic has moved up, and kids aren't getting on any more to spice things up. Where did summer go, anyways?

I have a shitty memory, but what I remember happening was:

>One guy made a shitty horror game in one night, which was clean and malware-free
>Some other guy took the game and infected it with a RAT, which would let him take control of other people's computers
>Second guy posted links to the infected version of the game
>People downloaded it
>Guy started fucking around with the infected computers and posting screenshots
>Sup Forums had a fucking fit because it turned out that a lot of the infected Sup Forums users were also browsing sites like Reddit and Facebook

>>Sup Forums had a fucking fit because it turned out that a lot of the infected Sup Forums users were also browsing sites like Reddit and Facebook

how... surprising.
Fuck reddit and fuck all the normalfags

Fucking lol

How did the catalog look like that day

>Where did summer go, anyways?

You mean all the summer kids? I think they just post here all year now, because of mobile devices.

>>Sup Forums had a fucking fit because it turned out that a lot of the infected Sup Forums users were also browsing sites like Reddit and Facebook


oh yeah but if you can't do at least a virtual box you really shouldn't

like this

How is that fucking up?

if only we had been able to stay on topic and not use a potentially serious conflict of interest as a thinly veiled premise for launching an unfocused hate campaign against things we didn't like because they were more popular than us. we tried so hard to derail that discussion and succeeded in doing so, which is what cost us all credibility and continues to be a problem we have with virtually every thread we try to participate in, such as this one
good job, us

Replying to my own post. Something else I just remembered that a lot of Sup Forums users went over to /q/ to ask for Sup Forums to be deleted, because "Sup Forums IS FULL OF REDDITFAGS IT'S BEYOND REPAIR NOW!".

>not use a potentially serious conflict of interest as a thinly veiled premise for launching an unfocused hate campaign against things we didn't like


internet hate machine says fuck you

wait the guy that was gonna make Pressure died? I thought that just became subnautica???

Weird to think that doge used to be a Sup Forums meme.

>we should act like sheeps

Every meme used to be a Sup Forums meme

If this isn't false flagging then I don't know what is.

>one of us
>we lashed out
First off Phil was a notorious Tigsource poster. Not Sup Forums. And the people who lashed out at him and made him lose his shit was Twitter and game critics. Sup Forums had nothing to do with Phil Fish. Posters here just enjoyed the schadenfreude.

But all that aside I honestly enjoyed FEZ. But I don't think that there will ever be a sequel because Phil realized that the amount of work and stress that goes into making a game simply isn't worth the payout. Honestly you could make more doing a 9 to 5 managing a Subway sandwich shop.

Can I see the post?