
Tripp is a gigantic fag and if you enjoy using this literal no skill hero then you too are also a gigantic fag

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you need to stop trippin

Daily reminder that Core and statistics flat out say that only shitters lose to Tripp.

>Enemy team has Tripp
>has 12 kills (everyone else has 1/2)
>has died 0 times
>She's level 8 while everyone else is level 4

>Shits out damage by holding down LMB
>Gains movement speed out of doing so, so you better have a good escape or she will fuck you up
>Has a highly damaging CC ability that counts as mobility at the same time, which gives her GUARANTEED criticals with her LMB for a while afterwards

She's broken as fuck, my man.

Having a character that completely dominate the early ranks isn't a good way to keep new players.

But yeah obviously when the team start knowing the mechanic a lone assassin player will have an harder time doing his job.

Post the one where robot goes "holy shit"

is this worth downloading?

>go up against a 5 stack
>6 games in a row

when the fuck is solo queue? This has been a fucking abysmal 2 hours

I think it's pretty fun, and it's free.

I don't have that one, nor have I seen it before.

How does this game compare to other "MOBAs"?
And is it worth trying out?

So I'm reading the one pastebin for Gigantic ( because I'm about to start playing. I got to this part.

>Your reticle will turn red when you're aiming at an invisible enemy like Tripp, Voden, Ramsay, or Imani.
Does this mean that if you happen to mouse over an invisible enemy, even when you weren't previously engaged in combat with them, it'll let you know they're there? That seems a bit strange.

I saw it yesterday. It's the bot talking to Mozu, and Mozu's hat extends through the panels.

Can't tell you if it's worth, it's all personal opinion.
But seeing how a thread is up about it all the time, safe to say it's good.

I mean, it's free. Try it.

If you're into multiplayer team-based games, yes. If not, no. It's probably a good idea to refer to this guide if you're confused about any mechanics.

Yes that's correct. Also, read this guide, it's made by me also but updated

More action, less strategy, much bigger than usual focus on movement, less depth, less boring filler shit like farming.

It's more fun than average, but not many heroes so far and matchmaking sucks balls atm.

you don't have little minions you send out constantly, instead you have some that more or less serve as towers.

You do shit like kill these, kill enemies and other shit to fill a meter, whichever side fills their meter first gets to attack the enemy guardian. Dealing 3 wounding blows wins. If the enemy team's gauge is pretty full beforehand it'll take more effort to hurt the guardian.

>less strategy
It's got plenty of strategy. It's not on par with Dota levels of strategy, but definitely LoL or Smite levels. The thing is that almost nobody actually communicates, so matches are just unorganized. Whenever ranked mode's added, you'll start seeing actually coordinated matches.

Aim Assist: On or Off?

that option is for controller only

Oh, gotcha.

Just about to install, anything in particular I should know?

It's not very much like doto


It's literally king of the kill-the shooter.
You just take your points and deathball in on groups to take the other teams hill, if you do well enough you shoot their base, if you do shitty you defend your base.

read the past twenty posts

Just check the guys that were just posted, aside from that, feel free to ask here for something in particular.

read the pastebin that was posted if you want to know a bit while installing, also you should probably do tutorial too just so that you know what's going on as opposed to just reading it on paper

I just had one of my best games. We were losing through the first part pretty badly, and then in the clash we managed to pull our shit together and somehow win.