>People STILL hate this game
>But nobody knows why
Honestly, when you ask why people hate this game, no two people will give you the same answer. Each person seems to have a different personal problem with the game (indicative that there no big underlying sins and people are scrounging for justification), and most of them have never even touched it. It's just cool and trendy to hate the game to make it seem like you know about fighting games. Why is that? When you try to talk about SFV, people will usually just hit you with the usual "lol SFV" or ">SFV" without explaining their stance. Most people can't even tell you why they don't like the game without linking to videos of other peoples' opinions that they've adopted. It's pathetic.
Street Fighter V SFV
The capcom shilling is outrageous. Everyone has gave the same criticism. Shit is dry as fuck. Every character has the same gameplan.
Its nothing new really. Hell its pretty obvious that a lot of the FG thread made after EVO are shitting on Tekken 7 and 'who is Geese?", all the while making threads about Abifail being 'fun' and 'why are you not playing SFV'. Its disgusting.
>Every character has the same gameplan.
Third Strike was even more rushdown than SFV because parry obliterated the neutral but people here fellate that game. Sounds like double-standards to me.
It's one of two things:
- MUH arcade mode
- they just suck at it
no exceptions
3S was pretty shit, but at least 3S had footsies and whiff punishing.
Most people will say it's too "simple" or "easy" but without ever saying what makes it that way. It's obvious not a very easy game because Thug was in the fight of his life against Tokido and with using all his experience and skill still got outplayed.
that doesn't make SFV good.
>3S had footsies and whiff punishing.
Okay. SFV does too, what you're pushing here is blatantly false. It's not footsies or whiff punishing like SFIV but it is in the game.
Who's fellating it? Tryhards who don't even play the game? The game is dead in the west for reason. Anyway, what sets 3s apart from SFV is that the former is a much tougher game to get into. The meta while not varied is atleast steep.
>- they just suck at it
>At an easy game
We all know its the only fighting game you can play, friend.
I've never played because sony exclusive but I consider it shit.
It's shit. Everything sony puts money becomes shit.
It's on PC
It's because SFV has the lowest execution barrier of any game in the series. I'm aware of that, but I'm also fine with it. It has its drawbacks, such as fewer unique high-skill combos and setplays, but it has plenty of benefits too, such as being more accessible to newcomers (which is important for any fighter) and also putting more emphasis on other fundamental aspects of the game besides execution. No one wants to get into a game when you tell them that to even start getting competent, they have to practice stuff like FADC and 1f links for months on end before anything else.
>be balrog
>get pushed into corner
>opponent gets close
>get thrown on wakeup
>think opponent isn't going to spam throws
>stand up
>get thrown again
>try countering throw on third wakeup
>get combo'd for 50%
>wake up from knockdown
>try any kind of defense or counter-attack
You either getting thrown or combo'd no matter what. Throws were a mistake, fighting games would be better without them.
>fighting games would be better without them.
>literally block everything
>opponent can't do shit to me
lol ok
He's a big guy.
Throws are a necessary counter to blocking. I do think that throws should only work when the victim is blocking, though.
Also there should be no distinguish between high and low block. Block should just block all, no throws.
I want a game where whoever gets the first hit in just turtles until the clock runs to 0.
I don't hate it. The netplay feels awful, however, so I never play it. It's a pity, and it makes me concerned for MvCI. I don't have a lot of the misgivings about that game as many others, but if I hear that it feels like SFV does online, I'll have to pass no matter how much I've enjoyed demo gameplay. Too much of a shut-in to play a game that's crippled outside of locals.
m8, i think the game you want is called Age of Empires
>I do think that throws should only work when the victim is blocking, though.
If I 'm reading this right, that sounds like a horrible idea. If you're suggesting that people should only be able to be thrown out of blockstun, it would give positive moves and tick throw setups unparalleled power. As it is right now, you cannot throw someone under the effects of blockstun.
I think he just means you shouldn't be allowed to be thrown during the startup frames of an attack, as in very strictly implementing the attack > throw > guard > attack RPS game, a la Pokken. Which is by no means a dig at pokken on my end, I love that game. Very unique.
