Desculpa mano, sopa de macaco qui delicie
Desculpa mano, sopa de macaco qui delicie
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funmy because brazilians cant afford to purchase games. they have to download free mods like sven.
I hate brown people tbqhwy
uma delicia
Uma delícia
isn't piracy legal in brazil tough?
Back in la sopa you go
Is this the uma thread ?
uma delicia
Actually, everything you can think of is not legal in Brazil, is just not enforced. Video Games almost got considered gambling at some point.
Illegal but no one gives a shit, as in most of the civilized world. Only anglos think it's acceptable to go to jail for downloading mp3
Watch and learn, rest of the world.
How does "fast grow" translates into quality games?
All it means is they're getting the same FIFA and other trash everyone already plays translated into Brazilian """""Portuguese""""" and """""Spanish"""""" and shipped there, maybe they fix the prices and make more ads/commercials and that's it.
You're a bit too late, we have already ascended far beyond conventional gaming.
is that something to be proud of? To consume shit?
It doesnt
I hate the spanish translations they re always so cringeworthy i put all the systems i have in english
Oid mortaaaaaales el griiiiito sagraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaado!
>Try Starcraft II
"Hey, this doesn't sound bad!"
>General Warfield's name is translated literally.
Why you do you hate your language/heritage? Have you been consuming English media products so much you have alienated yourself from your background and think your own language is cringeworthy? You're messed up.
Go hear the starfox 64 3D,injustice or overwatch dubs they re awful
Zelda Mexican dub was God tier
Do you know the whole dub/sub debate? It might sound silly to you but some people are very finicky about experiencing media the way it was intended to with the less amount of modifications and adaptations possible.
It just turns out that most of the media that people on Sup Forums would care about only comes in 2 flavors, those being English and Japanese.
He's not a pleb and likes his games in the original language. You already know how much translations from Japanese to English are often fucked up in different ways. It's the same thing.
>tfw HoMM 5 UI had empty spaces in the spanish translation
Thanks a lot Ubisoft
I actually do know a guy called Campos Guerra, so it can be done. Nothing comes close to MtG cards though, this one isn't even that bad it's just that I don't remember any other.
Oh shit, I'm sorry
Sorry por que?
I don't think it's impossible nor that it doesn't sound cool. It's just that school (and life in general) teaches you that names is one of those things you never translate.
Especially when you don't bother to go all the way and translate the entire cast (which, admittedly, in this case would cause a uproar because no one wants to play as Juan Raynor)
sounds like pc mustard race
What kinda of retard doesn't pirate games in hueland
Back then the steam prices were somewhat decent but after our economy was run in the dirt again and the dollar skyrocketed it's now just a waste
>you will never loot a truck filled with vidyagames with your anorexic waifu while bathing in guarana
I don't understand why most people here are focusing on Brazil
Mexicans buy a lots of vidya as well
Carrera Blanca
>Jarl Balgruf
Conde Bolatecho
>although it's the older consoles that remain the most popular. Newzoo has highlighted that the cheaper, older (and easier to pirate) formats are the most successful
Wow it's fucking nothing.
I wish I could nuke every single favela in this goddamn country.
Fucking poorshits making it look like we're africa. They don't deserve their lives.
What does a game made by japs or americans has to do with my heritage?
are you talking about ALL spanish? or just spain/latin america spanish?
it doesnt
on pc, if its not early acess battle royale, its AAA overpriced denuvo garbage
on console, if its not soccer or cod, its dead
south american gaming market is just as bad, and probably worse, than other markets
Why do Mexicans love KOF so much?
They all suck in different ways.
now you are just memeing
im a spic and i prefer mexican-venezuelan-whatever spanish. spaniards just sound incredibly dull to me.
El castellano es horrendo en muchos sentidos la unica vez que me gusto fue cuando doblaron la pelicula deadspace downfall y el señor de los anillos
I'm not memeing. I don't like hearing a white american dude speaking mexican regionalisms. It also bothers me when proper nouns are translated.