Is Fallout 4 good? How's the enemy variety?

Is Fallout 4 good? How's the enemy variety?

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Raiders. Super Mutants & hounds. Raiders with combat armor. Androids aka Synths. Rats and roaches, giant crabs and scorpions.

Occasionally a Deathclaw, really big super mutant or really big crab. Oh, and ghouls. Don't forget the ghouls. It's decent =)

>It's decent =)
No, it most certainly isn't.

the enemies def improved from 3 and NV

I love this game. Love this is as much as 3 and the originals though not quite as much as New Vegas. Good enemy variety, monsters, mutants and all sorts of raiders abound

the game is fun and if you can't have fun with it it's your own fault faggot. it's not bad it's just different from your precious new vegas

Got a worse wrap than it deserved. it's an ok game. Enemy types aren't all that varied.

Don't believe all the hotheads whose first rpg was new vegas, fallout 4 is a good game overall

Nice try, Todd.
Not an argument.
It deserved worse.
It's terrible shit.

>Bethesda game

Save your money.

I enjoyed it, but the base game is just sort of ok (main story is kind of shitty, and the ending is awful though). Like other Bethesda games of this ilk, you unlock the fun/variety/graphics by modding the shit out of it to your taste. I spent about a month being obsessed with doing nothing but building settlements after modding away the building limitations.

Only good for the gunplay and autistic settlement building. If you looking for good RPG mechanics and story don't buy it.

Fallout 4 with all DLC is a good game. Maybe an OK game.
However, its a fucking awful Fallout game. The narrative, the talking protagonist, etc... all ruin what made previous Fallout games feel special.

No it's boring garbage don't bother

One of the few things this game does right is combat.
Enemy variety is the best of the neo-fallouts by far.
The legendary system also contributes a lot to the fights.

>Nice try, Todd


>Nice try, Todd
>Play NV instead
>Not real RPG!


It's alright.
Not good but certainly not trash.
Then again I have the autism and genuinely enjoy the settlements thing.
If you don't it might take a fair bit of value out of it.
Don't treat it as an RPG but as an action game.
Obviously pirate it.

Consolefags and zenimax's jewishness unfortunately aborted the modding community, so there's not going to be that much actually good content for it.

lmao even normies barely care about fallout 4 anymore

>implying you faggots don't prove it true every time
>implying you faggots didn't create a multitude of I AM SILLY upon the release of FO3 and NV.

[Intelligence] I AM SILLY

what rpg features does fallout4 even have?
I enjoyed it but that's just wrong.
Also the fact that toddposting makes you butthurt is so enjoyable, todd actually likes good games and has pretty good taste, zenimax just happens to have him on a leash.

Fun game, maybe overpriced.

inb4 debunked obsidrone macroimages

It's good with mods. In the base game, there is no weapon variety. Fix that by going through a tiring process of installing weapon mods that incorporate themselves into the level lists.
Enemy variety is alright, but you can make them more interesting with a few gameplay mods.
Graphically, with that 90gb texture pack, it looks okay, but runs like ass. Somehow, texture packs on the nexus tend to look better than it. Honestly, like all of Bethesda's newer titles - I find myself more interested in sifting through the Nexus for good mods.

wtf is your problem fagget

Is there anything legitimately more pathetic than studiowarring?

New Vegas was literally a desert and even that was more fun to explore in than Fallout 4: A Post Nuclear """Role Playing Game"""

Not him, but Toddposting used to be fun until it was driven into the ground like every Sup Forums meme. Now it's just annoying and people will spam it in every thread related to BGS. Sometimes even other games that have nothing to do with BGS.

ask the NV autists, since they're almost always the instigators with a few exception

I think you replied to the wrong user, even though I agree with you on how burnt out toddposting is.

When will this "Not an argument" meme die?

Not him but that guy literally had no argument

or you're just deluded by sawyer's salty cock

When you stop using shitty arguments.
>It's good with mods.
No, not even mods can repair the broken mechanics. Also all the mods out for FO4 don't change the gameplay in any significant way, so it's only good with mods if you spend all day masturbating to 3D models.

Sorry not everybody likes their RPG franchise getting stripped of any RPG elements

Actually the NV autists are mostly self contained, only shitting on things that bethesda does when they're brought up to them.
Whereas for the past week or so some guy who got really buttblasted in a NV thread has been making shitty fallout 3 threads/bait threads.

Generally the bad kind of autism is best when it's contained.

raiders, military larping raiders and either robots or soldiers
ok waifu maker tho

>Actually the NV autists are mostly self contained
>If you make a thread about FO3 it must be bait

You haven't been here very long, have you?

Get it for $15 or less
Ignore all the settlements shit and just explore the map until you get bored, then just fast travel everywhere to complete the main quest. Play on very hard, gimp yourself by not crafting anything and you'll gain some fun out of the game.

Can you show us on the doll where Fallout 4 touched you, user?