Netcode is still dogshit, and getting worse.
Also they keep nerfing shit when they outright said before the game even came out they weren't going to do that. Lo and behold during the beta they fucking nerfed everyone, and continue to do so.
It's not a good game and they are selling it by pieces.
>literally block everything
>Throws are a necessary counter to blocking.
That's what lows and overheads are for.
I like SFV but it has it's problems, problems that people hate it for.
That being said it's easy to hate literally any fighting game ever made. Every fighting game has big problems with it, so if you want to hate it (like people want to hate SFV because modern CAPCOM) it's really not hard.
>3S had footsies
3S had the least footsies of any street fighter game ever made. It's by far the least traditional SF ever released. You could not be further from the truth.
Worst. Roster. Ever.
It's not SF3. Or, outside of strictly SF, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. That game's roster is the most bogus shit.
That's your punishment for getting yourself put in the corner you dumbass. Street Fighter is supposed to be a battle for positioning and if you got put in the corner, guess what? You lost, you deserve to be put into a corner specific mix-up.
Do you want to know what's actually dumb? Your braindead character can carry people LITERALLY corner-to-corner for 50% of their health into a meaty wake-up situation.
>Your braindead character can carry people LITERALLY corner-to-corner for 50% of their health into a meaty wake-up situation.
I know that, that's how I win matches.
I just wanna give Mikey even more advantages.
Isn't it enough to hate a game because it's boring? Why can't people feel comfortable saying this? The problem my friends and I all have with SFV is that it isn't fun. It just does not hold our interest like other fighting games do.
Nothing else needs to be said. If a game isn't fun, why play it?
Games centered around low/overhead are complete garbage. Play NRS shit if you want something so stupid.
SFV is lacking on defensive options the best thing you can do is sit there and block. High level play will just bait you into v reversal. Wake up nothing is your best option. Learning what's a true block string and what's not is the only defense you'll have in this shit. Once you got your defense down get ready to play the guessing game and good luck playing the guessing game against characters like Laura and Necalli.
I'm improving at the game at the moment and it feels great but even I notice the lack of defense.
Games centered around throws and throw setups are even worse.
>Each person seems to have a different personal problem with the game
You mean that's indicative that there's something wrong for everyone rather than a specific subset of the audience.
>It's just cool and trendy to hate the game to make it seem like you know about fighting games
Why would someone want to hate their purchase "to be cool"? No one is pleased that they are getting less than their money's worth.
Nothing is worse then NRS shit.
Fuck off SF3's was great. Ballsy move and only a few are worse than classics (Remy). Most of te characters from 3 are the most loved.
I don't like the V system. Capcom gave each character a unique ability, but then discourage players from using it by offloading standard defensive options onto it. As a result most matches feel slow. Just moving reversals to the other bar would improve the pacing.
Too much input lag they need to drop it 2 more frames. 7 frames is too much
I hate the game because I am punished for having better internet than everyone I play against. What the fuck, Capcom? Why is the netcode this fucked still a year later?
Advice: Don't play DBFZ if your complain is about characters having the same gameplan. That shit is 10x worse in that game.
Do you think the girls in Demetri's stage were originally boys?
No he's right, the only good characters that SF3 brought were Dudley, Alex, Ibuki, Makoto, and Urien. Rest can burn and are immensely inferior to the World Warriors.
>input lag
>no defensive options
>weak fireball game
>combos are too easy
>every character and their grandma can casually 50% you across the stage
Among other things
Fighting games in general are super niche. People who play the game religiously for the life time of it are so small. Capcom should have copied NRS if they wanted to make money. Good thing they didnt and we got an amazing game that people would watch than play.
I mean really, who would want to buy a game and play it yourself if you could just watch pros play it instead. Did you see sf view numbers against injustice?
Capcom not making money is the best thing for the fgc. /s
>SFV has footsies
No it doesn't
Yes it does. I can do it too.
You can say those same things about tekken and nobody would notice.
