>mentor is the final boss
oh wow never saw that coming
>mentor is the final boss
oh wow never saw that coming
>OP cant stop sucking dicks
oh wow never saw that coming
Moon Presence is the final Boss, faggot.
Orphan of Kos is the true final Boss though.
>"Final" boss
>You can choose to not fight him
So E.Y.E. thread?
>moon presence
literally who?
>He never got the true ending
it really wasnt hard to get 3 umbilical chords
Nah, the final boss is a superior lifeform that lives on the moon in a pocket dimension that you visit to level up and store stuff, that your mentor protects, and the way that you summon it is to eat pieces of umbilical cords that you find throughout the game.
No, Ninja Gaiden.
He only tells you to kill beats and to use his doll
This is so hard can't even get past the first real boss. I beat cleric no problem ;_;
hit L2 to win
>tfw this is the kind of shit "that kid" would tell you in school
>it's real
Parry and music box help also iff you have the souls for it buy some fire bombs a serrated weapon is also recommended
Don't try to dodge backwards his attacks are designed to lunge and get you when you try. If you think you can heal when he's charging up an attack it will hit you 90% of the time. Either through a combo, or a lunge.
Follow that and you should be able to get him.
I do kinda wish TOH was implemented in a way to make it canonically the last nightmare the Hunter goes through. Orphan feels like the finale that Moony should have been.
So I finally beat Gehrman and had Moon Presence down to half health before losing, piss easy so far just need to get back in again and beat it. Was wondering though:
>will I have to fight gehrman again?
>why does the MP recoil when it tries to pick up your hunter?
I'm going to honest. I've spent all day trying to beat orphan. I got phase 1 down but his second phase is pretty intense for me. Can anyone give me some tips other than git gud
I got a moon presence right here for ya stud
You don't have to fight Gehrman again
I assume he freaks out because you have become as strong, or similar to it in some way. So he tries to fuck you over with his space powers, but it doesn't work because you have "ascended" or are at least beginning to.
>guy just sits around all day and rattles off an obscure objective or two
I just started playing Bloodborne. I definitely saw this shit coming. Not even a surprise in the least.
thats cool. and thats pretty cool too. thanks.
>Not realizing Mergo's wet nurse is the last boss
Know, but knowing you need to use them wasn't so obvious, given all the trash they give you in the game
How is Gherman a mentor? The most he does to help is say "go kill some beasts lmao". The fucking messengers were a way better mentor since they're the ones actively helping you and explaining shit.
>Tonight... Gehrmans joins the hunt!
I don't care if it's cliche, it was hype as fuck.
Well when you think about it Gehrman being the final boss makes sense. Bloodborne as a whole revolves around the Healing Church hiding all the dirty shit they do and did. Gehrman, who was once employed by at least Laurence, tells you not to think about why you're murdering your way through Yharnam. Just keep murdering your way through Yharnam until hopefully the thing you're actually supposed the kill just happens to be in your way. He doesn't seem to want you to know about all that stuff about evolution or Kos forbid buy into it. Matter of fact the best reward he can give you is to make you forget about all the shit you just learned and go back to living your life ignorant of the spooky shit that goes down in Yharnam.
If I was Gehrman I'd be fucking appalled if someone went through all that shit and wasn't begging me to rip those memories from his head. Especially since up until that point every attempt at "evolution" has been a pipe dream that only leads down a shitty shitty tunnel and brings ruin to everyone around the person who tries.
The whole reason you got sent on this quest to begin with was so Moon Presence could get Mergo (or maybe the Wet Nurse) and her Mensis cocksuckers to fuck off forever. When you also start exhibiting Great One levels of insight, the Moon Presence knows it's time to throw down.
Which is kind of ironic actually. All these people pretty much destroyed themselves trying to figure out how to become Great Ones and this outsider walks in and does it in one night on mistake. And Yharnamites HATE outsiders.
Not bragging, but thanks to Sup Forums i got him in my first try without even knowing about the music box. Just learn to parry, that was Sup Forums advice, and it worked wonders for me. He couldn't kill me even in new game +.
What the hunter did to turn into a Great One?
Not of the game. You need to defeat the wet nurse to get to Gehrman or Moon Presence.
All optional though.
thanks for the spoilers, dickhead
i've just started the game the other day
I already knew the guy was a boss though
spoiler your fucking shit dumass
Eat 3 third cords. Which boosted his Insight to absolutely insane levels. Like these cords, within the Bloodborne universe, are the most valuable things in existence if you're trying to become a Great One. At the end of the day Willem was right: Insight is how you ascend properly.
Thing is in reading the descriptions it seems like Great One umbilical cords attract other Great Ones. The one from Mensis attracted Mergo and she's probably the one who elevated their minds to the Mensis Nightmare. Only, besides for Micolash, they couldn't handle it and their brains arrived stillborn. Oops. Then you got the one in the workshop which called the Moon, probably the Moon Presence. Which I bet was Laurence's handiwork and that created the Hunter's Dream. Arianna just had the unfortunate luck of being a Vileblood, which is Oedon's fetish and he ended up space fucking her and impregnated her. I'm not sure if that counts as rape. Fake Iosefka willingly let herself be impregnated which she described as an awful experience.
