What is the most violent video game?
What is the most violent video game?
Probably Kirby's Avalanche.
I would love to see a game that actually is so violent that you even feel sorry/ feel the (metaphorically) pain of the thing that youre basically killing.
Doom is satisfying, but doesnt actually give the feeling im searching for
Prototype feels more like im hitting sandbags than anything else
Manhunt, SoF 1/2/3
Somewhat related but has someone that chart of "best games to kill women in" ? I lost the pic.
I recently played Soldier of Fortune 2, that's a neat thing.
You kill thousands of people in dynasty warriors games
Killing Floor 2, DOOM 2016, Shadow Warrior remake (avoid the second one), Soldier of Fortune if you don't mind older games.
God of War
Ethnic Cleansing
Dr Rabbits World Tour
How's SoF3?
If you're measuring violence by number of people killed, It's probably some space 4X game.
Kinda bad but the violence is boner inducing
Dwarf fortress.
That's a far point
Fair* phone posting has fucked me yet again
I know it's not as violent but i remember feeling like that for the poor bastards i killed with couched lance in M&B Warband. That slashing sound combined with the fact that couched lance always insta-kill made me feel bad about it.
According to Australia, the Atelier series.
metal gear rising revengeance is bretty gud, not the most violent one tho
i saw gameplay of a recent warhammer game, looked like gears of war plus 50% more gore
no idea what it's called but it might be the most violent game i've seen
hotline miami
It's retarded. Handguns blow heads clean off.
>I would love to see a game that actually is so violent that you even feel sorry/ feel the (metaphorically) pain of the thing that youre basically killing.
There was a game that modeled actual killing in a realistic way back in the early 2000s.
Got banned in a lot of places and where it wasn't banned, it was a pretty big flop.
People want to shoot virtual guns at virtual people, they don't want to hear the painful dying, choking on blood, the begging for life, bleeding out, blood pools you actually see and audibly step in...
Virtually all video games only ever include cartoon violence, because real violence is nasty.
Heck, just try posting a video of a guy who gets hit in the head and you'll get banned for gore and most likely trigger a bunch of Sup Forumsirgins. Post a guy getting gibbed in Battlefield and it's downright comedy.
For some reason I remember Condemned as making the violence feel very real (haven't played it since release). The hobo fights with lead pipes handled by an amateur fighter gave me more memories than the various genocidal bloodbaths in other games.
spess mehreen? its 1000x better than gears of war
Is that why people don't like the death screams in RO and RS? Because in pretty sure people like when games have realistic death screams.
Soldier of fortune? I remember you could shoot of limbs, and cave in faces if you shot them enough. That shit was awesome.
Bulletstorm has some shit that made me wince, like shooting a drill projectile up someone's ass, making shit and blood geyser everywhere
Liveleak proves that posting random violent stuff will get you millions of views, even semi-boring stuff like a Chinese worker being milled into kebab by an industrial lathe. It may not make the blockbuster of the decade but there is definitely a non-negligible market.
webm game?
I spoonfeed in the filename on every single of my webms dumboi.
Is it really as messy as that webm? I always thought a headshot was... cleaner.
>hotline miami 2 verboten because 16 bit conflict is too much for grown men
If you shoot multiple times with a revolver its not going to be clean.
>People want to shoot virtual guns at virtual people, they don't want to hear the painful dying, choking on blood, the begging for life, bleeding out, blood pools you actually see and audibly step in...
I don't know man RO2 had some of those things and it was pretty cool.
oh yeah i think manhunt 2 takes the cake
only game where i was genuinely disturbed by some of the kills
Probably this fucking thing
Violence comes in many forms. If you mean blood and gore type, then Brutal Doom is the first thing i can think of. Merciless killing? Hatred. The emphasis on how painful it is? Darkness, maybe Mortal Combat.
Violence doesn't really get an impact without humanizing it. Comparatively there isn't really that much blood and gore in Red Orchestra, but hearing shot enemies and teammates scream and cry for their mothers is real uncomfortable.
Depends on the caliber of the bullet. If you get shot in the head with a .22 it will be relatively clean. If you get shot with a .50 cal or a 12 gauge you're gonna see a lot of gore.
I remember accidentally downloading shotgun suicide pictures on kazaa when I was a teenager looking for hentai. It's gruesome.
Woah hey, so that's the game where all those .webms came from, I'm gonna have to play it.
Thanks user.
>can wear a bloody emu corpse to hunt kangaroos
>cant wear a virtual pig mask to hunt gamemaker assets
if we're talking realistic violence, then The Last of Us. Its messy, awkward and brutal.
if we're just talking the amount of blood and guts splatter, then DOOM 4 i guess.
Depends on what you want, violence as in gore, I think that Dead space series or Evil within are most violent.