Nobody plays SFA3 or CVS2 anymore. Nobody plays Vampire Savior anymore, nobody plays any VF anymore, nobody plays SCV anymore.
Either I play current games or I don't play, and the least cancerous are SFV and KI.
I like KOF14 but servers are barren both on consoles and PC.
Is netplay still a teleporting fuck fest with d/cers?
You just blew my mind...
>do a medium strength normal
>amazing range
>no proximity normals so it is special cancelable no matter what
>links into another medium which cannot be interrupted
>if the opponent tries to do anything after the first medium, I can hit them for 30%+ of their health
>I get a free throw mixup after the first hit because it is so scary to interrupt
>the second medium is also safe on block so I can just stop afterward if neither hit
>or I can go for a throw mixup
>even if they tech the throw, I'm at no real disadvantage
>can throw a random CC to do half their health because they tries to play footsies
This is part of what I hate about SFV and also in part why it feels like the whole cast plays the exact same way
SFV has the best footsies....at super high level where you're physically playing against another human in the same space and realizing you're not even playing the game anymore but trying to play the other guy's mind.
That's always been the problem with Capcom fighters. You can have fun at the start, then you realize how bad you are, then you realize how mediocre or bad the systems are, then you realize how much fun you're not having playing scrubs, then you have that one super high level game that reminds you how good the game could be.
i hate how half the cast is WAYY stronger then the other half. the first lady of fighting and everybodys favoirte sadist suck in this game. laura is for scrubs and so are shotos
I do now. I'll be thinking about that for a while.
Gotta love playing PC Bison, Alex, and Ed... You don't even see their start ups.
So that's a yes? It was unplayable when 60% of ranked matches were people that fickered everywhere.
These guys are also great:
Hugo (moveset)
meme Q that a lot of people like.
Damn including returning cast, I can't believe over 90% of the cast is good... damn...
I will never understand this "everyone plays the same" meme.
Please explain to me how the following characters play the same:
That's being generous too.
Online gaming will never be good so long as we keep playing with niggers and thrid worlders.
I really like Kolin and nobody else seems to. Oh well.
But a good amount of characters got buffed after S2 user and Vega, Ryu, Alex, Nash, and Zangief got buffs after the S2 balance patch. I'll give you the universal nerfs to characters and some archetypes from the beginning of S2.
Nah dude, this game has problems that other games don't. The person with the better connection is at a disadvantage. Not only do they get all of the desyncs, but they also lose animation frames even on good connections of something like at least 3 more frames than the other person.
And they use EVO entrants to measure popularity instead of sales and cultural relevance baka.
Medium kick links into to everything else
They're all trying to throw you or wait for you to try and counter the throw for 50% combos
It looks like shit fag
The UI is very inconvenient. Why only have best of 3 than deciding to play as much as you want? Why can't I have the sound options on the menu during gameplay? Why can't I restart a match when I'm playing offline? I haven't played too much of it, but MLX felt very fast and convenient when it came to options.
Gameplay itself is alright, just bland at some points.
I don't get the "shit roster" criticism.
SF5 has a healthy mix of staple characters (shotos, Chun-Li, Guile, M Bison), returning characters from older entries that weren't in SF4 (Birdie, R Mika, Urien, Nash, Alex), complete newcomers (Rashid, Laura, Necalli, Fang), and characters that were background characters in the lore/Final Fight characters (Kolin, Ed, Abigail). And more characters will be added as they continue season passes.
I dislike Street Fighter as a whole, not just Street Fighter V. It has every right to exist and I want Capcom to do well but that does not mean I will play it.
Not a single one of those characters has an MK that links into anything. Only one or two of them have an MK that links off a CH. So in other words you're clueless.
Oh, I guess every character plays the same because they're trying to do damage to you. I guess every grappled ever made plays the same because they're trying to command grab you. I guess every character that throws a fireball and punishes you for jumping plays the same too.
What fucking fighting game, BESIDES THE MELEE MOUTH BREATHERS, doesn't have footsies, faggot? Seriously? Do you know what footsies are?
