What's missing?

what's missing?


Visual Novels


>do I fit in yet


what the literal fuck

witcher 3
am I enough of a shitty ass contrarian for you now, Sup Forums?

Bitch, Gumball and Cinema Sins are great.

What's wrong with current-day YMS?



an open Sup Forums tab

OP, post your steam installed library and see your shit taste in games.

my boy nintendofanFTW did nothing wrong

did you JUST buy everything every time there was a flash sale? Like, there's decent titles, but they're all the "critics choice collection".

Variety is the spice of life, user.

>what's missing?
your neurons

Your dignity.

You got me on the flash sales, I'm a sucker for those. I've got quite a few not installed too, any suggestions for variety? I've been looking for something new to sink my time into, which is partially why I get the flash sales, just hoping something will catch me off guard and really like it.





Replace FNaF with Overwatch.

Die degenerate barneyfag
You don't belong on this board!

witcher 3

Where is the "lmao yes I am a 4channer" pic I saw a few days ago?

Guess he made it big enough to warrant being on the list.

most of the stuff on that list was never funny t/b/h

the original FNaF games take at least of bit of pattern recognition, timing, and persistence

fucking too many dogs

Needs Minecraft and Overwatch.
Also its amazing that Roblox somehow doesn't deserve to be on here.

>anything i don't like is for 16 year olds the picture