>switch has sold 4,7 million
>it's sold out worldwide oh my good better pre-order now to play mario in time for christmas
>artificial scarcity!!!
Meanwhile, here in Germany...
Is Nintendo lying to us Sup Forums?
>switch has sold 4,7 million
>it's sold out worldwide oh my good better pre-order now to play mario in time for christmas
>artificial scarcity!!!
Meanwhile, here in Germany...
Is Nintendo lying to us Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
It is sold out in America and Japan.
Here in europe, it isn't. I don't think anyone at Nintendo ever said it was sold out worldwide.
Besides, we european are mostly sony dicksuckers, it can't be helped. Glad I came out of that shitty phase of my life though.
Videogames are still halal in Germanistan?
>buying a switch
>sold out in burger land
Lol no. The out of stock meme is over bro.
meanwhile, how long are those switches sitting there? Hours, I bet.
Its almost like nintendo shipped new ones for the release of their new game
Nah I go to that store at least once a week and there's always loads of Switches standing around. Most electronics shop don't even have Switch games on display. And mind you this is a big electronics store in one of Germany's largest cities.
Its only sold out in big cities in the US. Where I live I've seen Switches on store shelves consistently in the last few weeks. The scalpers aren't able to sell them for the markup they want anymore and there's still a bunch of systems unsold on craigslist locally.
i dont know in which bumfuck valley you live but in most of the neighbour cities next to me the switch is sold out.
Whats the battery on this.
Oh so the same switches sir there for weeks unsold??? Damn.
depends what you're playing, but mine gets about 5.5 hours gaming. 8 hours web browsing.
congrats on finding a switch. did you also find third party support?
Of course. Do you think they get new Switches every week? No, they sit there until they get sold, which can take a while.
That's not true. Why do people make this shit up
>Intel graphics
Maybe when there's an AMD version using the RadV driver.
Scalpers sell switches on eBay every minute of every day for marked up prices.
Lie elsewhere
as far as i know most places are selling bundles like in this pic you just have to order them
>The absolute sorry state of sonysandniggers getting BTFO ITT
Aren't every single one of you in crippling debt?
>Saturn and not Media Markt
Always liked Media Markt more, even though they are owned by the same group.
nice try
Oh sure, it's not perfect right now, but honestly it's a great device. I got one because I don't think there will be anything better for at least a few years.
Literally "works on my machine" argument.
If I was an Europoor (which I'm thankfully not), I would buy all of those and scalp them on eBay.
You must be 18 to post on Sup Forums
does it get ridiculously hot
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
You don't shit about Nintendo in Europe. You might as well refer to consoles as FIFA machines.
You're thinking of greece/portugal/pooland
Also here is sony-country for mature gamers only who want to play amazing games on their PS4 like:
FIFA 13 (60€)
FIFA 14 (60€)
FIFA 15 (60€)
FIFA 16 (70€)
FIFA 17 (70€)
FIFA 18 (70€)
FIFA 18 (Halal-Edition) (£70)
FIFA 19 (70€)
And don't forget other innovative games like CoD, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, Titanfall, Farcry
3million of those sales are scalpers just boosting nintendo's numbers for a quick buck
Nah. It feels warm sometimes after a few hours of a more intensive game, but it doesn't ever get high enough to affect the game or anything.
For the 5oth fucking time you MONGOLOIDS
>breath of the wild is a DUEL RELEASE THEREFORE it is EXCLUSIVE to switch
Understand now?
Nintendo always had trouble getting sales in Europe.
Everyone knows eurotrash have shit taste in video games and only play their shitty soccer games.
>mature gamers
Stop posting this lie.
>mfw saw lots of posts during Ramadan from yurosandniggers playinfg FIFA with their little suice bomber terrorist nieces and nephews
And now those 3 million systems are sitting online largely unsold because the systems are available in retail stores in many places.
The Scalpers can't afford to go out and buy more systems when you don't buy from them.
Hey man, shit on CoD and Battlefield, but leave Titanfall out of the mix.
3 extra banana flavored dog rectums have been deposited into your cage! Good job, Xing Dingding!
You are right and they actually planned it that way. Media Markt is supposed to be the number 1 electronic shop, while Saturn is supposed to be the number 2, the underdog. Their marketing teams basically work together to push that. That is how it was 5-6 years ago, I don't know if that's still the case, but it probably is.
Wow I see like 20 consoles that can be satisfy all American shortages.
It's sold 4.7 million since launch. 1.94 million in the 3 months after March. That's a pretty big drop on a month by month basis from the 2.69 million sold in March. It's what? 650k each month?
That's a massive drop, less than 1/4 of the initial month.
Compared to the PS4's near 1.5 million each month in the same time frame?
Sorry, but "scarcity" can't account for that. Not when scalpers are buying them up by the truckload and we have tons up for sale here in Europe.
The Switch is made in China. The same city as the GPD win, in fact.
>I saw some Switch consoles in that one place in that one country!
>Woah guys it totally means Nintendo is lying to us!