>That's what lows and overheads are for.
>I block your low
>I block your overhead
Now what faggot?
SFV has a pretty good roster in terms of diversity imo. New characters for S2 are pretty cool too. Abigail is turning out to be a lot of fun and frustrating to play.
>DLC character you have to wear a different costume for so you don't have to look at how badly they fucked up his model
This cannot be the reason why people hate SFV, Jesus Christ. This is just a common tactic.
Mix it up until you hit. Keep chipping them until they try and counter, then beat their counter.
People are retarded. You're absolutely right. The roster is great, nevermind adding on to the fact that every newcomer is far better and more interesting then every single 4 newcomer other than Juri.
People don't want returning characters, they just want THEIR returning character. People don't want new characters either they just want new characters either. They all complained (rightfully) when Ultra was just 5 ported SF x T character and a lazy as fuck re-used assets character yet now that capcom is making characters from scratch they're complaining about not getting the same shit that takes less effort.
How is this any different from throw defense?
What? No. That's dumb. You want a fighting game that's all blockstrings.
Street fighter v more like shit fighter v
I forgot about Hugo, he's good but then he's a Final Fight character so he would be a worthy addition. I'm not a big fan of the others you posted.
Bitches be hating on Laura when she's one of the best new contenders. As well as Rashid.
This, the same thread has been made constantly for weeks. Fuck off, OP
Because it requires skill and knowledge of moves. Anybody can spam universal throws and hope to bait their opponent into either more throws or attempting to counter a throw that doesn't happen.
An alternative would be for throw counters to be more punishing. Either for a counter throw to in itself be a throw that damages the opponent or for the opponent to be minus after being countered(so you can rush in and hit them if you're fast enough).
I admit the genre would be less interesting without SF. the early 00' were great years for fg with juggernaut hits like TTT, T5, SC2 and SC3 alongside VF4, and the various MK...but that era still missed something.
I don't wish SF to die but I do want Capcom to disappear already. Worst gaming company in history, the very first one that started to milk and its customers with the SF2 series back in the early 90's.
Just imagine what a series SF could be in the hands of a competent, honest and passionate
Capcom should just sell their IPs and die.
Supposedly the remaining roster are Menat, Zeku, Sagat, Sakura, Oro, C.Viper, Q and Necro.
I personally would like Ingrid and one of the least supernatural Darkstalkers (Sasquatch or Aulbath) but we can't have nice things.
Are you unironically trying to say anybody can't do a low or an overhead? What is your argument?
Again, no. You're rewarding a specific type of playstyle. You're encouraging pressure and only pressure. What you want is a game made exclusively of shotos and rushdown tactics. A character like Guile who has one part gameplan in controlling space rather than relying on blockstrings is made void in your "dream game".
Throws aren't hard to handle at all. Its just SFV is lacking in wakeup options.
>require skill to do an overhead
I don't hate it, I just wish it was better.
Lows and overheads are different for each character. Throws are not. It's about knowing how each character works, what their timings are, what the risk/reward is for your options.
Throws are about hoping your opponent doesn't do a throw counter. And spamming it until you trick them into doing a throw counter when you're not throwing. There's no risk because worst case scenario is you're pushed back.
Hear is my reasoning for barely even playing, and I'm a huge sf fan, have been since SF2, V was one of the only games I've bothered to preorder.
Game at release was broken, I couldn't even register a name properly. Keyboard commands were hidden and the game didn't recognise my arcade stick. There was no arcade mode to play and I wasn't keen to jump straight online. The roster was obviously kept small so they could sell dlc, Capcom even made their own store to sell if.
Sorry, but no. If you release an obviously unfinished product with half the content held back then it just comes across purely as a cash grab.
I may well pick it up on ps4 if they release a full featured version at a bargain price but I won't be joining in the pc circus of endless dlc.
How can people say Capcom is the worst when Activision fucking exists, I swear to Christ.
It requires skill to know when to do an overhead, because of the startup times and the risk of being punished on blocked.