You know if Willem just started pimping out female members of Bergenwyrth instead of killing fishermen he might have figured out this evolution thing before he became braindead.
from is unnervingly deliberate about design choices, which makes me wonder why they made arianna's baby look just like the children in upper ward. i'm chalking it up to laziness rather than intention in this case
Great Ones are weird. Like we don't really know the rules around them. Like Oedon is formless and speaks only in voices yet he can still fuck a hooker and get her pregnant. Kos is allegedly dead and yet her Orphan can call lightning down to her dead body. And Yharnam has so many Amygdalas haunting it there's no room for them. I guess the children are all generic Great Ones while ones like the Hunter are unique? Who the hell knows.
where did the cords come from? does the term "third cord" imply they are thirds of the same single cord - the one taken from kos's body?
What I want to know is, where the fuck that cord in the Workshop came from?
I mean, we know that something horrible was done to Kos, and that she lost her connection to the Orphan...was that Kos's cord they surgically cut out of her to use to beckon MP and create the Hunter's Dream?
The description implies they are different cords
I think they are a third of a cord to make it obvious you need to gather three.
Willem said it you could only ascend through insight, Laurence said through blood. The Hunter uses both.
They're different
Mergo's Cord: "Every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate. This Cord granted Mensis audience with Mergo, but resulted in the stillbirth of their brains."
This one you get from killing Mergo's Wet Nurse, so it's probably Mergo's
Workshop's Cord: "Every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate. The Third Umbilical Cord precipitated the encounter with the pale moon, which beckoned the hunters and conceived the hunter's dream."
Found in the workshop, probably Kos'
Arianna's Cord: "Every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate, and Oedon, the formless Great One, is no different. To think, it was corrupted blood that began this eldritch liaison."
Comes from Arianna's baby Old one
Iosefka's Cord: "Provost Willem sought the Cord in order to elevate his being and thoughts to those of a Great One, by lining his brain with eyes. The only choice, he knew, if man were to ever match Their greatness."
Comes from Fake Iosefka, but you can only get it if you kill her after Rom's dead, so she might be going through some sort of ascension herself, who knows
rom was probably ascended using a part of kos's cord though, right? actually if you count that, the dream and mensis cords, that seems to account for 1 full cord from kos. the latter 2 parts are retrievable, while the other 2 you can get are seemingly fresh following the blood moon
We don't really know shit about Rom. She's just kinda there. Besides a line from Pappa Micolash there's nothing on her.
Disappointing since she seems so important to the story. How did she ascend? Who was she before? Did mensis, the choir or byrgenwerth had anything to do with it? Why they ascended her?
A patched out description said the Workshop cord that beckoned the Moon Presence came from Cainhurst. The cord that fake Iosephka drops has a description about Willem, so I've always assumed it's the one from the Orphan. It stayed at Byrgenwerth after the Schism, and which fake Iosephka got her hands on somehow.
Well did't Kain (the scholar who would go on to found Cainhurst) steal something from Byrgenwerth? Maybe he stole that cord in the initial idea for the game. But they cut all that Kain shit out so I have no idea.
who tf is Kain
The scholar Alfred mentioned as stealing something from Byrgenwerth. His portrait is in the room where you get the Cainurst dress.
The description suggests the Queen has already had the child of a Great One and the Church acquired the cord, rather than that someone else had the child and Cainhurst took the cord.
Isn't there a Rom-looking thing on the Altar of Despair that Ebrietas is hunched over? It looks exactly like Rom but minus the big fat backside. And it's quite clearly underneath a big hole in the roof.
No idea what the fuck that means though. Does that mean Rom fell to Earth? Or is the hole from Ebrietas? Are they related somehow?
Some theory states that this Rom was Ebrietas cocoon. As in, after a while a Rom would evolve into an Ebrietas like a caterpillar and a butterfly
That sounds like bullshit but I'm willing to believe it.
Wait I thought the Alien dude was the fake Iosefka. The one on the table was the fake? Where does the real one go/what happens to her?
The real one is the alien that drops Iosefka's blood vial.
this confused the fuck out of me at first
>Orphan of Kos
Or some say Kosm
Laurence the first vicar was harder
oh fuck. Thanks
So the fake was some high scholar church lady experimenting on patients basically to test ascending them
Yup. Iosefka was Miyazaki's favorite woman in the game and he specifically made it so there is no way to save her.
I played through the game 3 times before finding the abandoned old workshop.
I'd love at least one more DLC release..anything.
I would kill for anything but its over, user. We got the most amazing console exclusive ever, but its over.
>he didn't even beat the game
I'm fucking dying
altar of despair rom probably is a facsimile and not Roms actual corpse. The legs and body are very different.
Living failures/tower patients are precursors to celestial children right? seemingly church initially sought to contact great ones in water media d/t knowledge from fishing hamlet, whereas the emissary and children are inspired by the revelation that the sky and cosmos are one