For violence in terms of impact, like animation and reaction to hits I would have to say something like Red Orchestra, manhunt or Last of us.
It depends whether you mean graphic violence or number of human lives taken.
Like beating a single person to a pulp graphically is pretty violent but for example DEFCON death tolls are in the hundreds of millions but are presented very clinically.
> console babby found Sup Forums: the post
They backpedal immediately on the gore by playing the "it's just cyborgs" card. They even immediately coped out on them being kid brains all along. Really lame.
Video games are a visual medium, so obviously it must show the killing process. Strategies are out of question here, because numbers bring no emotion. Even little units exploding into bloody mist in Starcraft doesn't feel violent, it's still cartoony as hell.
Gotta be this, the sound design in that game is amazing.
Awkward yes, but it doesn't look that messy and brutal to me.
Left 4 dead 2 honestly. I have never seen guts role out of an blown off dick in any other game
RE4 is still fun as shit to play
>they don't want to hear the painful dying, choking on blood, the begging for life, bleeding out, blood pools you actually see and audibly step in
This. Sure, there are some people who like the added realism, but most people don't liek to hear those sounds, just because you realize how sad a violent death is.
I mean, remember this video? youtube.com
Fucking smurfs.
You should specify and say what's the most violent good game. Because if you keep it this broad then it will always be some edgy garbage meme game who's only """""merit""""" is the violence like that Manhunt trash.
Violence for the sake of edgy points and attention was always lame to me, never understood what anyone saw in those games.
Dwarf fortress has an extremely detailed combat system, where you can cause gruesome wounds, such as cutting an enemy's lower body, making their guts spill out, then you can watch your enemy try to walk or crawl away dragging their guts on the floor, you can even cut their guts off and use them as a weapon.
That's true but with that said I get annoyed when killing things doesn't feel good and developers tone down their games for a Teen ESBR rating
It's just for dumb fun, cutting people in half and that kinda stuff is fun, dumb but fun.
Remember when you could shoot peoples heads off in GTA?
Or running them over into a splatter rather than just bumping them into ragdolls?
It might not be the "most violent" but FEAR has the best hit reactions of any fps I've played. Having the enemies jerk violently whenever you hit them, even if its not a killing blow is really excellent.
I think you both missed the point of my post.
Gore can be cool, it has it's place, as mechanical feedback, as horror, etc. Shit like Manhunt had none of that, it was just a plain murder simulator with emphasis on detailed violence for shock value. It was just cheap, like those Saw movies.
You ever hear anyone talk about anything else regarding manhunt? No, because there was nothing else.
Say what you will about gratuitous violence and realism but there's something satisfying about old school blood graphics and death animations
>no reading comprehension
>saves thumbnails
How's the summer vacation? You having fun champ?
The stabbing scene in the movie Zodiac was one of the most disturbing things I've seen compared to all the gore shit in horror/action films
You're right, but those are such isolated and extreme cases.
It's on the same level as putting tits in a game for the sake of having tits, or anything for that matter.
The question is how often do you see it happen? In Metal Gear Rising you could cut people to pieces, but it didn't really have much use in terms of gameplay mechanics other than replenishing your shit, but even that has ways around it.
Well the whole point of Manhunt was that, the shock value. Some people like it other don't.
Fincher is good at shooting violence. So is Steven Spielberg weirdly enough.
What game is this?
>The stabbing scene in the movie Zodiac
I thought i was the only one. By far the most uncomfortable movie scene i have...seen, it was so hard to watch and felt so real.
Any stabbing in anything gets me.
I can almost feel it in my own body when someone gets a knife or a sword plunged into their bodies.
throwing my hat in for bloodborne
Killing floor 2
Mortal kombat. I had a friend think that a video clip from MKX was from a parody on video game violence.
God of war 3 if only for the fucking fingernail scene
I remember having a gore mod installed for STALKER some years ago.Does anyone remember its name?
>picture of Sub-Zero and Nightwolf
What the fuck user.
Dwarf Fortress
What game?
I know that's not just Doom.
Brutal Doom/Project Brutality with a custom HUD maybe.
>I would love to see a game that actually is so violent that you even feel sorry/ feel the (metaphorically) pain of the thing that youre basically killing.
MGS V for sure.
It was one of the few games where I felt genuinely terrible for going all out and killing everyone I came across. Listening to the enemy bleed to death and whimper was unpleasant. It was quite impressive that a game motivated me to fight nonlethally with something other than in-game incentives (although there were plenty of those).
What gaemu? Looks awesome, reminds me of Serious Sam.
Mk is violence is too funny
CSGO joke.
Soldier of Fortune 2
Hatred is just goofy. Its violence is overshadowed by its edginess.
If that game was a person it'd be a school shooter.
>tfw all those teeth and blood fly out in dwarf fortress
looks like turok 1