Hey princess, daddy is going to have to bend you over an spank you for being such a naughty little girl. Spit out your paci and apologize or I'll withhold your servings of daddy's cummies for tonight.

>How's the enemy variety?

Humans, super mutants, ghouls, robots. One deathclaw.

Just console command a good Power Armor, Laser guns and batteries for the Power Armor so you can "roleplay" as a BoS Paladin.

Don't listen to anybody making it out to be any deeper than a puddle, had to drop it midway because it was so bland.

Don't tease daddy, babygirl. Be my good little kitten and hop on my lap.

Why does this faggot show up in every thread?

No naughty stuffs today, you're being too bratty.

It's alright. Like every other post-Morrowind Bethesda Studios title, it's mostly a platform to make the game in your own image with mods. The enemy variety is OK, not amazing, and as always stealth archery/sniping is the only viable class in the game. Hardcore mode makes the game systems all make a lot more sense, since the base building is only really necessary when you need well-defended, well-supplied settlements to launch your adventures from, and functions like the Vertibird and artillery support are only necessary when you lack fast travel and are trying to siege a well-fortified outdoor position. It's not a perfect game by any means, but it's entertaining and has a decent gameplay loop of quest, loot, build, repeat.

Fallout3 doesn't have the replay value. It also doesn't work out of the box on anything with more than two cores
Sure NV's branching storylines don't really impact the game too much, only change up the ending slides, but autists like that.

I spent about an hour fucking with a retarded autist convinced of really stupid things like sales = quality, that there are no bad games, that money is the only thing that should matter, and a bunch of other shit in a fallout thread.
Then these threads started happening right after that.
His typing style and general diatribe was also similar a biodrone who loves anthony burch, who hates neutral routes, josh sawyer, the witcher, steam refunds, tyranny, PoE, and a bunch of other shit responsible for repeatedly spamming threads over and over and over.
He had been doing it for 2 years, and some of his reposts had hit 100+
A group of autists figured it out and organized to get his threads banned on sight for global 10.

That's nice honey.

FO3 works fine. Get the GOG version.
And while I'm sorry you have an autist on your hands, that shouldn't be justification to shit on FO3fags.
>no replay value


Zombie Humans.
Power Armor Humans.
Roid Humans.
Trash Can Robots.
Flies, mosquitoes, dragonflies, scorpions, crabs, frogs, lobsters, Eldritch Lobsters (DLC) fish (DLC), Chameleons, newts (DLC), worms (DLC), crickets (DLC), Alligators (DLC), Ants (DLC).
VTOL Craft.
One Ayy Lmao.

If you have an itch for exploration and scavenging, Fallout 4 can scratch it fairly well. With mods settlement building can be a fun time sink if you're into it.

That said, it's trash as an rpg, worse than trash as a Fallout, and the writing is beyond awful.

Wow, I love Fallout 4 now! You sure convinced me with your hot as fuck arguments.

haha what the fuck? that stupid post actually convinced you to change your mind. Are you retarded???

I don't know what's worse, people pretending to be rabid bethesda fanboys or idiots like you, trying to ease people into playing this piece of radioactive shit by pretending it's not so bad.

This issue is not with the phrase, but the usage. People don't use it correctly.
>A: This game is not fun. (Subjective)
>B: Really? I think this game is fun. (Subjective)
>A: Not an argument. (Not applicable to the discussion)

You're a fucking idiot and a hypocrite.

For all your talk of "not an argument", you're showing a lot of salt and offering very little reasoning of your own, user. You seem to have a very personal issue with it. Please explain if you want to be taken seriously.

Having trouble with sarcasm, huh? This thread is shitposting central.

Sarcastic yes
No (I'll say yes later)

>>And while I'm sorry you have an autist on your hands, that shouldn't be justification to shit on FO3fags.
If it's spamfag he needs to be tracked down and purged. Again. The rules of Sup Forums are very important and low functioning autists are a cancer not to be ignored.
The similar diatribe, the fact that he only mostly posts images which apparently count as arguments, does really low effort - and not the fun kind - edits of things, etc. as well as the hatred of josh sawyer are strikingly similar.

Comparatively fo3 has much less replay value than NV, it just does.
If only because of some kind of sense of autistic completion obligation to see all the slides.

It's applicable when the best reason to play this game you can muster is "i had fun" without any further explanation.

>muh fun xdd
Not an argument

Personally having no skills or dialogue option completely fucking kills the whole thing

Look, New Vegas is my favorite of the series that I've played, but I still think 4 is worth a buy. It's got decent gunplay, a well-plotted map, and fun base building elements. Yeah, it's not as clever or darkly humorous as NV or the first two, nor is it as complex in its overall narrative, but it's still a good game. Not great, but good.

>you're showing a lot of salt and offering very little reasoning of your own, user.
If you're not even going to try to sell this game properly, I don't have to bring up arguments at all. You can't bring forth any good reasons to play this stool because there aren't any.

I'm glad we're in agreement.

>New Vegas is my favorite of the series that I've played, but I still think 4 is worth a buy.
These are contradictory statements.

