>Game out in 12 days
>Still no thread about it
Will it be shite?
Game out in 12 days
Other urls found in this thread:
>Will it be shite?
>game made by Ninja Theory
What do you think?
>Will it be shite?
Go away Tameem.
Dead on Arrival. Barely heard anything about it since gameplay trailers.
Well no,i love Ninja theory
DmC was GOAT
I do think it will be the revelation of the year
Cant tell if irony or shitposting. Because surely no one actually feels that way.
100% onest
You guys have shit taste
Altough DMC3>DmC
What did the devs mean by this?
>DmC was GOAT
>but DMC3>DmC
Go to bed user.
>Trying to change the market and go in favor of the customer
>I won't buy because muh dishonest devs
Ninja Theory has already said that they made it on a super low indie budget, and It's only going to cost $39.99 new, and even at that price they won't have to sell nearly as much to profit as other games do.
Basically the whole thing is an experiment to see if people will actually buy a game without absurd amounts of money thrown at it, and to see if they can break the model that says every game cost $60 new regardless of content.
I'm genuinely curious what it's going to turn out like.
A legit 9/10 game at least
The game isnt even a full priced game? People out of the loop will instantly see the price and think the game is short, minimal or something and avoid it.
It's neat what they're trying to do and I could find it in my heart to support it regardless of their track record but goddamn the game looks like ass to actually play.
>inb4 the game is utter shite
Then tell me what's wrong with DmC
I know everyone loves to hate on NT but honestly I've never played a bad game by them. None of them were great, but they weren't bad either. They're just decent games that I enjoyed for what they were but not enough to make me pay a full $60 for.
Everything about the game looks good except the combat.
Wew, another thread, Tameme? Fuck off with your boring piece of shit already.
so half the price for half the game (quality and quantity)?
A lot user and I've discussed it to death a million times at this point, not in the mood to write another tl;dr greentext about all the points again. I'm not telling you that your opinion is wrong. I just disagree and am laughing at you lmao
Pretty much, yeah. Though the hate for them isn't due to releasing mediocre games, it's due to the fact that they acted so superior while doing it with DmC. Shitting on the fanbase, the previous games and the entire franchise was a bad way to sell a reboot and it showed. It couldn't even outsell DMC4SE.
I feel the same way,hope it's more fun than it seems
They made their personal view of devil may cry
It would have been dull if they just made a sequel of DMC4
>half of ninja theory's usual quality
This game is gonna bomb so fucking hard.
don't play the fool, tamemer. No person who knows you will buy your garbage.
>super low indie budget
>a whole 5mil+ tameem's dad dollars
Again, it's not hated because it was different, that just made it disappointing. It and they are hated because they were dicks while doing it. The game would have been way more well-received if they had just dialed back the edge; not the edge in the game's writing but towards the fanbase, DMC IP and previous games. They just couldn't keep themselves from antagonising the fuck out of their potential customers and I still have no idea why they thought that help the game sell.
>they made a bad game
>"y-yeah but thats okay because its there view"
Never said it was bad dumbass,and it isn't at all
You could believe that if you want, I won't stop you but is the correct response to that, as the dev, to go REEEEEEEEE OLD DANTE WOULD GET LAUGHED OUT OF A BAR HAHA JAPANESE STYLE ISN'T COOL ANYMORE ALSO 60FPS IS FOR LOSERS?
Also, it's funny because Donte looks good with white hair in his alternate costumes. "Not in a million years" my fucking ass. In the end, the game was shat on enough that Capcom reconsidered outsourcing their games to western devs. Deservedly shat on too.
I'm not usually happy about games bombing, but I was happy when I heard that DmC sold like shit. The devs deserved all the shit they got.
>muh grey hair
Oh, kill yourself tehmeme
DmC is shit because the game plays like shit.
>GoW changes to a shitty low "movie" camera
is like they really want to make action games but they think presentation supersedes everything
Except hellblade development started earlier and even announcement was before gow
Wasn't this just a shitty movie game? With a demoness or something?
do we have screens/video from that time? because the decision to be "trendy" with the camera could happen later on development when the GoW trailer was a thing
>Triple AAA game
>Self published
It's going to be trash, yes
Didn't play that,but wasn't heavenly sword also like this?
It being 30 dollars is already a red flag
Probably 5 hours long with no replayability
No, not at all.
Anyway i don't think they copied god of war
Of course you wouldn't think that.
That camera distance and the occasional burst of quicksilver/darkstep effect makes the combat look like No More Heroes on downers.
Looks boring as fuck. Enemies attack slow and they are telegraphed as fuck. Either the guy playing the game is just using one string with the occasional kick, There doesn't seem to be any variety at all.