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And the latest CAD
Hope you're having a great Friday!
I dont even know what game this is.
What is Friday like, time traveler?
Is that really the best he could come up with?
What game is this?
Pyre, only know it because of bottom left corner
July 26, 2017 by Tim
Pyre (PC/PS4) is one of those games that I’ve been really looking forward to, but I’m not quite sure how widespread the awareness of it is. It’s likely many of you have never heard of it, and if that’s the case, I hope if nothing else this comic serves as impetus for your enlightenment on the subject.
Pyre is absolutely stunning. The newest game from the creators of Bastion and Transistor, Pyre is a fantasy adventure wrapped around a magical 3v3 team sport with all of the gorgeous artwork and amazing soundtrack you’d expect from SuperGiant Games. I strongly urge you to check it out; this is one of those cases where every penny of the $20 cover price is worth it, in my opinion.
Also the PA newspost for Shoe Game
Like a baby chick, Gabriel has imprinted on the Switch somehow. The first party roster - a melange of extended re-releases, reimaginings of franchise pillars, sequels, and a game where your arms are violent Slinkies - has already claimed well over two hundred and fifty hours of playtime.
I honestly don’t know how many hours of Has Been Heroes I’ve played. I’ve never looked. More than anything else on Switch, and more than any other game at a minimum. I think I’ve almost reached the end, but I only have a theory as to what that means, because learning its mysterious ways is the game. I can see how that might not be for everybody. It would be like if your dad told you to “succeed” and you said “dad how” and he said “by not failing” and you said “DAD” and he said “you succeed like this: by synchronizing your being with the thumps of the World Drum.”
The device doesn’t feel like a hybrid system. It feels like two consoles, one of which I got for free and don’t use. I still feel like I got the value of the second system - it’s definitely a two-cake scenario, or TCS - but for me, it essentially devoured the 3DS. Ronia is the only one who plays it docked. Gribbly uses it as intended, as a chimaera, which is how he’s able to put up such incredible numbers.
Something odd with the Switch, possibly to do with its fish/fowl nature, is that Gabe will actually hear me out on games. I think this is partially because my recommendations are on point, but it’s also because the time it is available for use is All Times. It’s not some rarefied, home-bound resource he’s got to invest in my flights of fancy. He gave HBH, ARMS, and Splatoon 2 a try on my suggestion, after not really connecting with them initially, and there’s been a hundred hours of play in those alone.
He may not play them the way I would play them, but you know. Baby steps.
(CW)TB out.
He's going to get actually cucked if he keeps that up.
How come the female dog wears clothes but the male ones are naked
I feel angerier at this than I should be
because it's 2017
come up with something better then, maggot
Que grande mafalda
Unless she's going to the beach.
I would legitimately play this.
what's this??
According to their website, the brown dog with the carrot in is also female.
I honestly can't even read these because the "art" makes me so uncomfortable
I want to put that dog outside
welp I guess I'm a furry now. How will I tell my Pastor?
if you niggers are going to post fur at least have it include dicks
Huh, and I thought it was just a faggot.
you should skip to the 3rd one, its honestly the best since the guy in that one molests his cousin
Okay, how about
Jesus fucking Christ I thought it was Fire Emblem
Christ. There was a time when I enjoyed Tycho's wordy, near mastubatory writing style. That was nearly a decade ago.
WTF happened to Penny Arcade over the years? I was a fan since their first days, I even own the first 6 editions of their physical comic series. They don't really get into the meat of games in their comics anymore, they don't even really do humor. It's like they sold their souls for the money they have now.
Also, PAX is a total shit show now.
Where's the joke fuckly
Are we posting furry comics that arouse us?
Pyre even.
First and foremost, it goes without saying, furry trash.
Secondly, words words words
The first couple years of PAX were amazing
Pig-like's art style got pretty shitty
He's totally gonna kill himself.
in other words, sounds right up my alley
>Draw a girl, Call it a guy: The artist
No thanks.
Needs a miscarriage edit.
Are these supposed to be funny?
That one got a smile.
I'd fuck that bitch(male)
yiff in hell
Tsurezure Children is too good for LOL threads.
If his baseball beating comic is of any indication, what do you wanna bet son of Dob was the one taking up the most space?
T A K E A L O O K A T T H A T D I C K !
Last one I can post before I get banned.
Sadpanda Sup Forums1081471/a1d9f030ae/
that salt can't be good for your heart
>the boys are cuter than the girl
>and are just as thick
It was pretty good.
why do you need jokes all the time
Us furry gamers, am I right?
>Not even 2x2
Mudkip wasn't in the game when this comic was made btw.
Just so people don't forget how shitty this comic is.
Also this one.
I remember when I wanted a girl like this but now I feel nothing.
crossovers make me want to kms
Just goes to show it was way ahead of its time.
What, you want some bara shit?
no he wants his boys like he likes his whiskey. 14 years old
48 consecutive hours in MSPaint
she better have a goddamn dick
Eh. Should've been 49 hours desu