I hereby extend an olive branch to you to be my anonymous friend. Do you accept?
>Reddit Meme Quip
>Maybe (Yes)
>No (I'll say yes later)

>I was only pretending to be retarded!
That guy basically shitposted instead of replaying and it made you change your opinion on Fallout 4. You ARE retarded.

There any sex mods for this game yet?

I actually really like what FO4 did with feral ghouls.

Yes but their shit.
The only sex mods available are Loli Lover, Realistic Genitalia, Straight Shota, Incest Marriage, Inflation, Giantess, Realistic Scat and Urine, Wolfycub's Sexy Wear pack and Goddess Futas

I've never given my personal opinion on the game, in fact I've never played Fallout 4 for more than 30 minutes, but why would anyone take the time to write a thought-out reply on why they liked any game when it will only be met with
>lel look at this autist

Or it'll be replied to point by point with
>You liked the music? The music is shit.
>You liked the voice acting? They got bargain bin local losers; they're objectively shit.
>You liked this one particular side quest? Only faggots could enjoy that particular side quest.
>You liked the smooth movement in comparison to New Vegas' jittery engine? Bethseda sucks dick at writing engines, it's shit.

Why bother with that?

barebones as fuck because the script extender is shit and microsoft bought havok which means animations are gonna be hard as shit to suss out

How so? When 4 got announced, I had just tipped the clock on my copy of New Vegas at 700 hours. Yes, I like the game, but I had played it to death. I had done every mission, unlocked every route, seen almost every possible ending combination, spelunked every dungeon, modded it to hell and back, and I was finally burnt out on it. So when 4 came out, I was glad for a change of scenery and some updated gameplay components, even if the RPG aspect had suffered in the move away from Obsidian. I treat it like Far Cry: Post Apocalyptic Town Sim Edition, which was a lot of things I wanted strung together.

But a good number of people hate Sawyer. He kicked off MCA and is a hardcore feminist.

I liked them after a bit of modding. I grabbed some random "zombie apocalypse" mod that replaces the lamer enemies (mainly bugs) with horses of ghouls, and another mod that makes them sound like Clickers from TLoU.

>Straight Shota

You have my attention.

the story is shit, the dialogue options are shit, the factions are shit BUT the gunplay is very very good.


I meant hordes.

Its shit though. It adds animations and poses for SS, shota companions, quests and storylines about getting engaged and married. The animations are very good and it runs flawlessly with other mods installed.

>the gunplay it ok

Fo4 is passably mediocre but you're not allowed to like it because Sup Forums is new vegas central, despite the fact new vegas is equally mediocre, but atleast it has memes-tier writing.

It was a good move, making them a legit threat when made aware of you as opposed to either being boring bullet sponges or goombas. I also appreciate how good locational damage is in 4, making ground-based explosives extremely viable in tight spaces.

Good enemy roster, combat&shooting mechanics make my dick hard. Good graphics.

Literally everything else is subpar to NV.

New Vegas' engine is written by Bethesda you retard. So yes, due to Bethesda coding limitations New Vegas has shitty movement.

You 100% missed the entire point of my post.

>Decisions don't impact the game or the world

Helios One, burying the Brotherhood, Securitron Army, the irradiated farm quest, Ghost Town Gunfight, the NCR raid on NCRCF, Primm's Sheriff, choosing a new Brotherhood Elder, cleaning out Quarry Junction, every dealing with the Great Khans, killing House or Caesar, dealing with the Omertas

Probably a lot more than that, too. Just going by memory.

You wouldn't by chance know where I could go about acquiring these mods, would you? I'm asking for a friend.

But you've summarized the entire argument for everyone to see, everything you ironically greentexted is accurate and by posting what you did you have pretty much conceded that making a "thought out" reason for liking Fallout 4 is a completely indefensible stance to take.

If you have such conviction, you should validate yourself by providing reasons for your strongly anti stance. You sound like an engine of impotent rage.

different user, do you not understand english? you can't prove a negative, that doesn't make coherent sense.

I got you buddy

You are truly beyond retarded. If you gave me a list of your favorite albums, movies, and video games I could come up with "reasons" why they're shit. When in reality, you're just yelling your opinion at someone and have them yell it back. There's nothing grounded in fact, just how you feel about something.

You can't convince me Fallout 4 is a good game. You can't convince me Fallout 4 is a bad game. You can't convince me Fallout 4 is anything other than what I've experienced first hand. It forces you in to a shitty (that's code for I just don't like it) role of a mother or father. It kills off spouse and kidnaps your child that you don't care about, because you've had 10 minutes of in-game cutscenes with them. Then it pops you out in a cul-de-sac where the game's movement is pretty good.

>But you've summarized the entire argument for everyone to see
I didn't summarize an argument. There is no argument. Telling someone why you think something is good is not arguing, it's sharing an opinion. Arguments require a subject that can be discussed objectively. A laundry list of what you like and dislike is

not an argument.

Thank you :)