So I just finished 2B's ending, and I have to say that they made her too "bland" personality wise. I mean, what gives?

So I just finished 2B's ending, and I have to say that they made her too "bland" personality wise. I mean, what gives?
You have arguably the MOST PERFECT vidya girl design (don't argue with me on this because you can't refute this) and they made her personality so, personality-less.

She deserves more than this.

user, she suppreses her feeling on purpose. Just continue on.

emotions are prohibited during the mission

>he didn't get the secret slut ending

She is a robot

2. Androids have no vagoos
3. she is for 9s only

Don't look at this thread anymore, you're going to get spoiled on later routes. This is your only warning

>9s 2b shipping
They don't sexually love each other. They have just grown to care about each other as a team mate.

Yeah, I was playing 9S's first mission route in the factory, and when I revived in the bunker, the game crashed on me without saving.

So, I'll shitpost instead and repeat everything again tomorrow.

>They don't sexually love each other

Yes they do

Is this a good "Baby's First Platinum Game"?

I have to say though, 2B MUST AND SHOULD RIGHTFULLY BE in the Automata sequel. AUTOMATA IS 2B'S GAME. If Taro isn't a fucking hack he would make her the protag again.

It is very fundamentally different from other Platinum games because it's directed by Yoko Taro, so yes.

Not happening

She'll be an annoying vendor that drives around and has a side story where she becomes the real final boss.

fuck off

nier was niers game and he's been dead for centuries
2B is no more

Look, I'm sorry to sound like a waifufag but let's face it, literally what is Automata without 2B? She's the fucking star. Not 9S or A2, they are literal whos compared to 2b.

you can point out anything you don't like about this game and the response would be "it's on purpose"

>dont sexually love each other
looks like someone didnt
>read the weapon stories
>find 2Bs crashed flight gear
>listen to both the eng and jap versions of Weight of the world/song of a broken world its subtle but the "translation" is actually different, jap version is sang from 9Ss perspective, eng is from 2B. This is why the jap version uses "Boku" for "I" instead of "watashi"

9S and the pods are the best characters in Automata

Androids DO have vagoos and penors user. Yoko Taro said so himself. Plus they can do it.

But 2B was never the protag?
why do you think it wasnt until the second play through that you saw the title card?
This was the classic bait and switch, just like the tanker mission in MGS2

You sound like a legit 13 years old.
Fucking hell.

>9s is a literal who
9s is the main charater of 2bs route lmao
also half the game is his autistic rage

No, Song of a Broken World is from 2B's perspective, japanese songs are using "boku" left and right even if performer is a girl, and 2B tries to sound strong in that song too.
It plays when you run around the Bunker with 2B for fuck's sake.

2B literally dies from grief if she can't be with 9S

>inb4 the OP gets spoiled about everything

Worst current Sup Forums fanbase. Other than Overwatch.

His fault.


Blame the infestation of secondaries and waifu fags

If we ever got a game like this it would literally be the next DOD2

>there were never any humans
wow what a twist that i didn't see coming right from the intro

>implying this is the big twist
>implying it's even a twist


If you weren't a secondary you would know that they became extinct because of the events of the first game

could they have survived?

No there's no possible way, because of the collapse of Project Gestalt, all Replicants and Gestalts are doomed for extinction.

did they mention that in-game?

Yes and it is stressed by the director in Grimoire NieR, what's your endgame?

I don't remember it being a point in-game but I do know it's elaborated on in side materials

need to read the reports Devola threw in our face again

If memory serves me right the Gestalt documents mention the state of the project with the Black scrawl/Relapsing, but I could be wrong

9S should have been a girl

I'm pretty sure there is a document in-game which states that the Shadowlord's (of course, he isn't called by that name) power is pretty much the only thing that keeps the Gestalt project going.

> a robot is robotic
wew lad!?