Nice try. We can see that those are Splatoon bundles which literally just came out.
You probably went there at 8am in the morning and instantly took a pic to shitpost on Sup Forums
Good job.
This post is absolute stupidity.
Many Nintendrónes are really worried that their plastic toy won't sell
OP is lying. He just took a pic a couple of hours after a new batch of Switches arrived at the store. Those things still sell out really fast. I had problems getting one in time for my sister's b-day. it's even worse for grey (and even red and blue) joy cons. Only the ugly yellow ones are easily available.
I still can't get one in Missouri.
I went there yesterday and Splatoon has been out since like what? Two weeks?
That's literally false.
Video game sales denote a decent number of scalpers.
Based on Zelda sales alone we know 3.92 million copies have sold. So give or take a few, that means only 700,000 switches were bought without zelda
>their plastic toy won't sell
All consoles are toys you retarded fuckwit.
no one gives a shit about europe
all you have to do is put fifa on a console or put the sony brand on it and they will eat it up. they also only buy casual shit like cod and ubisoft games
Not even one week.
Kill yourself you shitposting trash. Eradicate yourself from existence at once.
I think a part of that has to do with the price. It's sold for 330 € here, which is more expencive than buying a ps4 or a bone.
How much does Nintendo pay you for shilling?
>Math is stupid
t. buttmad Nintendophile who doesn't like facts and numbers
Splatoon came out Friday, so, 5 days ago. And half that pallet is gone.
Half the pallet is filled with Xbones. It's literally the $5 bin just for consoles.
>cat in the hat is a kid's book
Absolute cancer.
>It's sold 4.7 million since launch
>$5 bin
>they cost 329€ which is what they cost at launch as well
>1 hour after you took that pic in the morning they were all gone
wow makes me think dude
What the fuck is this and where do I get one?
>Not when scalpers are buying them up by the truckload and we have tons up for sale here in Europe.
The absolute state of your stupidity. Also, as usual in console war bullshit threads, don't forget to avoid any source possible for those monthly PS4 sales.
It's a gaming PC, size of a DS
get one on ebay or something, I dunno
Do you need a diaper change or something?
I'm not sure what makes a Nintendo console different from a regular console.
Eat a dick. Most of the faggots I hear on multiplat voice chat are cancerous kids who make my ears bleed.
And a recent poll showed most people who play Nintendo consoles are in their mid 20's
Time to fucking read it again toddler.
Quick reminder that pro-sony posters are very likely underage kids, who can't afford a high-end PC or other consoles and went with a PS4 so they could play GTA with their friends from school
It is available in all stores nationwide you shill. You could walk into 90% of the electronic stores right now and buy it.
Wow Nintendo is doomed, a bundle they released a few days ago can actually be bought by people
>Eat a dick.
>when i'm on multiplayer chat
>a recent poll showed
I don't think you're fully-equipped to have a mature conversation anyway
Can't you just enjoy what you enjoy and allow others to enjoy what they enjoy?
You are on Sup Forums I think you know the answer.
I love how you failed to refute anything I just said.
Those are empty boxes for display purposes only
If you tried to buy one you would see they're sold out
Nothing wrong with that, not everybody can spend 2k on a pc just to play league of legends you cuck
Why would you put empty boxes in a store? Makes no sense
Maybe you should read the actual press release by Nintendo and not the 2nd hand reiteration by some random journalist schmuck
470 x 10000 = what?
what about Those empty too?
As someone who doesn't own a pc and doesn't have the money to afford a decent one why the fuck would I choose a switch over the other two shitty consoles? The other two have
>THIRD PARTY SUPPORT which is a very big factor when choosing a console
>hardware that isn't as out dated as the switch
>a healthy choice of about 3-4 years worth of exclusives on both sides
Why should I choose switch? It's underpowered and will miss out on MANY third party games that the Xbox one and ps4 will both get.
Hey, it's you again
Germans are afraid the rapefugee will see thier system meant for children and try to recruit them into isis as a child soldier.
Maybe you should read it too. Nintendo has no info on actual sales reports, only shipments you moron.
I don't think so. They have those theft protection things around them.
Germany became irrelevant since Merkel, you cant even defend your own culture and people
Get a job and buy a decent pc, it's cheaper than consoles anyways
These are software sales you gigantic moron. There are no hardware sales only shipments on this one.
Not sold out in Finland either.
But then again the only game that sells consistently well here is the yearly NHL on PS3/4.
Nintendo not that popular here because you can't get the latest stick waggling game for it.
>neon joycons
The core audience for this is people like Randy Pitchfork.
Can you read what you yourself posted? Try to read it. Use your fucking brain. Use it for once in your life. Once again read your post, focus on the "PS4 sold 1,5 million each month" part, then try to focus in any way on what you yourself posted, look at PS4's monthly sales. And then either punch your stupid face or admit you fucked up saying PS4 was selling 1,5 million consoles, and the source you provided shows ~200 - 300k.
>muh sales
No, no, I really didn't bother.