Real talk

Real talk.

Wouldn't it be better for the industry and pretty much everyone if they went 3rd party?


Go to sleep

no because then everyone would be developing games for steam and those faggots are already greedy jews

Just go and buy a Wii U while it's available you fucktard

Would people buy an Iphone if every other smartphone had running iOS on them?


I like my Switch though.


But Nintendo only feels comfortable working with their hardware. Wern't all their mobile titles done by a 3rd party?

Why would that be better? Nintendo is the only one making handheld hardware anymore

Game wise, yes. Realistically, no. Sony funds several subsidiary studios, studios which take years to develop games. If every studio had to find independent funding, we'd run into a million different versions of Rockstar's Shark cards.

No, it'd be better if they just go bankrupt and sell their IPs to Sega.

you couldn't make games with hardware specific gimmicks then, also it would lead to games being a lot less optimized and production costs would fly up because of the money spent on licenses for all the different consoles and optimization and accommodation for them all.

I own a WiiU.

>hardware specific gimmicks then
These are not good. There was a time before the Wii, where Nintendo didn't do this.

my nigga

No, because their would be less competition. Leading to less quality and higher prices.

Sony, Microsoft pulling out would be bad as well. Fucking retards don't understand this, you get situations like the PS3 $599.

but the GBA, GC, and DS had plenty of hardware gimmicks with the clamshell design doing stuff with games, link cables function, touchscreen/Dual Screen stuff, stuff like Warioware Twisted and different GBA carts with extras in them.

Hell, even the NES and SNES had the lightgun for shooting games and the Virtual Boy was nothing but the 3D gimmick games.

PCs exist.

This is a stupid argument that's retarded to single out Nintendo with. You might as well argue against consoles and system locking in general.

DS is Wii era, and blue ocean.

The NES stuff are peripherals, and prove you don't need an exclusive underpowered console to have hardware gimmicks.

I'm singling out Nintendo because they're doing the worst this gen, and only their IP is good.

but without those peripherals, you couldn't play those games at all

also DS came out 2 years before the Wii

Yes. Their hardware drags down industry standards.

Enjoy your 50Hz, pleb.
Merely pretending.

DS is part of the Blue Ocean strategy.

And those peripherals are doable on any machine.

All devs should be third party. Do you like buying consoles? I can't imagine why. PC can do literally everything a console can do and it's a PC. Once mobile devices get a little better I'd love it if everything was available through steam or something like steam and then could be used across all your devices.

These companies make more money off software anyways.

NO ! they are the only ones who make real games

Sony isn't a dev, they make consoles. Microsoft is essentially 3rd party as all their games are on PC.

that still doesn't address hardware specific gimmicks like the DS where multiple screens and a touchscreen is the entire thing, it just wouldn't be possible on a home console or something without a peripheral basically identical to the DS itself

I don't see what this has anything to with the discussion at hand.

Is this the trendig meme?

Only for the past 20 years or so.

all of those games would look and play better on PS4 indeed.