Why does crash make the funny scream?
he screams for his mother.
Hi I'm Owen and I'm above doing this
See I don't normally like Let's plays and I usually shit on them on Sup Forums but I like Oney because they constantly keep saying how they are above doing this.
You're talking about the guy who did 'Dragon Ball Pee Pee'?
nice try
Its ironic man.
Good thing Chris is only ironically retarded
>Has literally never made a video that isn't WACKY VOICES AND SILLY FACES XD
>I-It's ironic! He's m-making fun of sellouts who pander to children!
Hahah you watch [GAMER E-CELEB] too? That's epic! Have an upvote!
>Homer, we're on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is on undertale!
Spastic face ticks and speaking in stupid voices is his niche, you can't be surprised at how many other people have his condition too
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme
mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe
which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
My favourite meme is when idiots try to imply that videos of video games aren't video game related topics
post more of them
woah woah woah woah
>posting memes in all caps while talking about the personal lives of people who scream over videogame footage is "video game discussion"
Sure kid. Just go to the official subreddit if you want to talk about them. Why not? Seriously, why not go to reddit? Because even though it's got a page dedicated outright to what you want to do, you tell yourself you're too good for it, so instead you post it here where it's not wanted.
i think they're pretty based
they're one of the only lets players i've seen who can beat dark souls without failing so much it's infuriating, and at the same time make fun of the dark souls fanbase for being complete "le hardcore ECKS DEE" fags
and they keep doing it through the rest of the series
to the point ding dong keeps on trying to get oney to continue doing the run somewhat naked just to spite them
>faggots still think this lazy copypasta means something
reminder some sad autist has this in a .txt on his desktop
It will continue to be posted until someone proves it wrong. It's brilliant because it blows underage oneyfans the fuck out every single time.
And explain to me how copypasta is autistic and sad but posting the exact same crash image and WOAH memes over and over and over and over is somehow the height of comedy and valuable videogame discussion?
Hello I'm Owen and I'm also above doing this.
Acting like a retard for money, especially on Youtube, is not niche.
Hey, Owen here. I am definitely above doing let's plays.
Then why don't we stop?
Because the video needs to be exactly 11 minutes long.
Pandas have invaded this thread
That t-posing trump bit in the last Pikmin video was great.
Is that Croc there?
No no. Say it's Mario.
No, say it's Mario
nono dude say it's mario
Holy shit those rules. I thought it was an act, but Ding Dong (clearly him who wrote it) truly is a petty, joyless, cunt. Their entire shit is inane references and goofy voices and then they go and try to stop their fans from doing the same? Actively prohibiting their fanbase from just goofing off with each other? What a bunch of fags.
>You can only discuss the show!! >:(
In all seriousness, beyond inflating the channel's ego with sycophantic praise, what is there to fucking discuss? I am genuinely at a loss. When they're not tonguing the assholes of the OnePlays crew, how do these people actually interact? Thought Chris was better than this.
> how is the exact same crash image and WOAH memes over and over and over and over is somehow the height of comedy and valuable videogame discussion?
it's not because it's ironic and it takes no thought effort at all
but having such a short ammount of text that's objectively wrong saved on your desktop that you value because you can't come up with anything better is the pinnacle of autism if you ask me
also noone will engage in an argument against you to prove it wrong because noone is gonna take the time to link every single one of their videos like retards while eplaining in detail why it's wrong
noone is gonna waste their time on it like autists and that's why you have the luxury of this little "if noone proves me wrong it means im right" bubble
it's as simple as go watch the videos and focus on things other than what you want to.
i even feel like a retard for replying so i guess i kinda am one, but be glad because it's the most you're gonna get , everyone else just doesn't care as much as you do fag.
If a thread about Messi or Lebron James is Sup Forums then a thread about lets players is Sup Forums
So I saw in the comments today
Donald Trump
Haha, brilliant.
Bugged arm mechanics