Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this


name 5 games where the game changes massively from choice to choice.

>sacrifice chloe
>sacrifice arcadia bay
>sacrifice arcadia bay but no homo
Bet people don't know about the last option because everyone went full lesbian when given the opportunity.

whats with Sup Forums's obsession with 100 endings
the journey is different for everyone

Sup Forums will not defend this
will though

Heavy Rain

Silent Hill 2
True Love
Dead Rising
Shadow of Memories/Destiny
Clock Tower

Wow that was hard - now get on your knees and suck the cock of your new daddy

Butterfly effect the game over here advertised itself as the game to finally do it but it ended up a pile of lies

It's not only about the destination.

None of those drastically change the game.

this game is even worse than LiS in this regard

>Games with 6-8 alternate endings
>T-they d-d-don't c-c-change much...

On your knees, sissy boi.

>what's with Sup Forums's obsession with criticizing video games

>sacrificing EVERYONE for some lesbian drug addict whore

>B-But my lesbians! You're just a dumb faggot if you don't like them.

Fuck I hated Chloe and Max. The only reason I kept playing this game was David, Kate and Frank. Some of the side characters were good as well. I cared more about the pregnant cheerleader and skater dudes then Max, Chloe and finding Rachel.

Denial harder than your sexuality

Picked this up on a whim, played it for about an hour, then sold it. And I rarely ever sell anything I get.

I don't think I missed much.

>people still believe that choices don't matter in TTG series
>this guy exists

>someone provides valid examples
>immediately moves goalposts
Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, fammy

Any non-kinetic VN

>not sacrificing some dead end shittertown for your qtie

adding to these: the witcher 2/3

The problem is that while stuff that happens early in the game DOES affect what happens later, you are often given some kind of way out of it anyway. For example, agreeing with Emily about going to the radio tower, and then giving the flare gun to Matt, will ensure his death. But only if you try to save Emily when the tower is falling.

Or to put it another way: Saving characters is too easy. There's a wide variety of different ways they can die, and it's all dependent on the choices you make, but you'll only see them if you play like a fucking retard. If you have even the smallest semblance of common sense, no one will die.

So your sole idea of a game being changed significantly is its endings?

I wanted you to list games that changed genres or completely altered a story from a sngle choice. Not games with vaguely altered paths and maybe an extra ending/ Most of the shit you listed isn't any better.

They weren't valid.

>they weren't valid
By what arbitrary standard

>So your sole idea of a game being changed significantly is its endings?

What is the OPs image about

Think about it

Think about it really hard

the point is this vn massively advertised your choices matter/choices done right and in the end its no better than a telltale vn.

By what I wanted. I want games that change significantly. None of those change significantly. A significant change would be a completely different story from a choice, or the game turning into an FPS suddenly.

So OP is a retard? Other things change.

Because it only has one ending, yes? Personally I think more than an ending from a tally of choices made matters but that's me. I don't think anyone here is looking for an actual discussion anyways. Just typical Sup Forumsermin shitposting.

>the game turning into an FPS suddenly
You never specified that. That's also fucking retarded.
Stop moving goalposts and just admit your first post was poorly thought-out

> QT
Y are you so desperate she looks like a fucking meth head near my apartment.

>Other things change.

Except the endings - making the rest of the game basically superfluous at that point

I don't understand this
Interactive movie genre literally have only 1 thing to do right with gameplay and they always fail it

Witcher 2
New Vegas
Alpha Protocol
Stanley Parable (this one is kind of cheating)

>other things change
until the ending negates them without ever mentioning them again

> shifting goalposts
Get some sleep your autism is spilling everywhere

Chrono Trigger.

turns out op wasn't wrong and Sup Forums actually is defending this

Yes, and?

No I won't.

It's either the /lis/ general or tumblr at this point.

If you genuinely like Chloe and choose to let the town get destroyed for her you would be doing the world a favour if you just killed yourself.

But if I save Chloe then I obviously don't care much about the world.

>Sup Forums discussing vaguely interactive movies now

What happened?

Then kill yourself.

