Only 100k net worth

>only 100k net worth

I feel sorry for him. He basically fathered the "angry gamer / reviewer" genre of videos yet has barely profited from it. It especially sucks when you consider he didn't even want to spend much time on the character. He wanted to be a real filmmaker.

100k is pretty good desu. No one thought he was a rich pewdiepie celeb but he clearly makes enough to live quite comfortably. It really tends to depend where you live. 100k seems to get him far where he lives but in say, Hawaii or California, that's below poverty line.

>Hawaii or California, that's below poverty line.
Except that's wrong

What's your net worth? Not your parent's, yours.

>100k liquid
>Has a house, wife and no debt
I'm envious as fuck

i don't have a lot of liquid assets.
except in my pants.


What do you mean he's barely profited from it? He does it for a living.

You can't make your living doing something you love to do and then say you didn't profit from it because you aren't a statistical anomaly like pewdiepie

Oh my god who the hell cares?

He took too long to make the jump to youtube.

He stuck with that other shitty that failed to figure out how to make money off of their videos. james didn't even have to be on the youtube train early. had he made the jump even 5 years ago he'd be gold. but he stuck with refused to make the jump until only very recently.

He barely profited from it relative to people who got popular after him a decade later. People are unaware or forget here he was like the most subscribed to channel on Youtube at one point.

And yea, he doesn't love it. He does it because nothing else he did blew up.

living in Jersey is fucking expensive

god, i got extremely lucky finding an scene on his videos that made me die of laugh. His videos are extremely long and boring, theres just a few peices that make you laugh.

Otherwise hes a good actor, original i think

Net worth isn't liquid assets, you mong.


Why? I've never heard a single good thing about Jersey. The only positive association I have with it is The Sopranos.

le family gui referense xd

Jesus christ I've accrued 6x that much in the past 5 years.

Except it isn't? You need to make well over 100k to live comfortably in those states. Please don't talk about things you are uneducated on, midwesterner.

>He basically fathered the "angry gamer / reviewer" genre of videos

This is not a good thing.

he could easily get 200k for his collection

>The only positive association I have with it is The Sopranos.

James is a little bit retarded. His friends take care of him.

What do you think poverty means?

what's....what's wrong with his hair???

Fuck off Mike I seriously can't stand you. You make your own threads here and /vr/, you spread that "Mike has a big dick" meme, you started the "James is a cuck" meme, you're probably the one who posted that false story about his autistic tendencies and I know you make fresh accounts to fellate yourself on Cinemassacre videos.

No matter how hard you try, people will always like James more than you. The legacy is his, not yours.

These net worth websites are generally wrong.

>Please don't talk about things you are uneducated on, midwesterner

A funny thing for a retard who doesn't know the difference between Net Worth and income to be saying

I don't know about his new ones but his old videos were comfy as fuck.

Also his review of the Ninja Turtles movie is a classic.

>100k for playing video games and making ass jokes

That would be fine by me.


This really highlights that being an internet celebrity doesn't always yield big bucks, despite having a large following. A net worth of $100k is achievable for just about anybody, so it's kind of pitiable that he's basically just a common man after all the work he put into his series.

This is exactly what people mean by "e-celeb shitposting that has nothing to do with videogames". Why is this thread even here? Take it to >>>/b> or or whatever.

It's sad to see people give him shit. I like the guy. He is cool.