Hell if you kill her maybe she'd see dear old daddy again. Are you really going to deny letting her see her father again? That's kind of fucked up user.

>you wouldn't sacrifice your everything for your future wife&girlfriend

Also, choices were about 'your loved one' vs 'town'. Max wanted to save her so bad in entire game she was wishing going on road-trip with her,be together with her etc. Look how she was certain while she was ripping the butterfly photo up when you sacrifice the town, but in other ending where you sacrifice her loved one she didn't.
That'd be waste so I saved her

And even in other one she possibly will try to go back in time to save her again since butterfly photo isn't ripped so..

It's hard, user
When you start branching your plot, each branch becomes a separate game in itself, so you either have to cut them short or join them up in an unavoidable, inescapable event to ensure your budget and development time is within limitations


>she doesn't rip the butterfly photo in sacrifice chloe ending
an hour later she'll go back into time to save her again then.

>Sup Forums will defend this

No they won't.

>people who like the game and Chloe hate the ending
>people who hate the game only like killing Chloe but still hate the ending

Only Redditfags (and I'm not memeing now) who sacrificed Chloe like the ending because they are too blind to see all the plotholes and think that the game is a masterpiece of tragic storytelling.

>no homo

If you kissed her:
>"I've never been so glad to see Chloe in my life. The second I saw her blue hair and that beautiful pissed off face I wanted to kiss her again."

if u didn't:
>"I've never been so glad to see Chloe in my life. The second I saw her blue hair and that beautiful pissed off face, I kind of regretted not kissing her when she double dared me. Maybe if she had double dog dared me..."

>her nightmare: her biggest fear is seeing blue haired chick flirting/kissing with other people,and questions if that physical pain in her heart , it's love at the end

Devs confirmed that it's canon so, no need to tell us.

only sacrifice town ending does make sense. the other one may be little more fancy but leaves many plotholes,resets everything,plus Max doesn't want to do it because in entire game she was busy with ignoring the storm and only dedicated herself to save Chloe so there's also that.
and at least Max is more happy in the one where her blue haired obsession is by her side.

will there be sequel though?

devs already said the next one wont have them in it

Don't think they'd be able to put a sequel together. After all the shit Max has been through including a fuck off storm, kinda hard to outdo all that for another season.

Probably why the second game is a prologue through Chloe's eyes instead.

Can I kill them all?

I'm not saying I wouldn't sacrifice a town for a loved one. I'm not going to lie that I would never do such a thing because I honestly don't know if I would. No one really does until put in that position.

But I wouldn't sacrifice a town for Chloe or Max.

Also if Max did go back to save her in the sacrifice Chloe ending then why the fuck would you make that a ending a option? It's a game about making choices, why would you give me a choice then completely invalidate it?

because if they make a sequel for Max and Chloe's story then they will have to find a middle ground for either endings, considering many plot-holes in sac-chloe [also not ripping the butterfly photo up in sac-chloe which was the biggest evidence] then they'd possibly turn it into ''storm was still coming and max saved Chloe again''

> why would you give me a choice then completely invalidate it?
Because if you played LiS this game about consequences and consclucions,characters feelings are same and turns out solid.

>But I wouldn't sacrifice a town for Chloe or Max.
Actually, you ought to put yourself into Max's shoes, and to this story, Chloe's supposed to your loved one. So choices are technically all about ''your loved one'' vs ''town''. And as player, you know Max's obsession towards Chloe and in entire game she wanted to keep her by her side regardless what was happening in background. In the other ending though she was totally reluclantly doing everything 'to save everyone' but by not doing shit but she's got a chance to save her loved one.

>I'm not going to lie that I would never do such a thing because I honestly don't know if I would.
Nigga, of course you would and there's nothing wrong with it.Of fucking course we'd prioritize our loved ones first rather than.

Being a moralfag, and pretending like as if you are a hero, is not even realistic and pretty much chickenshit thing to do.


gayfag detected
>not wanting max to be with her lesbian waifu as she slowly gets chloe to be a better person and get over all the shitty things that happened to her.

I mean the game shows you how she would have been if her dad hadnt died for a reason. Were you just too autistic to understand?